Interface IntCacheStream

    • Method Detail

      • filterKeySegments

        IntCacheStream filterKeySegments​(Set<Integer> segments)
        Filters which entries are returned by what segment they are present in. This method can be substantially more efficient than using a regular CacheStream.filter(Predicate) method as this can control what nodes are asked for data and what entries are read from the underlying CacheStore if present.
        Specified by:
        filterKeySegments in interface BaseCacheStream<Integer,​IntStream>
        segments - The segments to use for this stream operation. Any segments not in this set will be ignored.
        a stream with the segments filtered.
      • filterKeys

        IntCacheStream filterKeys​(Set<?> keys)
        Filters which entries are returned by only returning ones that map to the given key. This method will be faster than a regular CacheStream.filter(Predicate) if the filter is holding references to the same keys.
        Specified by:
        filterKeys in interface BaseCacheStream<Integer,​IntStream>
        keys - The keys that this stream will only operate on.
        a stream with the keys filtered.
      • segmentCompletionListener

        IntCacheStream segmentCompletionListener​(BaseCacheStream.SegmentCompletionListener listener)
        Allows registration of a segment completion listener that is notified when a segment has completed processing. If the terminal operator has a short circuit this listener may never be called.

        This method is designed for the sole purpose of use with the CacheStream.iterator() to allow for a user to track completion of segments as they are returned from the iterator. Behavior of other methods is not specified. Please see CacheStream.iterator() for more information.

        Multiple listeners may be registered upon multiple invocations of this method. The ordering of notified listeners is not specified.

        This is only used if this stream did not invoke BaseCacheStream.disableRehashAware() and has no flat map based operations. If this is done no segments will be notified.

        Specified by:
        segmentCompletionListener in interface BaseCacheStream<Integer,​IntStream>
        listener - The listener that will be called back as segments are completed.
        a stream with the listener registered.
      • disableRehashAware

        IntCacheStream disableRehashAware()
        Disables tracking of rehash events that could occur to the underlying cache. If a rehash event occurs while a terminal operation is being performed it is possible for some values that are in the cache to not be found. Note that you will never have an entry duplicated when rehash awareness is disabled, only lost values.

        Most terminal operations will run faster with rehash awareness disabled even without a rehash occuring. However if a rehash occurs with this disabled be prepared to possibly receive only a subset of values.

        Specified by:
        disableRehashAware in interface BaseCacheStream<Integer,​IntStream>
        a stream with rehash awareness disabled.
      • timeout

        IntCacheStream timeout​(long timeout,
                               TimeUnit unit)
        Sets a given time to wait for a remote operation to respond by. This timeout does nothing if the terminal operation does not go remote.

        If a timeout does occur then a TimeoutException is thrown from the terminal operation invoking thread or on the next call to the Iterator or Spliterator.

        Note that if a rehash occurs this timeout value is reset for the subsequent retry if rehash aware is enabled.

        Specified by:
        timeout in interface BaseCacheStream<Integer,​IntStream>
        timeout - the maximum time to wait
        unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
        a stream with the timeout set
      • filter

        default IntCacheStream filter​(SerializableIntPredicate predicate)
        Same as filter(IntPredicate) except that the IntPredicate must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        predicate - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to each element to determine if it should be included
        the new cache int stream
      • map

        default IntCacheStream map​(SerializableIntUnaryOperator mapper)
        Same as map(IntUnaryOperator) except that the IntUnaryOperator must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        the new cache int stream
      • mapToObj

        default <U> CacheStream<U> mapToObj​(SerializableIntFunction<? extends U> mapper)
        Same as mapToObj(IntFunction) except that the IntFunction must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        Type Parameters:
        U - the element type of the new stream
        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        the new cache stream
      • mapToDouble

        default DoubleCacheStream mapToDouble​(SerializableIntToDoubleFunction mapper)
        Same as mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction) except that the IntToIntFunction must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        the new cache double stream
      • mapToLong

        default LongCacheStream mapToLong​(SerializableIntToLongFunction mapper)
        Same as mapToLong(IntToLongFunction) except that the IntToLongFunction must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element
        the new cache long stream
      • flatMap

        default IntCacheStream flatMap​(SerializableIntFunction<? extends IntStream> mapper)
        Same as flatMap(IntFunction) except that the IntFunction must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        mapper - a non-interfering, stateless function to apply to each element which produces a IntStream of new values
        the new cache int stream
      • peek

        default IntCacheStream peek​(SerializableIntConsumer action)
        Same as flatMap(IntFunction) except that the IntFunction must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        action - a non-interfering action to perform on the elements as they are consumed from the stream
        the new cache int stream
      • forEach

        default void forEach​(SerializableIntConsumer action)
        Same as IntStream.forEach(IntConsumer) except that the IntConsumer must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        action - a non-interfering action to perform on the elements
      • forEach

        <K,​V> void forEach​(ObjIntConsumer<Cache<K,​V>> action)
        Same as IntStream.forEach(IntConsumer) except that it takes an ObjIntConsumer that provides access to the underlying Cache that is backing this stream.

        Note that the CacheAware interface is not supported for injection using this method as the cache is provided in the consumer directly.

        Type Parameters:
        K - key type of the cache
        V - value type of the cache
        action - consumer to be ran for each element in the stream
      • forEach

        default <K,​V> void forEach​(SerializableObjIntConsumer<Cache<K,​V>> action)
        Same as forEach(ObjIntConsumer) except that the BiConsumer must also implement Serializable
        Type Parameters:
        K - key type of the cache
        V - value type of the cache
        action - consumer to be ran for each element in the stream
      • reduce

        default int reduce​(int identity,
                           SerializableIntBinaryOperator op)
        Same as IntStream.reduce(int, IntBinaryOperator) except that the IntBinaryOperator must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        identity - the identity value for the accumulating function
        op - an associative, non-interfering, stateless function for combining two values
        the result of the reduction
      • reduce

        default OptionalInt reduce​(SerializableIntBinaryOperator op)
        Same as IntStream.reduce(IntBinaryOperator) except that the IntBinaryOperator must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        op - an associative, non-interfering, stateless function for combining two values
        the result of the reduction
      • collect

        default <R> R collect​(SerializableSupplier<R> supplier,
                              SerializableObjIntConsumer<R> accumulator,
                              SerializableBiConsumer<R,​R> combiner)
        Same as IntStream.collect(Supplier, ObjIntConsumer, BiConsumer) except that the arguments must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        Type Parameters:
        R - type of the result
        supplier - a function that creates a new result container. For a parallel execution, this function may be called multiple times and must return a fresh value each time.
        accumulator - an associative, non-interfering, stateless function for incorporating an additional element into a result
        combiner - an associative, non-interfering, stateless function for combining two values, which must be compatible with the accumulator function
        the result of the reduction
      • anyMatch

        default boolean anyMatch​(SerializableIntPredicate predicate)
        Same as IntStream.anyMatch(IntPredicate) except that the IntPredicate must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        predicate - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to elements of this stream
        true if any elements of the stream match the provided predicate, otherwise false
      • allMatch

        default boolean allMatch​(SerializableIntPredicate predicate)
        Same as IntStream.allMatch(IntPredicate) except that the IntPredicate must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        predicate - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to elements of this stream
        true if either all elements of the stream match the provided predicate or the stream is empty, otherwise false
      • noneMatch

        default boolean noneMatch​(SerializableIntPredicate predicate)
        Same as IntStream.noneMatch(IntPredicate) except that the IntPredicate must also implement Serializable

        The compiler will pick this overload for lambda parameters, making them Serializable

        predicate - a non-interfering, stateless predicate to apply to elements of this stream
        true if either no elements of the stream match the provided predicate or the stream is empty, otherwise false