instead. This class will be removed in the future.@Deprecated public class AbstractDelegatingCache<K,V> extends AbstractDelegatingCache<K,V>
Constructor and Description |
AbstractDelegatingCache(Cache<K,V> cache)
addListener, addListener, addListener, clear, clearAsync, containsKey, containsValue, endBatch, entrySet, evict, get, getAdvancedCache, getAsync, getCacheConfiguration, getCacheManager, getDelegate, getListeners, getName, getStatus, getVersion, isEmpty, keySet, put, put, put, putAll, putAll, putAll, putAllAsync, putAllAsync, putAllAsync, putAsync, putAsync, putAsync, putForExternalRead, putForExternalRead, putForExternalRead, putIfAbsent, putIfAbsent, putIfAbsent, putIfAbsentAsync, putIfAbsentAsync, putIfAbsentAsync, remove, remove, removeAsync, removeAsync, removeListener, replace, replace, replace, replace, replace, replace, replaceAsync, replaceAsync, replaceAsync, replaceAsync, replaceAsync, replaceAsync, set, size, start, startBatch, stop, toString, values
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, forEach, getOrDefault, merge, replaceAll
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