Class SubstituteFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class SubstituteFilter
    extends Object
    implements Filter
    A filter which applies a text substitution on the message if the nested filter matches.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubstituteFilter

        public SubstituteFilter​(Pattern pattern,
                                String replacement,
                                boolean replaceAll)
        Construct a new instance.
        pattern - the pattern to match
        replacement - the string replacement
        replaceAll - true if all occurrances should be replaced; false if only the first occurrance
      • SubstituteFilter

        public SubstituteFilter​(String patternString,
                                String replacement,
                                boolean replaceAll)
        Construct a new instance.
        patternString - the pattern to match
        replacement - the string replacement
        replaceAll - true if all occurrances should be replaced; false if only the first occurrance
    • Method Detail

      • isLoggable

        public boolean isLoggable​(LogRecord record)
        Apply the filter to the given log record.

        The format style will always be set to ExtLogRecord.FormatStyle.NO_FORMAT as the formatted message will be the one used in the replacement.

        Specified by:
        isLoggable in interface Filter
        record - the log record to inspect and modify
        true always