Class AbstractConfidentialityHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractConfidentialityHandler

        protected AbstractConfidentialityHandler​(HttpHandler next)
    • Method Detail

      • isConfidential

        protected boolean isConfidential​(HttpServerExchange exchange)
        Use the HttpServerExchange supplied to check if this request is already 'sufficiently' confidential. Here we say 'sufficiently' as sub-classes can override this and maybe even go so far as querying the actual SSLSession.
        exchange - - The HttpServerExchange for the request being processed.
        true if the request is 'sufficiently' confidential, false otherwise.
      • confidentialityRequired

        protected boolean confidentialityRequired​(HttpServerExchange exchange)
        Use the HttpServerExchange to identify if confidentiality is required. This method currently returns true for all requests, sub-classes can override this to provide a custom check. TODO: we should deprecate this and just use a predicate to decide to execute the handler instead
        exchange - - The HttpServerExchange for the request being processed.
        true if the request requires confidentiality, false otherwise.
      • getRedirectURI

        protected abstract URI getRedirectURI​(HttpServerExchange exchange)
                                       throws URISyntaxException
        All sub-classes are required to provide an implementation of this method, using the HttpServerExchange for the current request return the address to use for a redirect should confidentiality be required and the request not be confidential.
        exchange - - The HttpServerExchange for the request being processed.
        The URI to redirect to.