@MessageLogger(projectCode="WFNAM", length=5) public interface Messages extends BasicLogger
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static final Messages log
@LogMessage(level=TRACE) @Message(value="Service configuration failure loading naming providers") void serviceConfigFailed(@Cause ServiceConfigurationError error)
@LogMessage @Message(id=0, value="WildFly Naming version %s") void greeting(String version)
@Message(id=3, value="Invalid naming provider URI: %s") ConfigurationException invalidProviderUri(@Cause Exception cause, Object providerUri)
@Message(id=4, value="Name \"%s\" is not found") NameNotFoundException nameNotFound(Name name1, @Property(name="resolvedName") Name name)
@Message(id=5, value="Invalid empty name") InvalidNameException invalidEmptyName()
@Message(id=6, value="Cannot modify read-only naming context") NoPermissionException readOnlyContext()
@Message(id=7, value="Invalid URL scheme name \"%s\"") InvalidNameException invalidURLSchemeName(String name)
@Message(id=9, value="Name index %d is out of bounds") IndexOutOfBoundsException nameIndexOutOfBounds(int pos)
@Message(id=10, value="Invalid null name segment at index %d") IllegalArgumentException invalidNullSegment(int index)
@Message(id=11, value="Missing close quote \'%s\' in name \"%s\"") InvalidNameException missingCloseQuote(char quote, String name)
@Message(id=12, value="Unterminated escape sequence in name \"%s\"") InvalidNameException missingEscape(String name)
@Message(id=14, value="Renaming from \"%s\" to \"%s\" across providers is not supported") RenameAcrossNamingProvidersException renameAcrossProviders(Name oldName, Name newName)
@Message(id=15, value="Composite name segment \"%s\" does not refer to a context") NotContextException notContextInCompositeName(String segment)
@LogMessage(level=DEBUG) @Message(id=16, value="Closing context \"%s\" failed") void contextCloseFailed(Context context, @Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=17, value="No JBoss Remoting endpoint has been configured") CommunicationException noRemotingEndpoint()
@Message(id=18, value="Failed to connect to remote host") CommunicationException connectFailed(@Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=19, value="Naming operation interrupted") InterruptedNamingException operationInterrupted()
@Message(id=20, value="Remote naming operation failed") CommunicationException operationFailed(@Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=22, value="The server provided no compatible protocol versions") CommunicationException noCompatibleVersions()
@Message(id=23, value="Received an invalid response from the server") CommunicationException invalidResponse()
@Message(id=24, value="Naming operation not supported") OperationNotSupportedException notSupported()
@LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(id=25, value="org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory is deprecated; new applications should use org.wildfly.naming.client.WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead") void oldContextDeprecated()
@Message(id=26, value="No provider for found for URI: %s") OperationNotSupportedException noProviderForUri(String uri)
@Message(id=29, value="Invalid leading bytes in header") CommunicationException invalidHeader()
@Message(id=31, value="Outcome not understood") IOException outcomeNotUnderstood()
@Message(id=32, value="Peer authentication failed") AuthenticationException authenticationFailed(@Cause AuthenticationException cause)
@Message(id=33, value="Connection sharing not supported") AuthenticationException connectionSharingUnsupported()
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=34, value="Unexpected parameter type - expected: %d received: %d") void unexpectedParameterType(int expected, int actual)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=35, value="Failed to send exception response to client") void failedToSendExceptionResponse(@Cause Throwable cause)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=36, value="Unexpected internal error") void unexpectedError(@Cause Throwable cause)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=37, value="null correlationId so error not sent to client") void nullCorrelationId(@Cause Throwable cause)
@Message(id=38, value="Unrecognized messageId") IOException unrecognizedMessageId()
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=39, value="Unable to send header, closing channel") void failedToSendHeader(@Cause IOException e)
@Message(id=40, value="Unsupported protocol version [ %d ]") IllegalArgumentException unsupportedProtocolVersion(int version)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=41, value="Error determining version selected by client") void failedToDetermineClientVersion(@Cause Throwable t)
@Message(id=42, value="Cannot specify both a callback handler and a username/password for connection") RuntimeException callbackHandlerAndUsernameAndPasswordSpecified()
@Message(id=43, value="Unable to load callback handler class \"%s\"") RuntimeException failedToLoadCallbackHandlerClass(@Cause Exception cause, String callbackHandlerClass)
@Message(id=44, value="Unable to instantiate callback handler instance of type \"%s\"") NamingException failedToInstantiateCallbackHandlerInstance(@Cause Exception cause, String callbackHandlerClass)
@Once @LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(id=49, value="Usage of the legacy \"remote.connections\" property is deprecated; please use javax.naming.Context#PROVIDER_URL instead") void deprecatedProperties()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=51, value="Provider URLs already given via standard mechanism; ignoring legacy property-based connection configuration") void ignoringLegacyProperties()
@Message(id=52, value="Invalid value given for property \"%s\": \"%s\" is not numeric") ConfigurationException invalidNumericProperty(@Cause Throwable e, String propertyName, String resultStr)
@Message(id=53, value="Failed to synthesize a valid provider URL") ConfigurationException invalidProviderGenerated(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=54, value="Ignoring duplicate destination URI \"%s\"") void ignoringDuplicateDestination(URI uri)
@Message(id=55, value="No more destinations are available to attempt the operation (%d blocklisted, %d transiently failed). See suppressed exceptions for details") ExhaustedDestinationsException noMoreDestinations(int blocklisted, int transientlyFailed)
@Message(id=56, value="No more destinations are available to attempt the operation.") ExhaustedDestinationsException noMoreDestinations()
@LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(id=57, value="jboss-naming-client.properties is deprecated; new applications should use org.wildfly.naming.client.WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead") void oldClientPropertyFileDeprecated()
@Message(id=58, value="Exception resolving class %s for unmarshalling; it has either been blocklisted or not allowlisted") InvalidClassException cannotResolveFilteredClass(String clazz)
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