Interface | Description |
AdvancedCacheExpirationWriter<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
AdvancedCacheExpirationWriter.ExpirationPurgeListener<K,V> |
Callback to be notified when an entry is removed by the
AdvancedCacheExpirationWriter.purge(Executor, ExpirationPurgeListener) method. |
AdvancedCacheLoader<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
AdvancedCacheWriter<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
AdvancedCacheWriter.PurgeListener<K> |
Callback to be notified when an entry is removed by the
org.infinispan.persistence.spi.AdvancedCacheWriter.PurgeListener) method. |
AdvancedLoadWriteStore<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
CacheLoader<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
CacheWriter<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
ExternalStore<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
FlagAffectedStore<K,V> |
Implemented by stores that can skip writes based on certain flags present in the invocation.
InitializationContext |
Aggregates the initialisation state needed by either a
CacheLoader or a CacheWriter . |
LocalOnlyCacheLoader | Deprecated
since 11.0.
MarshallableEntry<K,V> |
Defines an externally persisted entry.
MarshallableEntryFactory<K,V> |
Factory for
MarshallableEntry . |
MarshalledValue |
A marshallable object containing serialized representations of cache values and metadata, that can be used to store
values, metadata and timestamps as a single entity.
NonBlockingStore<K,V> |
The contract for defining how caches interface with external sources of data, such as databases or filesystems.
NonBlockingStore.SegmentedPublisher<Type> |
A Publisher that provides a stream of values and the segments to which those values map.
SegmentedAdvancedLoadWriteStore<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
TransactionalCacheWriter<K,V> | Deprecated
since 11.0 replaced by
NonBlockingStore |
Enum | Description |
NonBlockingStore.Characteristic |
Enumeration defining the various characteristics of the underlying store to communicate what features it may
or may not support.
Exception | Description |
PersistenceException |
An exception thrown by a
CacheLoader or a CacheWriter implementation if there are problems
reading from a loader. |
StoreUnavailableException |
An exception thrown by the
PersistenceManager if one or more
stores are unavailable when a cache operation is attempted. |
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