See: Description
Class | Description |
BlockingRejectedExecutionHandler |
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the task if the current thread is a blocking thread otherwise it
rejects the task.
CallerRunsRejectOnShutdownPolicy |
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the rejected task
directly in the calling thread of the
execute method. |
LifecycleRejectedExecutionHandler |
A handler for rejected tasks that always throws a
IllegalLifecycleStateException . |
NonBlockingRejectedExecutionHandler |
A handler for rejected tasks that runs the task if the current thread is a non blocking thread otherwise it
blocks until the task can be added to the underlying queue
NonReentrantLock |
A simplistic non-reentrant lock that does not use ownership by thread.
StripedCounters<T> |
Duplicates a set of counters in a set of stripes, so that multiple threads can increment those counters without too
much contention.
Exception | Description |
CacheBackpressureFullException |
CacheException that is thrown when the backpressure has been filled an unable to process the request. |
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