Class | Description |
InternalBindingKey |
Class InternalBindingKey implements the necessary wrapper code
around the org.omg.CosNaming::NameComponent class to implement the proper
equals() method and the hashCode() method for use in a hash table.
InternalBindingValue |
Class InternalBindingKey acts as a container for two objects, namely
a org.omg.CosNaming::Binding and an CORBA object reference, which are the two
components associated with the binding.
NameServer |
Class NameServer is a standalone application which
implements a persistent and a transient name service.
NameService | |
NamingContextImpl |
Class NamingContextImpl implements the org.omg.CosNaming::NamingContext and
NamingContextExt interface.
PersistentBindingIterator |
Class TransientBindingIterator implements the abstract methods
defined by BindingIteratorImpl, to use with the TransientNamingContext
implementation of the NamingContextImpl.
ServantManagerImpl |
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