
Element tns:onCompletionDefinition / tns:onWhen
Type tns:whenDefinition
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children tns:aggregate, tns:aop, tns:bean, tns:choice, tns:constant, tns:convertBodyTo, tns:delay, tns:description, tns:doCatch, tns:doFinally, tns:doTry, tns:dynamicRouter, tns:el, tns:enrich, tns:exchangeProperty, tns:expressionDefinition, tns:filter, tns:groovy, tns:header, tns:idempotentConsumer, tns:inOnly, tns:inOut, tns:intercept, tns:interceptFrom, tns:interceptSendToEndpoint, tns:javaScript, tns:jsonpath, tns:jxpath, tns:language, tns:loadBalance, tns:log, tns:loop, tns:marshal, tns:method, tns:multicast, tns:mvel, tns:ognl, tns:onCompletion, tns:onException, tns:otherwise, tns:php, tns:pipeline, tns:policy, tns:pollEnrich, tns:process, tns:python, tns:recipientList, tns:ref, tns:removeHeader, tns:removeHeaders, tns:removeProperties, tns:removeProperty, tns:resequence, tns:restBinding, tns:rollback, tns:route, tns:routingSlip, tns:ruby, tns:sample, tns:script, tns:setBody, tns:setExchangePattern, tns:setFaultBody, tns:setHeader, tns:setOutHeader, tns:setProperty, tns:simple, tns:sort, tns:spel, tns:split, tns:sql, tns:stop, tns:terser, tns:threads, tns:throttle, tns:throwException, tns:to, tns:toD, tns:tokenize, tns:transacted, tns:transform, tns:unmarshal, tns:validate, tns:vtdxml, tns:when, tns:whenSkipSendToEndpoint, tns:wireTap, tns:xpath, tns:xquery, tns:xtokenize
QName Type Use
customId xs:boolean optional
id xs:string optional
inheritErrorHandler xs:boolean optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Complex Type tns:onCompletionDefinition
Type extension of tns:processorDefinition
Type hierarchy
Children tns:aggregate, tns:aop, tns:bean, tns:choice, tns:convertBodyTo, tns:delay, tns:description, tns:doCatch, tns:doFinally, tns:doTry, tns:dynamicRouter, tns:enrich, tns:filter, tns:idempotentConsumer, tns:inOnly, tns:inOut, tns:intercept, tns:interceptFrom, tns:interceptSendToEndpoint, tns:loadBalance, tns:log, tns:loop, tns:marshal, tns:multicast, tns:onCompletion, tns:onException, tns:onWhen, tns:otherwise, tns:pipeline, tns:policy, tns:pollEnrich, tns:process, tns:recipientList, tns:removeHeader, tns:removeHeaders, tns:removeProperties, tns:removeProperty, tns:resequence, tns:restBinding, tns:rollback, tns:route, tns:routingSlip, tns:sample, tns:script, tns:setBody, tns:setExchangePattern, tns:setFaultBody, tns:setHeader, tns:setOutHeader, tns:setProperty, tns:sort, tns:split, tns:stop, tns:threads, tns:throttle, tns:throwException, tns:to, tns:toD, tns:transacted, tns:transform, tns:unmarshal, tns:validate, tns:when, tns:whenSkipSendToEndpoint, tns:wireTap
QName Type Use Annotation
customId xs:boolean optional
executorServiceRef xs:string optional
Refers to a custom Thread Pool to be used for parallel processing. Notice if you
set this option then parallel processing is automatic implied and you do not
have to enable that option as well.
id xs:string optional
Sets the id of this node
inheritErrorHandler xs:boolean optional
mode tns:onCompletionMode optional
Sets the on completion mode. The default value is AfterConsumer
onCompleteOnly xs:boolean optional
Will only synchronize when the org.apache.camel.Exchange completed successfully
(no errors).
onFailureOnly xs:boolean optional
Will only synchronize when the org.apache.camel.Exchange ended with failure
(exception or FAULT message).
parallelProcessing xs:boolean optional
If enabled then the on completion process will run asynchronously by a separate
thread from a thread pool. By default this is false meaning the on completion
process will run synchronously using the same caller thread as from the route.
useOriginalMessage xs:boolean optional
Will use the original input body when an org.apache.camel.Exchange for this on
completion. By default this feature is off.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Attribute tns:onCompletionDefinition / @mode
Namespace No namespace
Type tns:onCompletionMode
content simple
enumeration BeforeConsumer
enumeration AfterConsumer
Attribute tns:onCompletionDefinition / @onCompleteOnly
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:onCompletionDefinition / @onFailureOnly
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:onCompletionDefinition / @parallelProcessing
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:onCompletionDefinition / @executorServiceRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:onCompletionDefinition / @useOriginalMessage
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple