
Complex Type tns:getVerbDefinition
Type extension of tns:verbDefinition
Type hierarchy
Children tns:description, tns:param, tns:responseMessage, tns:route, tns:to, tns:toD
QName Type Use Annotation
apiDocs xs:boolean optional
Whether to include or exclude the VerbDefinition in API documentation. The
default value is true.
bindingMode tns:restBindingMode optional
Sets the binding mode to use. This option will override what may be configured
on a parent level The default value is auto
consumes xs:string optional
To define the content type what the REST service consumes (accept as input) such
as application/xml or application/json. This option will override what may be
configured on a parent level
customId xs:boolean optional
enableCORS xs:boolean optional
Whether to enable CORS headers in the HTTP response. This option will override
what may be configured on a parent level The default value is false.
id xs:string optional
Sets the id of this node
method xs:string optional
The HTTP verb such as GET or POST
outType xs:string optional
Sets the class name to use for binding from POJO to output for the outgoing data
This option will override what may be configured on a parent level
produces xs:string optional
To define the content type what the REST service produces (uses for output) such
as application/xml or application/json This option will override what may be
configured on a parent level
routeId xs:string optional
The route id this rest-dsl is using (read-only)
skipBindingOnErrorCode xs:boolean optional
Whether to skip binding on output if there is a custom HTTP error code header.
This allows to build custom error messages that do not bind to json / xml etc as
success messages otherwise will do. This option will override what may be
configured on a parent level
type xs:string optional
Sets the class name to use for binding from input to POJO for the incoming data
This option will override what may be configured on a parent level
uri xs:string optional
Uri template of this REST service such as /id.