
Complex Type tns:enrichDefinition
Type extension of tns:noOutputExpressionNode
Type hierarchy
Children tns:aggregate, tns:aop, tns:bean, tns:choice, tns:constant, tns:convertBodyTo, tns:delay, tns:description, tns:doCatch, tns:doFinally, tns:doTry, tns:dynamicRouter, tns:el, tns:enrich, tns:exchangeProperty, tns:expressionDefinition, tns:filter, tns:groovy, tns:header, tns:idempotentConsumer, tns:inOnly, tns:inOut, tns:intercept, tns:interceptFrom, tns:interceptSendToEndpoint, tns:javaScript, tns:jsonpath, tns:jxpath, tns:language, tns:loadBalance, tns:log, tns:loop, tns:marshal, tns:method, tns:multicast, tns:mvel, tns:ognl, tns:onCompletion, tns:onException, tns:otherwise, tns:php, tns:pipeline, tns:policy, tns:pollEnrich, tns:process, tns:python, tns:recipientList, tns:ref, tns:removeHeader, tns:removeHeaders, tns:removeProperties, tns:removeProperty, tns:resequence, tns:restBinding, tns:rollback, tns:route, tns:routingSlip, tns:ruby, tns:sample, tns:script, tns:setBody, tns:setExchangePattern, tns:setFaultBody, tns:setHeader, tns:setOutHeader, tns:setProperty, tns:simple, tns:sort, tns:spel, tns:split, tns:sql, tns:stop, tns:terser, tns:threads, tns:throttle, tns:throwException, tns:to, tns:toD, tns:tokenize, tns:transacted, tns:transform, tns:unmarshal, tns:validate, tns:vtdxml, tns:when, tns:whenSkipSendToEndpoint, tns:wireTap, tns:xpath, tns:xquery, tns:xtokenize
QName Type Use Annotation
aggregateOnException xs:boolean optional
If this option is false then the aggregate method is not used if there was an
exception thrown while trying to retrieve the data to enrich from the resource.
Setting this option to true allows end users to control what to do if there was
an exception in the aggregate method. For example to suppress the exception or
set a custom message body etc.
cacheSize xs:int optional
Sets the maximum size used by the org.apache.camel.impl.ProducerCache which is
used to cache and reuse producer when uris are reused.
customId xs:boolean optional
id xs:string optional
Sets the id of this node
ignoreInvalidEndpoint xs:boolean optional
Ignore the invalidate endpoint exception when try to create a producer with that
inheritErrorHandler xs:boolean optional
shareUnitOfWork xs:boolean optional
Shares the org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork with the parent and the resource
exchange. Enrich will by default not share unit of work between the parent
exchange and the resource exchange. This means the resource exchange has its own
individual unit of work.
strategyMethodAllowNull xs:boolean optional
If this option is false then the aggregate method is not used if there was no
data to enrich. If this option is true then null values is used as the
oldExchange (when no data to enrich) when using POJOs as the
strategyMethodName xs:string optional
This option can be used to explicit declare the method name to use when using
POJOs as the AggregationStrategy.
strategyRef xs:string optional
Refers to an AggregationStrategy to be used to merge the reply from the external
service into a single outgoing message. By default Camel will use the reply from
the external service as outgoing message.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @strategyRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @strategyMethodName
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @strategyMethodAllowNull
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @aggregateOnException
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @shareUnitOfWork
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @cacheSize
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:int
content simple
Attribute tns:enrichDefinition / @ignoreInvalidEndpoint
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple