
Element tns:aggregateDefinition / tns:correlationExpression
Type tns:expressionSubElementDefinition
content complex
Children tns:constant, tns:el, tns:exchangeProperty, tns:expressionDefinition, tns:groovy, tns:header, tns:javaScript, tns:jsonpath, tns:jxpath, tns:language, tns:method, tns:mvel, tns:ognl, tns:php, tns:python, tns:ref, tns:ruby, tns:simple, tns:spel, tns:sql, tns:terser, tns:tokenize, tns:vtdxml, tns:xpath, tns:xquery, tns:xtokenize
Element tns:aggregateDefinition / tns:completionPredicate
Type tns:expressionSubElementDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children tns:constant, tns:el, tns:exchangeProperty, tns:expressionDefinition, tns:groovy, tns:header, tns:javaScript, tns:jsonpath, tns:jxpath, tns:language, tns:method, tns:mvel, tns:ognl, tns:php, tns:python, tns:ref, tns:ruby, tns:simple, tns:spel, tns:sql, tns:terser, tns:tokenize, tns:vtdxml, tns:xpath, tns:xquery, tns:xtokenize
Element tns:aggregateDefinition / tns:completionTimeout
Type tns:expressionSubElementDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children tns:constant, tns:el, tns:exchangeProperty, tns:expressionDefinition, tns:groovy, tns:header, tns:javaScript, tns:jsonpath, tns:jxpath, tns:language, tns:method, tns:mvel, tns:ognl, tns:php, tns:python, tns:ref, tns:ruby, tns:simple, tns:spel, tns:sql, tns:terser, tns:tokenize, tns:vtdxml, tns:xpath, tns:xquery, tns:xtokenize
Element tns:aggregateDefinition / tns:completionSize
Type tns:expressionSubElementDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children tns:constant, tns:el, tns:exchangeProperty, tns:expressionDefinition, tns:groovy, tns:header, tns:javaScript, tns:jsonpath, tns:jxpath, tns:language, tns:method, tns:mvel, tns:ognl, tns:php, tns:python, tns:ref, tns:ruby, tns:simple, tns:spel, tns:sql, tns:terser, tns:tokenize, tns:vtdxml, tns:xpath, tns:xquery, tns:xtokenize
Complex Type tns:aggregateDefinition
Type extension of tns:processorDefinition
Type hierarchy
Children tns:aggregate, tns:aop, tns:bean, tns:choice, tns:completionPredicate, tns:completionSize, tns:completionTimeout, tns:convertBodyTo, tns:correlationExpression, tns:delay, tns:description, tns:doCatch, tns:doFinally, tns:doTry, tns:dynamicRouter, tns:enrich, tns:filter, tns:idempotentConsumer, tns:inOnly, tns:inOut, tns:intercept, tns:interceptFrom, tns:interceptSendToEndpoint, tns:loadBalance, tns:log, tns:loop, tns:marshal, tns:multicast, tns:onCompletion, tns:onException, tns:optimisticLockRetryPolicy, tns:otherwise, tns:pipeline, tns:policy, tns:pollEnrich, tns:process, tns:recipientList, tns:removeHeader, tns:removeHeaders, tns:removeProperties, tns:removeProperty, tns:resequence, tns:restBinding, tns:rollback, tns:route, tns:routingSlip, tns:sample, tns:script, tns:setBody, tns:setExchangePattern, tns:setFaultBody, tns:setHeader, tns:setOutHeader, tns:setProperty, tns:sort, tns:split, tns:stop, tns:threads, tns:throttle, tns:throwException, tns:to, tns:toD, tns:transacted, tns:transform, tns:unmarshal, tns:validate, tns:when, tns:whenSkipSendToEndpoint, tns:wireTap
QName Type Use Annotation
aggregateControllerRef xs:string optional
To use a org.apache.camel.processor.aggregate.AggregateController to allow
external sources to control this aggregator.
aggregationRepositoryRef xs:string optional
Sets the custom aggregate repository to use Will by default use
closeCorrelationKeyOnCompletion xs:int optional
Closes a correlation key when its complete. Any late received exchanges which
has a correlation key that has been closed it will be defined and a
ClosedCorrelationKeyException is thrown.
completeAllOnStop xs:boolean optional
Indicates to wait to complete all current and partial (pending) aggregated
exchanges when the context is stopped. This also means that we will wait for all
pending exchanges which are stored in the aggregation repository to complete so
the repository is empty before we can stop. You may want to enable this when
using the memory based aggregation repository that is memory based only and do
not store data on disk. When this option is enabled then the aggregator is
waiting to complete all those exchanges before its stopped when stopping
CamelContext or the route using it.
completionFromBatchConsumer xs:boolean optional
Enables the batch completion mode where we aggregate from a
org.apache.camel.BatchConsumer and aggregate the total number of exchanges the
org.apache.camel.BatchConsumer has reported as total by checking the exchange
property link org.apache.camel.ExchangeBATCH_COMPLETE when its complete.
completionInterval xs:long optional
Sets the completion interval which would cause the aggregate to consider the
group as complete and send out the aggregated exchange.
completionSize xs:int optional
Sets the completion size which is the number of aggregated exchanges which would
cause the aggregate to consider the group as complete and send out the
aggregated exchange.
completionTimeout xs:long optional
Sets the completion timeout which would cause the aggregate to consider the
group as complete and send out the aggregated exchange.
customId xs:boolean optional
discardOnCompletionTimeout xs:boolean optional
Discards the aggregated message on completion timeout. This means on timeout the
aggregated message is dropped and not sent out of the aggregator.
eagerCheckCompletion xs:boolean optional
Use eager completion checking which means that the completionPredicate will use
the incoming Exchange. At opposed to without eager completion checking the
completionPredicate will use the aggregated Exchange.
executorServiceRef xs:string optional
If using parallelProcessing you can specify a custom thread pool to be used. In
fact also if you are not using parallelProcessing this custom thread pool is
used to send out aggregated exchanges as well.
forceCompletionOnStop xs:boolean optional
Indicates to complete all current aggregated exchanges when the context is
groupExchanges xs:boolean optional
Enables grouped exchanges so the aggregator will group all aggregated exchanges
into a single combined Exchange holding all the aggregated exchanges in a
id xs:string optional
Sets the id of this node
ignoreInvalidCorrelationKeys xs:boolean optional
If a correlation key cannot be successfully evaluated it will be ignored by
logging a DEBUG and then just ignore the incoming Exchange.
inheritErrorHandler xs:boolean optional
optimisticLocking xs:boolean optional
Turns on using optimistic locking which requires the aggregationRepository being
used is supporting this by implementing
parallelProcessing xs:boolean optional
When aggregated are completed they are being send out of the aggregator. This
option indicates whether or not Camel should use a thread pool with multiple
threads for concurrency. If no custom thread pool has been specified then Camel
creates a default pool with 10 concurrent threads.
strategyMethodAllowNull xs:boolean optional
If this option is false then the aggregate method is not used for the very first
aggregation. If this option is true then null values is used as the oldExchange
(at the very first aggregation) when using POJOs as the AggregationStrategy.
strategyMethodName xs:string optional
This option can be used to explicit declare the method name to use when using
POJOs as the AggregationStrategy.
strategyRef xs:string optional
A reference to lookup the AggregationStrategy in the Registry. Configuring an
AggregationStrategy is required and is used to merge the incoming Exchange with
the existing already merged exchanges. At first call the oldExchange parameter
is null. On subsequent invocations the oldExchange contains the merged exchanges
and newExchange is of course the new incoming Exchange.
timeoutCheckerExecutorServiceRef xs:string optional
If using either of the completionTimeout completionTimeoutExpression or
completionInterval options a background thread is created to check for the
completion for every aggregator. Set this option to provide a custom thread pool
to be used rather than creating a new thread for every aggregator.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @parallelProcessing
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @optimisticLocking
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @executorServiceRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @timeoutCheckerExecutorServiceRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @aggregationRepositoryRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @strategyRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @strategyMethodName
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @strategyMethodAllowNull
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @completionSize
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:int
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @completionInterval
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:long
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @completionTimeout
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:long
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @completionFromBatchConsumer
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @groupExchanges
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @eagerCheckCompletion
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @ignoreInvalidCorrelationKeys
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @closeCorrelationKeyOnCompletion
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:int
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @discardOnCompletionTimeout
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @forceCompletionOnStop
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @completeAllOnStop
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Attribute tns:aggregateDefinition / @aggregateControllerRef
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple