
Complex Type Treference-list
The Treference-list builds in the characteristics of the
TserviceReference type to define characteristics of the
<reference-list>.  This adds in the characteristics that
only apply to collections of references (e.g., member-type).
Type extension of TserviceReference
Type hierarchy
description{0,1} , reference-listener* , ANY element from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Children description, reference-listener
QName Type Default Use Annotation
activation Tactivation optional
The activation attribute for this component.  This can either
be "eager" or "lazy".  If not specified, it
defaults to default-activation attribute of the enclosing
<blueprint> element.
availability Tavailability optional
Use to control the initial processing of service references at
                            blueprint context startup.  "mandatory" indicates the context
                            should not start unless the service is available within the
                            specified context startup period.  "optional" indicates availability
                            of this service is not a requirement at bundle startup.

                            NOTE:  No default is specified because this can be overridden
                            by the default-availability attribute of the <blueprint> element.
component-name Tidref optional
An optional specifier that can be used to match a service definition
to one created by a specific blueprint component.
depends-on TdependsOn optional
depends-on identifies (by id) other components that this component
depends on.  The component only be activated after the
depends-on components are successfully activated.  Also, if there
are <reference> or <reference-list> elements with unstatisfied
manadatory references, then the depends-on relationship will also
be used to determine whether this service is enabled or not.
filter xsd:normalizedString optional
A filter string used to narrow the search for a matching service
id xsd:ID optional
interface Tclass optional
The interface that the OSGi service must implement and that will be
implemented by the proxy object.
This attribute is optional.
member-type Tservice-use service-object optional
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
Attribute Treference-list / @member-type
Namespace No namespace
Type Tservice-use
default service-object
enumeration service-object
enumeration service-reference