All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
String |
alreadyCanceled() |
protected String |
alreadyCanceled$str() |
String |
alreadyDone() |
protected String |
alreadyDone$str() |
String |
alreadySuspended() |
protected String |
alreadySuspended$str() |
String |
alwaysMarkedAtIndex0() |
protected String |
alwaysMarkedAtIndex0$str() |
String |
ambiguousInheritedAnnotations(Method method) |
protected String |
ambiguousInheritedAnnotations$str() |
String |
annotationsParamNull() |
protected String |
annotationsParamNull$str() |
String |
applicationParamNull() |
protected String |
applicationParamNull$str() |
String |
badArguments(String methodName) |
protected String |
badArguments$str() |
String |
badBase64Character(int c,
int pos) |
protected String |
badBase64Character$str() |
String |
base64InputNotProperlyPadded() |
protected String |
base64InputNotProperlyPadded$str() |
String |
base64StringMustHaveFourCharacters(int len) |
protected String |
base64StringMustHaveFourCharacters$str() |
String |
baseURINotSetForClientProxy() |
protected String |
baseURINotSetForClientProxy$str() |
String |
cacheControlMaxAgeHeader(String value) |
protected String |
cacheControlMaxAgeHeader$str() |
String |
cacheControlSMaxAgeHeader(String value) |
protected String |
cacheControlSMaxAgeHeader$str() |
String |
cacheControlValueNull() |
protected String |
cacheControlValueNull$str() |
String |
callbackWasNull() |
protected String |
callbackWasNull$str() |
String |
cancel() |
protected String |
cancel$str() |
String |
cancellingWith503() |
protected String |
cancellingWith503$str() |
String |
cannotConsumeContentType() |
protected String |
cannotConsumeContentType$str() |
String |
cannotDecodeNullSourceArray() |
protected String |
cannotDecodeNullSourceArray$str() |
String |
cannotHaveLengthOffset(int len) |
protected String |
cannotHaveLengthOffset$str() |
String |
cannotHaveNegativeOffset(int off) |
protected String |
cannotHaveNegativeOffset$str() |
String |
cannotHaveOffset(int off,
int len,
int srcLen) |
protected String |
cannotHaveOffset$str() |
String |
cannotInjectAsynchronousResponse() |
protected String |
cannotInjectAsynchronousResponse$str() |
String |
cannotInjectIntoForm() |
protected String |
cannotInjectIntoForm$str() |
String |
cannotSendFormParametersAndEntity() |
protected String |
cannotSendFormParametersAndEntity$str() |
String |
cannotSerializeNullArray() |
protected String |
cannotSerializeNullArray$str() |
String |
cannotSerializeNullObject() |
protected String |
cannotSerializeNullObject$str() |
String |
canOnlySetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle(String className,
String methodName) |
protected String |
canOnlySetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle$str() |
String |
cantSetMethod() |
protected String |
cantSetMethod$str() |
String |
cantSetURI() |
protected String |
cantSetURI$str() |
String |
classIsNotRootResource(String className) |
protected String |
classIsNotRootResource$str() |
String |
classMustBeAnnotatedWithPath() |
protected String |
classMustBeAnnotatedWithPath$str() |
String |
clientRequestDoesntSupportClonable() |
protected String |
clientRequestDoesntSupportClonable$str() |
String |
clientResponseFailureMediaType(MediaType mediaType,
Type type) |
protected String |
clientResponseFailureMediaType$str() |
String |
clientResponseFailureStatus(int status,
Response.Status responseStatus) |
protected String |
clientResponseFailureStatus$str() |
String |
constructorMappingInvalid() |
protected String |
constructorMappingInvalid$str() |
String |
controlCharacterInCookieValue() |
protected String |
controlCharacterInCookieValue$str() |
String |
cookieHeaderValueNull() |
protected String |
cookieHeaderValueNull$str() |
String |
couldNotCreateEntityFactory(String className) |
protected String |
couldNotCreateEntityFactory$str() |
String |
couldNotCreateEntityFactoryMessage(String className,
String message) |
protected String |
couldNotCreateEntityFactoryMessage$str() |
String |
couldNotCreateURI(String uri,
String className,
String methodName) |
protected String |
couldNotCreateURI$str() |
String |
couldNotFindClassJndi(String className) |
protected String |
couldNotFindClassJndi$str() |
String |
couldNotFindConstructor(String className) |
protected String |
couldNotFindConstructor$str() |
String |
couldNotFindGetterForParam(String param) |
protected String |
couldNotFindGetterForParam$str() |
String |
couldNotFindMessageBodyReader(Type type,
MediaType mediaType) |
protected String |
couldNotFindMessageBodyReader$str() |
String |
couldNotFindMethod(Method method) |
protected String |
couldNotFindMethod$str() |
String |
couldNotFindResourceForFullPath(URI uri) |
protected String |
couldNotFindResourceForFullPath$str() |
String |
couldNotFindWriterForContentType(MediaType mediaType,
String className) |
protected String |
couldNotFindWriterForContentType$str() |
String |
couldNotGetAValue(String param) |
protected String |
couldNotGetAValue$str() |
String |
couldNotIntrospectClass(String className) |
protected String |
couldNotIntrospectClass$str() |
String |
couldNotMatchUpLoggerTypeImplementation(Logger.LoggerType loggerType) |
protected String |
couldNotMatchUpLoggerTypeImplementation$str() |
String |
couldNotProcessMethod(Method method) |
protected String |
couldNotProcessMethod$str() |
String |
couldNotReadType(Type type,
MediaType mediaType) |
protected String |
couldNotReadType$str() |
String |
dataToEncodeNull() |
protected String |
dataToEncodeNull$str() |
String |
dateInstancesNotSupported() |
protected String |
dateInstancesNotSupported$str() |
String |
dateNull() |
protected String |
dateNull$str() |
String |
dateValueNull() |
protected String |
dateValueNull$str() |
String |
destinationArrayCannotStoreThreeBytes(int len,
int off) |
protected String |
destinationArrayCannotStoreThreeBytes$str() |
String |
destinationArrayNull() |
protected String |
destinationArrayNull$str() |
String |
emptyFieldInHeader(String header) |
protected String |
emptyFieldInHeader$str() |
String |
emptyHostName() |
protected String |
emptyHostName$str() |
String |
entityAlreadyRead(Class<? extends Object> clazz) |
protected String |
entityAlreadyRead$str() |
String |
entityNotBackedByInputStream() |
protected String |
entityNotBackedByInputStream$str() |
String |
entityNotOfUnderstoodType() |
protected String |
entityNotOfUnderstoodType$str() |
String |
entityTagValueNull() |
protected String |
entityTagValueNull$str() |
String |
errorInBase64Stream() |
protected String |
errorInBase64Stream$str() |
String |
eTagParamNull() |
protected String |
eTagParamNull$str() |
String |
excededMaximumForwards(String uri) |
protected String |
excededMaximumForwards$str() |
String |
failedProcessingArguments(String constructor) |
protected String |
failedProcessingArguments$str() |
String |
failedToConstruct(String constructor) |
protected String |
failedToConstruct$str() |
String |
failedToCreateUri(String buf) |
protected String |
failedToCreateUri$str() |
String |
failedToParseCookie(String value) |
protected String |
failedToParseCookie$str() |
String |
failureParsingMediaType(String type) |
protected String |
failureParsingMediaType$str() |
String |
fileTooBig(long len) |
protected String |
fileTooBig$str() |
String |
garbageAfterQuotedString(String header) |
protected String |
garbageAfterQuotedString$str() |
String |
getRequestCannotHaveBody() |
protected String |
getRequestCannotHaveBody$str() |
String |
gzipExceedsMaxSize(int size) |
protected String |
gzipExceedsMaxSize$str() |
String |
hasNoStringConstructor(String className) |
protected String |
hasNoStringConstructor$str() |
String |
illegalHexadecimalCharacter(char ch,
int index) |
protected String |
illegalHexadecimalCharacter$str() |
String |
illegalResponseMediaType(String mediaType) |
protected String |
illegalResponseMediaType$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectCookieParam() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectCookieParam$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectFormParam() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectFormParam$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectHeaderParam() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectHeaderParam$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectMatrixParam() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectMatrixParam$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectMessageBody(AccessibleObject target) |
protected String |
illegalToInjectMessageBody$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectNonInterfaceType() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectNonInterfaceType$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectPathParam() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectPathParam$str() |
String |
illegalToInjectQueryParam() |
protected String |
illegalToInjectQueryParam$str() |
String |
illegalUriTemplate(String template) |
protected String |
illegalUriTemplate$str() |
String |
improperlyPaddedBase64Input() |
protected String |
improperlyPaddedBase64Input$str() |
String |
incorrectTypeParameterClientExceptionMapper() |
protected String |
incorrectTypeParameterClientExceptionMapper$str() |
String |
incorrectTypeParameterExceptionMapper() |
protected String |
incorrectTypeParameterExceptionMapper$str() |
String |
inputStreamEmpty() |
protected String |
inputStreamEmpty$str() |
String |
inputStringNull() |
protected String |
inputStringNull$str() |
String |
interceptorClassMustBeAnnotated() |
protected String |
interceptorClassMustBeAnnotated$str() |
String |
interceptorClassMustBeAnnotatedWithClass(Class<? extends Object> clazz) |
protected String |
interceptorClassMustBeAnnotatedWithClass$str() |
String |
interceptorNullFromClass(String className) |
protected String |
interceptorNullFromClass$str() |
String |
invalidCharacterInBase64Data() |
protected String |
invalidCharacterInBase64Data$str() |
String |
invalidEscapeCharacterInCookieValue() |
protected String |
invalidEscapeCharacterInCookieValue$str() |
String |
invalidHost() |
protected String |
invalidHost$str() |
String |
invalidPort() |
protected String |
invalidPort$str() |
String |
isNotInitialRequest(String path) |
protected String |
isNotInitialRequest$str() |
String |
jndiComponentResourceNotSetCorrectly() |
protected String |
jndiComponentResourceNotSetCorrectly$str() |
String |
keyCouldNotBeParsed(String key) |
protected String |
keyCouldNotBeParsed$str() |
String |
lastModifiedParamNull() |
protected String |
lastModifiedParamNull$str() |
String |
localeValueNull() |
protected String |
localeValueNull$str() |
String |
malformedMediaType(String header) |
protected String |
malformedMediaType$str() |
String |
malformedParameter(String parameter) |
protected String |
malformedParameter$str() |
String |
malformedParameters(String header) |
protected String |
malformedParameters$str() |
String |
malformedQualityValue() |
protected String |
malformedQualityValue$str() |
String |
mapKeyNull() |
protected String |
mapKeyNull$str() |
String |
mapValueNull() |
protected String |
mapValueNull$str() |
String |
marshalledEntityMustHaveTypeInfo() |
protected String |
marshalledEntityMustHaveTypeInfo$str() |
String |
mediaTypeQGreaterThan1(String mediaType) |
protected String |
mediaTypeQGreaterThan1$str() |
String |
mediaTypeQMustBeFloat(MediaType mediaType) |
protected String |
mediaTypeQMustBeFloat$str() |
String |
mediaTypeQWeightedLanguageMustBeFloat(WeightedLanguage lang) |
protected String |
mediaTypeQWeightedLanguageMustBeFloat$str() |
String |
mediaTypeValueNull() |
protected String |
mediaTypeValueNull$str() |
String |
methodNotAnnotatedWithPath() |
protected String |
methodNotAnnotatedWithPath$str() |
String |
methodNull() |
protected String |
methodNull$str() |
String |
missingTypeParameter() |
protected String |
missingTypeParameter$str() |
String |
mustDefineConsumes() |
protected String |
mustDefineConsumes$str() |
String |
mustSetEitherPortOrSSLPort() |
protected String |
mustSetEitherPortOrSSLPort$str() |
String |
mustSetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle(String className,
String methodName) |
protected String |
mustSetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle$str() |
String |
mustSetPort() |
protected String |
mustSetPort$str() |
String |
mustUseOneHttpMethod(String methodName) |
protected String |
mustUseOneHttpMethod$str() |
String |
nameParameterNull() |
protected String |
nameParameterNull$str() |
String |
nameParamIsNull() |
protected String |
nameParamIsNull$str() |
String |
nameParamWasNull() |
protected String |
nameParamWasNull$str() |
String |
newCookieValueNull() |
protected String |
newCookieValueNull$str() |
String |
noContent() |
protected String |
noContent$str() |
String |
noContentContentLength0() |
protected String |
noContentContentLength0$str() |
String |
noLongerASupportedContextParam(String paramName) |
protected String |
noLongerASupportedContextParam$str() |
String |
noMatchForAcceptHeader() |
protected String |
noMatchForAcceptHeader$str() |
String |
noOutputStreamAllowed() |
protected String |
noOutputStreamAllowed$str() |
String |
noPublicPathAnnotatedMethod(String resource,
String method) |
protected String |
noPublicPathAnnotatedMethod$str() |
String |
noResourceMethodFoundForHttpMethod(String httpMethod) |
protected String |
noResourceMethodFoundForHttpMethod$str() |
String |
noResourceMethodFoundForOptions() |
protected String |
noResourceMethodFoundForOptions$str() |
String |
notAllowedToReflectOnMethod(String methodName) |
protected String |
notAllowedToReflectOnMethod$str() |
String |
notEnoughPathParameters() |
protected String |
notEnoughPathParameters$str() |
String |
notValidInjectableType(String typeName) |
protected String |
notValidInjectableType$str() |
String |
noTypeInformationForEntity() |
protected String |
noTypeInformationForEntity$str() |
String |
nullSubresource(URI uri) |
protected String |
nullSubresource$str() |
String |
nullValue() |
protected String |
nullValue$str() |
String |
numberOfMatchedSegments() |
protected String |
numberOfMatchedSegments$str() |
String |
oddNumberOfCharacters() |
protected String |
oddNumberOfCharacters$str() |
String |
onComplete() |
protected String |
onComplete$str() |
String |
onTimeout() |
protected String |
onTimeout$str() |
String |
originNotAllowed(String origin) |
protected String |
originNotAllowed$str() |
String |
paramNull() |
protected String |
paramNull$str() |
String |
passedInValueNull() |
protected String |
passedInValueNull$str() |
String |
pathNull() |
protected String |
pathNull$str() |
String |
pathParameterNotProvided(String param) |
protected String |
pathParameterNotProvided$str() |
String |
patternNull() |
protected String |
patternNull$str() |
String |
quotedStringIsNotClosed(String header) |
protected String |
quotedStringIsNotClosed$str() |
String |
qValueCannotBeGreaterThan1(String lang) |
protected String |
qValueCannotBeGreaterThan1$str() |
protected Object |
readResolve() |
String |
relParamNull() |
protected String |
relParamNull$str() |
String |
removingHeaderIllegal() |
protected String |
removingHeaderIllegal$str() |
String |
requestMediaTypeNotUrlencoded() |
protected String |
requestMediaTypeNotUrlencoded$str() |
String |
requestNotSuspended() |
protected String |
requestNotSuspended$str() |
String |
requestWasAlreadyExecuted() |
protected String |
requestWasAlreadyExecuted$str() |
String |
resourceNull() |
protected String |
resourceNull$str() |
String |
responseIsClosed() |
protected String |
responseIsClosed$str() |
String |
responseIsCommitted() |
protected String |
responseIsCommitted$str() |
String |
scheduledTimeout() |
protected String |
scheduledTimeout$str() |
String |
schedulingTimeout() |
protected String |
schedulingTimeout$str() |
String |
schemeSpecificPartNull() |
protected String |
schemeSpecificPartNull$str() |
String |
segmentNull() |
protected String |
segmentNull$str() |
String |
segmentsParameterNull() |
protected String |
segmentsParameterNull$str() |
String |
shouldBeUnreachable() |
protected String |
shouldBeUnreachable$str() |
String |
sourceArrayCannotProcessBytes(int srcLen,
int off,
int len) |
protected String |
sourceArrayCannotProcessBytes$str() |
String |
sourceArrayCannotProcessFourBytes(int srcLen,
int off) |
protected String |
sourceArrayCannotProcessFourBytes$str() |
String |
sourceArrayNull() |
protected String |
sourceArrayNull$str() |
String |
streamWrappedBySignature() |
protected String |
streamWrappedBySignature$str() |
String |
subresourceHasNoJaxRsAnnotations(String className) |
protected String |
subresourceHasNoJaxRsAnnotations$str() |
String |
tailingGarbage(String header) |
protected String |
tailingGarbage$str() |
String |
tClassParameterNull() |
protected String |
tClassParameterNull$str() |
String |
templateParameterNull(String param) |
protected String |
templateParameterNull$str() |
String |
templateValuesParamNull() |
protected String |
templateValuesParamNull$str() |
String |
titleParamNull() |
protected String |
titleParamNull$str() |
String |
twoMethodsSameName(String method) |
protected String |
twoMethodsSameName$str() |
String |
typeParamNull() |
protected String |
typeParamNull$str() |
String |
unableToCreateURI(String buf) |
protected String |
unableToCreateURI$str() |
String |
unableToDecodeQueryString() |
protected String |
unableToDecodeQueryString$str() |
String |
unableToDetermineBaseClass() |
protected String |
unableToDetermineBaseClass$str() |
String |
unableToExtractParameter(String paramSignature,
String strVal,
AccessibleObject target) |
protected String |
unableToExtractParameter$str() |
String |
unableToFindConstructor(String paramSignature,
AccessibleObject target,
String className) |
protected String |
unableToFindConstructor$str() |
String |
unableToFindContextualData(String className) |
protected String |
unableToFindContextualData$str() |
String |
unableToFindInjectorFactory() |
protected String |
unableToFindInjectorFactory$str() |
String |
unableToFindJaxRsResource(String path) |
protected String |
unableToFindJaxRsResource$str() |
String |
unableToFindPublicConstructorForClass(String className) |
protected String |
unableToFindPublicConstructorForClass$str() |
String |
unableToFindPublicConstructorForProvider(String className) |
protected String |
unableToFindPublicConstructorForProvider$str() |
String |
unableToFindTypeArguments(Class<? extends Object> clazz) |
protected String |
unableToFindTypeArguments$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateClientExceptionMapper() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateClientExceptionMapper$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateContextObject(String key) |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateContextObject$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateContextResolver() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateContextResolver$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateExceptionMapper() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateExceptionMapper$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateForm() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateForm$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateInjectorFactory() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateInjectorFactory$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateMessageBodyReader() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateMessageBodyReader$str() |
String |
unableToInstantiateMessageBodyWriter() |
protected String |
unableToInstantiateMessageBodyWriter$str() |
String |
unableToParseDate(String dateValue) |
protected String |
unableToParseDate$str() |
String |
unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToLink(String value) |
protected String |
unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToLink$str() |
String |
unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToParameter(String value) |
protected String |
unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToParameter$str() |
String |
unableToParseLinkHeaderTooManyLinks(String value) |
protected String |
unableToParseLinkHeaderTooManyLinks$str() |
String |
unableToResolveTypeVariable() |
protected String |
unableToResolveTypeVariable$str() |
String |
unableToUnmarshalResponse(String attributeExceptionsTo) |
protected String |
unableToUnmarshalResponse$str() |
String |
unexpectedNumberSubclass(String classname) |
protected String |
unexpectedNumberSubclass$str() |
String |
unknownInterceptorPrecedence(String precedence) |
protected String |
unknownInterceptorPrecedence$str() |
String |
unknownMediaTypeResponseEntity() |
protected String |
unknownMediaTypeResponseEntity$str() |
String |
unknownPathParam(String paramName,
String path) |
protected String |
unknownPathParam$str() |
String |
unknownStateListener() |
protected String |
unknownStateListener$str() |
String |
unsupportedCollectionType(Class<? extends Object> clazz) |
protected String |
unsupportedCollectionType$str() |
String |
unsupportedParameter(String parameter) |
protected String |
unsupportedParameter$str() |
String |
uriNull() |
protected String |
uriNull$str() |
String |
uriParamNull() |
protected String |
uriParamNull$str() |
String |
uriTemplateParameterNull() |
protected String |
uriTemplateParameterNull$str() |
String |
uriValueNull() |
protected String |
uriValueNull$str() |
String |
userIsNotRegistered(String user) |
protected String |
userIsNotRegistered$str() |
String |
valueNull() |
protected String |
valueNull$str() |
String |
valueParamIsNull() |
protected String |
valueParamIsNull$str() |
String |
valueParamWasNull() |
protected String |
valueParamWasNull$str() |
String |
valuesParameterNull() |
protected String |
valuesParameterNull$str() |
String |
valuesParamIsNull() |
protected String |
valuesParamIsNull$str() |
String |
valuesParamWasNull() |
protected String |
valuesParamWasNull$str() |
String |
variantListMustNotBeZero() |
protected String |
variantListMustNotBeZero$str() |
String |
wrongPassword(String user) |
protected String |
wrongPassword$str() |