Package | Description |
com.sun.codemodel |
Library for generating Java source code
com.sun.codemodel.fmt | |
com.sun.codemodel.util | | |
API for programmatic invocation of XJC and schemagen.
| | | |
FieldRenderer and its implementation classes.
| |
Implementation of the
com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core package for XJC. | | | |
Provides the outline of the generated Java source code so that
additional processings (such as adding more annotations) can be
done on the generated code.
| |
Object Model that represents DTD binding information.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A generated Java class/interface/enum/....
class |
Special class object that represents the type of "null".
class |
Type variable used to declare generics.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
Returns the class bound of this variable.
JClass |
JNullType._extends() |
JClass |
Returns the class extended by this class.
abstract JClass |
Gets the super class of this class.
abstract JClass |
Create an array type of this type.
JClass |
JPrimitiveType.array() |
JClass |
JClass.array() |
abstract JClass |
If this class is a primitive type, return the boxed class.
JClass |
Obtains the wrapper class for this primitive type.
JClass |
calling this method from
would be meaningless, since it's always guaranteed to
return this. |
JClass |
JCodeModel.directClass(String name)
Creates a dummy, unknown
JClass that represents a given name. |
JClass |
JClass.erasure() |
JClass |
JAnnotationUse.getAnnotationClass() |
JClass |
JClass.getBaseClass(Class<?> baseType) |
JClass |
JClass.getBaseClass(JClass baseType)
Gets the parameterization of the given base type.
JClass |
JClass[] |
Returns all the nested classes defined in this class.
JClass |
JClass.narrow(Class<?>... clazz) |
JClass |
JClass.narrow(Class<?> clazz)
"Narrows" a generic class to a concrete class by specifying
a type argument.
JClass |
JClass.narrow(JClass... clazz) |
JClass |
JClass.narrow(JClass clazz)
"Narrows" a generic class to a concrete class by specifying
a type argument.
JClass |
JClass.narrow(JType type) |
JClass |
JClass.narrow(List<? extends JClass> clazz) |
JClass |
JDefinedClass.outer() |
JClass |
Returns the class in which this class is nested, or null if
this is a top-level class.
JClass |
JCodeModel.ref(Class<?> clazz)
Obtains a reference to an existing class from its Class object.
JClass |
JPackage.ref(String name)
Reference a class within this package.
JClass |
JCodeModel.ref(String fullyQualifiedClassName)
Obtains a reference to an existing class from its fully-qualified
class name.
protected JClass |
JTypeVar.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings) |
protected JClass |
JNullType.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings) |
protected JClass |
JDefinedClass.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings) |
protected abstract JClass |
JClass.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings)
Substitutes the type variables with their actual arguments.
JClass |
Gets a
JClass representation for "?",
which is equivalent to "? extends Object". |
JClass |
Create "? extends T" from T.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<JClass> |
Returns the interface bounds of this variable.
Iterator<JClass> |
JNullType._implements() |
Iterator<JClass> |
Returns an iterator that walks the nested classes defined in this
abstract Iterator<JClass> |
Iterates all super interfaces directly implemented by
this class/interface.
List<JClass> |
If this class is parameterized, return the type parameter of the given index.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JCatchBlock |
JTryBlock._catch(JClass exception) |
JDefinedClass |
JDefinedClass._extends(JClass superClass)
This class extends the specifed class.
JDefinedClass |
JDefinedClass._implements(JClass iface)
This class implements the specifed interface.
static JInvocation |
JExpr._new(JClass c) |
JMethod |
JMethod._throws(JClass exception)
Add an exception to the list of exceptions that this
method may throw.
JCommentPart |
JDocComment.addThrows(JClass exception)
add an @throws tag to the javadoc
JAnnotationUse |
JVar.annotate(JClass clazz)
Adds an annotation to this variable.
JAnnotationUse |
JPackage.annotate(JClass clazz) |
JAnnotationUse |
JMethod.annotate(JClass clazz)
Adds an annotation to this variable.
JAnnotationUse |
JEnumConstant.annotate(JClass clazz)
Adds an annotation to this variable.
JAnnotationUse |
JDefinedClass.annotate(JClass clazz)
Adding ability to annotate a class
JAnnotationUse |
JAnnotationArrayMember.annotate(JClass clazz)
Adds a new annotation to the array.
JAnnotationUse |
JAnnotatable.annotate(JClass clazz)
Adds an annotation to this program element.
JDefinedClass |
JCodeModel.anonymousClass(JClass baseType)
Creates a new anonymous class.
JTypeVar |
JTypeVar.bound(JClass c)
Adds a bound to this variable.
static JExpression |
JExpr.dotclass(JClass cl) |
JTypeVar |
JGenerifiable.generify(String name,
JClass bound)
Adds a new type variable to this declaration with a bound.
JTypeVar |
JDefinedClass.generify(String name,
JClass bound) |
JClass |
JClass.getBaseClass(JClass baseType)
Gets the parameterization of the given base type.
boolean |
JClass.isAssignableFrom(JClass derived)
Checks the relationship between two classes.
JClass |
JClass.narrow(JClass... clazz) |
JClass |
JClass.narrow(JClass clazz)
"Narrows" a generic class to a concrete class by specifying
a type argument.
JDefinedClass |
JCodeModel.newAnonymousClass(JClass baseType)
The naming convention doesn't match the rest of the CodeModel.
JCodeModel.anonymousClass(JClass) instead. |
void |
JPackage.remove(JClass c)
Removes a class from this package.
JInvocation |
JBlock.staticInvoke(JClass type,
String method)
Creates a static invocation statement.
JFormatter |
JFormatter.t(JClass type)
Print a type name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
JClass.narrow(List<? extends JClass> clazz) |
protected JClass |
JTypeVar.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings) |
protected JClass |
JNullType.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings) |
protected JClass |
JDefinedClass.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings) |
protected abstract JClass |
JClass.substituteParams(JTypeVar[] variables,
List<JClass> bindings)
Substitutes the type variables with their actual arguments.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
Returns a class object that represents a statically generated code.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Comparator<JClass> |
ClassNameComparator.theInstance |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int | l,
JClass r) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<JClass> |
Gets all the ObjectFactory classes generated by the compilation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
BeanGenerator.addRuntime(Class clazz) |
JClass |
BeanGenerator.generateStaticClass(Class src,
JPackage out) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected JClass |
UntypedListField.getCoreListType() |
protected JClass |
NoExtendedContentField.getCoreListType() |
protected JClass |
DummyListField.getCoreListType() |
protected JClass |
ContentListField.getCoreListType() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FieldRenderer |
FieldRendererFactory.getContentList(JClass coreList) |
FieldRenderer |
FieldRendererFactory.getDummyList(JClass coreList) |
FieldRenderer |
FieldRendererFactory.getList(JClass coreList) |
Constructor and Description |
ContentListField(ClassOutlineImpl context,
CPropertyInfo prop,
JClass coreList) |
DummyListField(ClassOutlineImpl context,
CPropertyInfo prop,
JClass coreList) |
NoExtendedContentField(ClassOutlineImpl context,
CPropertyInfo prop,
JClass coreList) |
UntypedListField(ClassOutlineImpl context,
CPropertyInfo prop,
JClass coreList) |
UntypedListFieldRenderer(JClass coreList) |
UntypedListFieldRenderer(JClass coreList,
boolean dummy,
boolean content) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
JClass |
If non-null, all the generated classes should eventually derive from this class.
JClass |
If non-null, all the generated interfaces should eventually derive from this interface.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
CAdapter.getAdapterClass(Outline o) |
JClass |
CEnumLeafInfo.toType(Outline o,
Aspect aspect) |
JClass |
CClassRef.toType(Outline o,
Aspect aspect) |
JClass |
CClassInfo.toType(Outline o,
Aspect aspect) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CClassInfo._implements(JClass c) |
Constructor and Description |
CAdapter(JClass adapter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
NClass.toType(Outline o,
Aspect aspect) |
JClass |
EagerNClass.toType(Outline o,
Aspect aspect) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
NClass |
NavigatorImpl.ref(JClass c) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
JClass |
The implementation class that shall be used for reference.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
Outline.addRuntime(Class clazz)
Copies the specified class into the user's package and returns
a reference to it.
Constructor and Description |
ClassOutline(CClassInfo _target,
JDefinedClass exposedClass,
JClass implRef,
JDefinedClass _implClass) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JClass |
Gets the xjc:superClass customization if it's turned on.
JClass |
Gets the xjc:superInterface customization if it's turned on.
JClass |
Gets the type of this property, if any.
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