AbstractNameIDType |
AbstractNameIDTypeMarshaller |
AbstractNameIDTypeUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for NameIDType objects.
ActionBuilder |
ActionImpl |
A concrete implementation of Action .
ActionMarshaller |
A thread-safe Marshaller for Action .
ActionUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Action .
AdviceBuilder |
AdviceImpl |
A concrete implementation of Advice .
AdviceMarshaller |
A thread-safe marshaller for Advice .
AdviceUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Advice .
ArtifactBuilder |
ArtifactImpl |
ArtifactMarshaller |
ArtifactResolveBuilder |
ArtifactResolveImpl |
ArtifactResolveMarshaller |
ArtifactResolveUnmarshaller |
ArtifactResponseBuilder |
ArtifactResponseImpl |
ArtifactResponseMarshaller |
ArtifactResponseUnmarshaller |
ArtifactUnmarshaller |
AssertionBuilder |
AssertionIDRefBuilder |
AssertionIDRefImpl |
AssertionIDRefMarshaller |
AssertionIDRefUnmarshaller |
AssertionIDRequestBuilder |
AssertionIDRequestImpl |
AssertionIDRequestMarshaller |
AssertionIDRequestUnmarshaller |
AssertionImpl |
AssertionMarshaller |
AssertionUnmarshaller |
AssertionURIRefBuilder |
AssertionURIRefImpl |
AssertionURIRefMarshaller |
AssertionURIRefUnmarshaller |
AttributeBuilder |
AttributeImpl |
AttributeMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Attribute objects.
AttributeQueryBuilder |
AttributeQueryImpl |
AttributeQueryMarshaller |
AttributeQueryUnmarshaller |
AttributeStatementBuilder |
AttributeStatementImpl |
AttributeStatementMarshaller |
AttributeStatementUnmarshaller |
AttributeUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Attribute objects.
AudienceBuilder |
AudienceImpl |
AudienceMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Audience objects.
AudienceRestrictionBuilder |
AudienceRestrictionImpl |
AudienceRestrictionMarshaller |
AudienceRestrictionUnmarshaller |
AudienceUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Audience objects.
AuthenticatingAuthorityBuilder |
AuthenticatingAuthorityImpl |
AuthenticatingAuthorityMarshaller |
AuthenticatingAuthorityUnmarshaller |
AuthnContextBuilder |
AuthnContextClassRefBuilder |
AuthnContextClassRefImpl |
AuthnContextClassRefMarshaller |
AuthnContextClassRefUnmarshaller |
AuthnContextDeclBuilder |
AuthnContextDeclImpl |
AuthnContextDeclMarshaller |
AuthnContextDeclRefBuilder |
AuthnContextDeclRefImpl |
AuthnContextDeclRefMarshaller |
AuthnContextDeclRefUnmarshaller |
AuthnContextDeclUnmarshaller |
AuthnContextImpl |
AuthnContextMarshaller |
AuthnContextUnmarshaller |
AuthnQueryBuilder |
AuthnQueryImpl |
AuthnQueryMarshaller |
AuthnQueryUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AuthnQuery objects.
AuthnRequestBuilder |
AuthnRequestImpl |
AuthnRequestMarshaller |
AuthnRequestUnmarshaller |
AuthnStatementBuilder |
AuthnStatementImpl |
AuthnStatementMarshaller |
AuthnStatementUnmarshaller |
AuthzDecisionQueryBuilder |
AuthzDecisionQueryImpl |
AuthzDecisionQueryMarshaller |
AuthzDecisionQueryUnmarshaller |
AuthzDecisionStatementBuilder |
AuthzDecisionStatementImpl |
AuthzDecisionStatementMarshaller |
AuthzDecisionStatementUnmarshaller |
BaseIDImpl |
Concrete implementation of BaseID .
BaseIDMarshaller |
A thread-safe Marshaller for BaseID objects.
BaseIDUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for BaseID objects.
ConditionsBuilder |
ConditionsImpl |
ConditionsMarshaller |
ConditionsUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Conditions objects.
EncryptedAssertionBuilder |
EncryptedAssertionImpl |
EncryptedAssertionMarshaller |
EncryptedAssertionUnmarshaller |
EncryptedAttributeBuilder |
EncryptedAttributeImpl |
EncryptedAttributeMarshaller |
EncryptedAttributeUnmarshaller |
EncryptedElementTypeImpl |
EncryptedElementTypeMarshaller |
EncryptedElementTypeUnmarshaller |
EncryptedIDBuilder |
EncryptedIDImpl |
EncryptedIDMarshaller |
EncryptedIDUnmarshaller |
EvidenceBuilder |
EvidenceImpl |
EvidenceMarshaller |
EvidenceUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Evidence .
ExtensionsBuilder |
ExtensionsImpl |
ExtensionsMarshaller |
ExtensionsUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Extensions objects.
GetCompleteBuilder |
GetCompleteImpl |
GetCompleteMarshaller |
GetCompleteUnmarshaller |
IDPEntryBuilder |
IDPEntryImpl |
IDPEntryMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for IDPEntry objects.
IDPEntryUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for IDPEntry objects.
IDPListBuilder |
IDPListImpl |
Concrete implementation of IDPList .
IDPListMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for IDPList objects.
IDPListUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for IDPList objects.
IssuerBuilder |
IssuerImpl |
A concrete implementation of Issuer .
IssuerMarshaller |
A thread-safe Marshaller for Issuer .
IssuerUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Issuer .
KeyInfoConfirmationDataTypeBuilder |
KeyInfoConfirmationDataTypeImpl |
LogoutRequestBuilder |
LogoutRequestImpl |
LogoutRequestMarshaller |
LogoutRequestUnmarshaller |
LogoutResponseBuilder |
LogoutResponseImpl |
LogoutResponseMarshaller |
LogoutResponseUnmarshaller |
ManageNameIDRequestBuilder |
ManageNameIDRequestImpl |
ManageNameIDRequestMarshaller |
ManageNameIDRequestUnmarshaller |
ManageNameIDResponseBuilder |
ManageNameIDResponseImpl |
ManageNameIDResponseMarshaller |
ManageNameIDResponseUnmarshaller |
NameIDBuilder |
NameIDImpl |
Concrete implementation of NameID .
NameIDMappingRequestBuilder |
NameIDMappingRequestImpl |
NameIDMappingRequestMarshaller |
NameIDMappingRequestUnmarshaller |
NameIDMappingResponseBuilder |
NameIDMappingResponseImpl |
NameIDMappingResponseMarshaller |
NameIDMappingResponseUnmarshaller |
NameIDMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for NameID objects.
NameIDPolicyBuilder |
NameIDPolicyImpl |
NameIDPolicyMarshaller |
NameIDPolicyUnmarshaller |
NameIDUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for NameID objects.
NewEncryptedIDBuilder |
NewEncryptedIDImpl |
NewEncryptedIDMarshaller |
NewEncryptedIDUnmarshaller |
NewIDBuilder |
NewIDImpl |
Concrete implementation of NewID .
NewIDMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for NewID objects.
NewIDUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for NewID objects.
OneTimeUseBuilder |
OneTimeUseImpl |
OneTimeUseMarshaller |
OneTimeUseUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for OneTimeUse objects.
ProxyRestrictionBuilder |
ProxyRestrictionImpl |
ProxyRestrictionMarshaller |
ProxyRestrictionUnmarshaller |
RequestAbstractTypeImpl |
RequestAbstractTypeMarshaller |
RequestAbstractTypeUnmarshaller |
RequestedAuthnContextBuilder |
RequestedAuthnContextImpl |
RequestedAuthnContextMarshaller |
RequestedAuthnContextUnmarshaller |
RequesterIDBuilder |
RequesterIDImpl |
RequesterIDMarshaller |
RequesterIDUnmarshaller |
ResponseBuilder |
ResponseImpl |
ResponseMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Response objects.
ResponseUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Response objects.
ScopingBuilder |
ScopingImpl |
Concrete implementation of Scoping .
ScopingMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Scoping objects.
ScopingUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Scoping objects.
SessionIndexBuilder |
SessionIndexImpl |
SessionIndexMarshaller |
SessionIndexUnmarshaller |
StatusBuilder |
StatusCodeBuilder |
StatusCodeImpl |
StatusCodeMarshaller |
StatusCodeUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for StatusCode objects.
StatusDetailBuilder |
StatusDetailImpl |
StatusDetailMarshaller |
StatusDetailUnmarshaller |
StatusImpl |
Concrete implementation of Status .
StatusMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Status objects.
StatusMessageBuilder |
StatusMessageImpl |
StatusMessageMarshaller |
StatusMessageUnmarshaller |
StatusResponseTypeImpl |
StatusResponseTypeMarshaller |
StatusResponseTypeUnmarshaller |
StatusUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Status objects.
SubjectBuilder |
SubjectConfirmationBuilder |
SubjectConfirmationDataBuilder |
SubjectConfirmationDataImpl |
SubjectConfirmationDataMarshaller |
SubjectConfirmationDataUnmarshaller |
SubjectConfirmationImpl |
SubjectConfirmationMarshaller |
SubjectConfirmationUnmarshaller |
SubjectImpl |
Concrete implementation of Subject .
SubjectLocalityBuilder |
SubjectLocalityImpl |
SubjectLocalityMarshaller |
SubjectLocalityUnmarshaller |
SubjectMarshaller |
A thread-safe Marshaller for Subject objects.
SubjectQueryImpl |
SubjectQueryMarshaller |
SubjectQueryUnmarshaller |
SubjectUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Subject objects.
TerminateBuilder |
TerminateImpl |
TerminateMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Terminate objects.
TerminateUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Terminate objects.