public interface Messages
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static int |
static Messages |
static final Messages MESSAGES
static final int BASE
@Message(id=4500, value="You can only set one of LinkHeaderParam.rel() and LinkHeaderParam.title() for on {0}.{1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) String canOnlySetOneLinkHeaderParam(String className, String methodName)
@Message(id=4505, value="Cannot set a form parameter if entity body already set") String cannotSetFormParameter()
@Message(id=4510, value="Client is closed.") String clientIsClosed()
@Message(id=4515, value="Client Proxy for : %s") String clientProxyFor(String className)
@Message(id=4520, value="Could not create a URL for {0} in {1}.{2}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) String couldNotCreateURL(String uri, String className, String methodName)
@Message(id=4525, value="Could not delete file \'%s\' for request:") String couldNotDeleteFile(String path)
@Message(id=4530, value="Could not find a method for: %s") String couldNotFindMethod(Method method)
@Message(id=4535, value="Could not process method %s") String couldNotProcessMethod(Method method)
@Message(id=4540, value="%s does not specify the type parameter T of GenericType<T>") String doesNotSpecifyTypeParameter(TypeVariable<?> var)
@Message(id=4545, value="The entity was already read, and it was of type %s") String entityAlreadyRead(Class<?> clazz)
@Message(id=4550, value="failed on registering class: %s") String failedOnRegisteringClass(String className)
@Message(id=4555, value="Failed to buffer aborted response") String failedToBufferAbortedResponse()
@Message(id=4560, value="Failed to buffer aborted response. Could not find writer for content-type {0} type: {1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) String failedToBufferAbortedResponseNoWriter(MediaType mediaType, String className)
@Message(id=4565, value="A GET request cannot have a body.") String getRequestCannotHaveBody()
@Message(id=4570, value="Hostname verification failure") String hostnameVerificationFailure()
@Message(id=4575, value="Input stream was empty, there is no entity") String inputStreamWasEmpty()
@Message(id=4580, value="link was null") String linkWasNull()
@Message(id=4585, value="method was null") String methodWasNull()
@Message(id=4590, value="You must define a @Consumes type on your client method or interface, or supply a default") String mustDefineConsumesType()
@Message(id=4595, value="You must set either LinkHeaderParam.rel() or LinkHeaderParam.title() for on {0}.{1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) String mustSetLinkHeaderParam(String className, String methodName)
@Message(id=4600, value="You must use at least one, but no more than one http method annotation on: %s") String mustUseExactlyOneHttpMethod(String methodName)
@Message(id=4605, value="name was null") String nameWasNull()
@Message(id=4610, value="No type information to extract entity with. You use other getEntity() methods") String noTypeInformation()
@Message(id=4615, value="parameters was null") String parametersWasNull()
@Message(id=4620, value="path was null") String pathWasNull()
@Message(id=4625, value="proxyInterface was null") String proxyInterfaceWasNull()
@Message(id=4630, value="resource was null") String resourceWasNull()
@Message(id=4635, value="Resteasy Client Proxy for : %s") String resteasyClientProxyFor(String className)
@Message(id=4640, value="Stream is closed") String streamIsClosed()
@Message(id=4645, value="templateValues entry was null") String templateValuesEntryWasNull()
@Message(id=4650, value="templateValues was null") String templateValuesWasNull()
@Message(id=4655, value="Unable to invoke request") String unableToInvokeRequest()
@Message(id=4660, value="uriBuilder was null") String uriBuilderWasNull()
@Message(id=4665, value="uri was null") String uriWasNull()
@Message(id=4670, value="value was null") String valueWasNull()
@Message(id=4675, value="This verification path not implemented") String verificationPathNotImplemented()
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