Package | Description |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core |
Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON
processor: most importantly
used for constructing
JSON parser (JsonParser )
and generator
(JsonGenerator )
instances. |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base |
Base classes used by concrete Parser and Generator implementations;
contain functionality that is not specific to JSON or input
abstraction (byte vs char).
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json |
JSON-specific parser and generator implementation classes that
Jackson defines and uses.
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util |
Utility classes used by Jackson Core functionality.
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind |
Contains basic mapper (conversion) functionality that
allows for converting between regular streaming json content and
Java objects (beans or Tree Model: support for both is via
ObjectMapper class, as well
as convenience methods included in
JsonParser |
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node |
Contains concrete
JsonNode implementations
Jackson uses for the Tree model. |
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util |
Utility classes for Mapper package.
com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.base |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected JsonParseException |
JsonParser._constructError(String msg)
Helper method for constructing
JsonParseException s
based on current state of the parser |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(byte[] data)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(byte[]) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(byte[] data,
int offset,
int len)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(byte[],int,int) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(File f)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(File) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(InputStream in)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(InputStream) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(Reader r)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(Reader) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(String content)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(String) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createJsonParser(URL url)
Since 2.2, use
JsonFactory.createParser(URL) instead. |
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(byte[] data)
Method for constructing parser for parsing
the contents of given byte array.
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(byte[] data,
int offset,
int len)
Method for constructing parser for parsing
the contents of given byte array.
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(File f)
Method for constructing JSON parser instance to parse
contents of specified file.
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(InputStream in)
Method for constructing JSON parser instance to parse
the contents accessed via specified input stream.
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(Reader r)
Method for constructing parser for parsing
the contents accessed via specified Reader.
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(String content)
Method for constructing parser for parsing
contents of given String.
JsonParser |
JsonFactory.createParser(URL url)
Method for constructing JSON parser instance to parse
contents of resource reference by given URL.
Boolean |
Method that fetches next token (as if calling
JsonParser.nextToken() ) and
if it is JsonToken.VALUE_TRUE or JsonToken.VALUE_FALSE
returns matching Boolean value; otherwise return null. |
String |
Method that fetches next token (as if calling
JsonParser.nextToken() ) and
verifies whether it is JsonToken.FIELD_NAME ; if it is,
returns same as JsonParser.getCurrentName() , otherwise null. |
boolean |
JsonParser.nextFieldName(SerializableString str)
Method that fetches next token (as if calling
JsonParser.nextToken() ) and
verifies whether it is JsonToken.FIELD_NAME with specified name
and returns result of that comparison. |
int |
JsonParser.nextIntValue(int defaultValue)
Method that fetches next token (as if calling
JsonParser.nextToken() ) and
if it is JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT returns 32-bit int value;
otherwise returns specified default value
It is functionally equivalent to: |
long |
JsonParser.nextLongValue(long defaultValue)
Method that fetches next token (as if calling
JsonParser.nextToken() ) and
if it is JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT returns 64-bit long value;
otherwise returns specified default value
It is functionally equivalent to: |
String |
Method that fetches next token (as if calling
JsonParser.nextToken() ) and
if it is JsonToken.VALUE_STRING returns contained String value;
otherwise returns null. |
abstract JsonToken |
Main iteration method, which will advance stream enough
to determine type of the next token, if any.
abstract JsonToken |
Iteration method that will advance stream enough
to determine type of the next token that is a value type
(including JSON Array and Object start/end markers).
abstract JsonParser |
Method that will skip all child tokens of an array or
object token that the parser currently points to,
iff stream points to
JsonToken.START_OBJECT or JsonToken.START_ARRAY . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected JsonParseException |
ParserMinimalBase._constructError(String msg,
Throwable t) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected int |
ParserBase._eofAsNextChar() |
protected abstract void |
Method sub-classes need to implement
protected void |
Method called when an EOF is encountered between tokens.
protected void |
in 2.2.3; should migrate away
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportError(String msg) |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidBase64(Base64Variant b64variant,
char ch,
int bindex,
String msg)
in 2.2.3; should migrate away
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOF() |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOF(String msg) |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportInvalidEOFInValue() |
protected void |
ParserBase._reportMismatchedEndMarker(int actCh,
char expCh) |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportMissingRootWS(int ch) |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._reportUnexpectedChar(int ch,
String comment) |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._throwInvalidSpace(int i) |
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._throwUnquotedSpace(int i,
String ctxtDesc)
Method called to report a problem with unquoted control character.
protected void |
ParserMinimalBase._wrapError(String msg,
Throwable t) |
protected void |
ParserBase.reportInvalidNumber(String msg) |
protected void |
ParserBase.reportUnexpectedNumberChar(int ch,
String comment) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected int |
UTF8StreamJsonParser._readBinary(Base64Variant b64variant,
OutputStream out,
byte[] buffer) |
protected void |
UTF8StreamJsonParser._reportInvalidChar(int c) |
protected void |
UTF8StreamJsonParser._reportInvalidInitial(int mask) |
protected void |
UTF8StreamJsonParser._reportInvalidOther(int mask) |
protected void |
UTF8StreamJsonParser._reportInvalidOther(int mask,
int ptr) |
byte[] |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) |
String |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getText() |
char[] |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getTextCharacters() |
int |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getTextLength() |
int |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getTextOffset() |
String |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getValueAsString() |
String |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.getValueAsString(String defValue) |
boolean |
DupDetector.isDup(String name) |
int |
UTF8StreamJsonParser.readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant,
OutputStream out) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BigInteger |
JsonParserDelegate.getBigIntegerValue() |
byte[] |
JsonParserDelegate.getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) |
boolean |
JsonParserDelegate.getBooleanValue() |
byte |
JsonParserDelegate.getByteValue() |
String |
JsonParserDelegate.getCurrentName() |
BigDecimal |
JsonParserDelegate.getDecimalValue() |
double |
JsonParserDelegate.getDoubleValue() |
Object |
JsonParserDelegate.getEmbeddedObject() |
float |
JsonParserDelegate.getFloatValue() |
int |
JsonParserDelegate.getIntValue() |
long |
JsonParserDelegate.getLongValue() |
JsonParser.NumberType |
JsonParserDelegate.getNumberType() |
Number |
JsonParserDelegate.getNumberValue() |
short |
JsonParserDelegate.getShortValue() |
String |
JsonParserDelegate.getText() |
char[] |
JsonParserDelegate.getTextCharacters() |
int |
JsonParserDelegate.getTextLength() |
int |
JsonParserDelegate.getTextOffset() |
boolean |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsBoolean() |
boolean |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsBoolean(boolean defaultValue) |
double |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsDouble() |
double |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsDouble(double defaultValue) |
int |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsInt() |
int |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsInt(int defaultValue) |
long |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsLong() |
long |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsLong(long defaultValue) |
String |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsString() |
String |
JsonParserDelegate.getValueAsString(String defaultValue) |
JsonToken |
JsonParserSequence.nextToken() |
JsonToken |
JsonParserDelegate.nextToken() |
JsonToken |
JsonParserDelegate.nextValue() |
int |
JsonParserDelegate.readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant,
OutputStream out) |
JsonParser |
JsonParserDelegate.skipChildren() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Object |
ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(JsonParser jp,
JavaType valueType) |
protected Object |
ObjectMapper._readValue(DeserializationConfig cfg,
JsonParser jp,
JavaType valueType)
Actual implementation of value reading+binding operation.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(byte[] src,
Class<T> valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(byte[] src,
int offset,
int len,
Class<T> valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(byte[] src,
int offset,
int len,
JavaType valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(byte[] src,
int offset,
int len,
TypeReference valueTypeRef) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(byte[] src,
JavaType valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(byte[] src,
TypeReference valueTypeRef) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(File src,
Class<T> valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given file into given Java type.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(File src,
JavaType valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given file into given Java type.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(File src,
TypeReference valueTypeRef)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given file into given Java type.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(InputStream src,
Class<T> valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(InputStream src,
JavaType valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(InputStream src,
TypeReference valueTypeRef) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(JsonParser jp,
Class<T> valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content into a non-container
type (it can be an array type, however): typically a bean, array
or a wrapper type (like
Boolean ). |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(JsonParser jp,
JavaType valueType)
Type-safe overloaded method, basically alias for
ObjectMapper.readValue(JsonParser, Class) . |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(JsonParser jp,
ResolvedType valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content into a Java type, reference
to which is passed as argument.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(JsonParser jp,
TypeReference<?> valueTypeRef)
Method to deserialize JSON content into a Java type, reference
to which is passed as argument.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(Reader src,
Class<T> valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(Reader src,
JavaType valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(Reader src,
TypeReference valueTypeRef) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(String content,
Class<T> valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given JSON content String.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(String content,
JavaType valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given JSON content String.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(String content,
TypeReference valueTypeRef)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given JSON content String.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(URL src,
Class<T> valueType)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given resource into given Java type.
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(URL src,
JavaType valueType) |
<T> T |
ObjectMapper.readValue(URL src,
TypeReference valueTypeRef)
Method to deserialize JSON content from given resource into given Java type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
TreeTraversingParser._handleEOF() |
protected void |
TextNode._reportBase64EOF() |
protected void |
TextNode._reportInvalidBase64(Base64Variant b64variant,
char ch,
int bindex) |
protected void |
TextNode._reportInvalidBase64(Base64Variant b64variant,
char ch,
int bindex,
String msg) |
protected JsonNode |
TreeTraversingParser.currentNumericNode() |
BigInteger |
TreeTraversingParser.getBigIntegerValue() |
byte[] |
TreeTraversingParser.getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) |
BigDecimal |
TreeTraversingParser.getDecimalValue() |
double |
TreeTraversingParser.getDoubleValue() |
float |
TreeTraversingParser.getFloatValue() |
int |
TreeTraversingParser.getIntValue() |
long |
TreeTraversingParser.getLongValue() |
JsonParser.NumberType |
TreeTraversingParser.getNumberType() |
Number |
TreeTraversingParser.getNumberValue() |
char[] |
TreeTraversingParser.getTextCharacters() |
int |
TreeTraversingParser.getTextLength() |
int |
TreeTraversingParser.getTextOffset() |
JsonToken |
TreeTraversingParser.nextToken() |
int |
TreeTraversingParser.readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant,
OutputStream out) |
JsonParser |
TreeTraversingParser.skipChildren() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
TokenBuffer.Parser._checkIsNumber() |
protected void |
TokenBuffer.Parser._handleEOF() |
BigInteger |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getBigIntegerValue() |
byte[] |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) |
BigDecimal |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getDecimalValue() |
double |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getDoubleValue() |
float |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getFloatValue() |
int |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getIntValue() |
long |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getLongValue() |
JsonParser.NumberType |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getNumberType() |
Number |
TokenBuffer.Parser.getNumberValue() |
JsonToken |
TokenBuffer.Parser.nextToken() |
JsonToken |
TokenBuffer.Parser.peekNextToken() |
int |
TokenBuffer.Parser.readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant,
OutputStream out) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Response |
JsonParseExceptionMapper.toResponse(JsonParseException exception) |
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