ActionBuilder |
ActionImpl |
Concrete implementation of Action
ActionMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Action objects.
ActionUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Action objects.
AdviceBuilder |
AdviceImpl |
Concrete Implementation of the Advice Object
AdviceMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Advice objects.
AdviceUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Advice objects.
AssertionArtifactBuilder |
AssertionArtifactImpl |
AssertionArtifactMarshaller |
AssertionArtifactUnmarshaller |
AssertionBuilder |
AssertionIDReferenceBuilder |
AssertionIDReferenceImpl |
AssertionIDReferenceMarshaller |
AssertionIDReferenceUnmarshaller |
AssertionImpl |
This class implements the SAML 1 Assertion statement.
AssertionMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Assertion objects.
AssertionUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Assertion objects.
AttributeBuilder |
AttributeDesignatorBuilder |
AttributeDesignatorImpl |
AttributeDesignatorMarshaller |
AttributeDesignatorUnmarshaller |
AttributeImpl |
A Concrete implementation of the Attribute Interface
AttributeMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Attribute objects.
AttributeQueryBuilder |
AttributeQueryImpl |
AttributeQueryMarshaller |
AttributeQueryUnmarshaller |
AttributeStatementBuilder |
AttributeStatementImpl |
AttributeStatementMarshaller |
AttributeStatementUnmarshaller |
AttributeUnmarshaller |
AudienceBuilder |
AudienceImpl |
Concrete class implementation of Audience
AudienceMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Audience objects.
AudienceRestrictionConditionBuilder |
AudienceRestrictionConditionImpl |
Concrete implementation of the org.opensaml.saml1.core.AudienceRestrictionCondition
AudienceRestrictionConditionMarshaller |
AudienceRestrictionConditionUnmarshaller |
AudienceUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Audience objects.
AuthenticationQueryBuilder |
AuthenticationQueryImpl |
AuthenticationQueryMarshaller |
AuthenticationQueryUnmarshaller |
AuthenticationStatementBuilder |
AuthenticationStatementImpl |
AuthenticationStatementMarshaller |
AuthenticationStatementUnmarshaller |
AuthorityBindingBuilder |
AuthorityBindingImpl |
AuthorityBindingMarshaller |
AuthorityBindingUnmarshaller |
AuthorizationDecisionQueryBuilder |
AuthorizationDecisionQueryImpl |
AuthorizationDecisionQueryMarshaller |
AuthorizationDecisionQueryUnmarshaller |
AuthorizationDecisionStatementBuilder |
AuthorizationDecisionStatementImpl |
AuthorizationDecisionStatementMarshaller |
AuthorizationDecisionStatementUnmarshaller |
ConditionsBuilder |
ConditionsImpl |
This is a concrete implementation of the Conditions interface.
ConditionsMarshaller |
ConditionsUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Conditions objects.
ConfirmationMethodBuilder |
ConfirmationMethodImpl |
ConfirmationMethodMarshaller |
ConfirmationMethodUnmarshaller |
DoNotCacheConditionBuilder |
DoNotCacheConditionImpl |
DoNotCacheConditionMarshaller |
DoNotCacheConditionUnmarshaller |
EvidenceBuilder |
EvidenceImpl |
Concrete implementation of the Evidence interface.
EvidenceMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Evidence objects.
EvidenceUnmarshaller |
A thread safe Unmarshaller for Evidence objects.
NameIdentifierBuilder |
NameIdentifierImpl |
NameIdentifierMarshaller |
NameIdentifierUnmarshaller |
RequestAbstractTypeImpl |
RequestAbstractTypeMarshaller |
RequestAbstractTypeUnmarshaller |
RequestBuilder |
RequestImpl |
RequestMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Request objects.
RequestUnmarshaller |
A thread safe Unmarshaller for Request objects.
RespondWithBuilder |
RespondWithImpl |
ResponseAbstractTypeImpl |
ResponseAbstractTypeMarshaller |
ResponseAbstractTypeUnmarshaller |
ResponseBuilder |
ResponseImpl |
ResponseMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Response objects.
ResponseUnmarshaller |
StatusBuilder |
StatusCodeBuilder |
StatusCodeImpl |
StatusCodeMarshaller |
StatusCodeUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for StatusCode objects.
StatusDetailBuilder |
StatusDetailImpl |
StatusDetailMarshaller |
StatusDetailUnmarshaller |
StatusImpl |
Concrete Implementation Status
StatusMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Status objects.
StatusMessageBuilder |
StatusMessageImpl |
Concrete implementation of org.opensaml.saml1.core StatusMessage object
StatusMessageMarshaller |
StatusMessageUnmarshaller |
StatusUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Status objects.
SubjectBuilder |
Builder of (@link org.opensaml.saml1.core.impl.SubjectImpl} objects.
SubjectConfirmationBuilder |
SubjectConfirmationImpl |
Concrete implementation of a SubjectConfirmation object
SubjectConfirmationMarshaller |
SubjectConfirmationUnmarshaller |
SubjectImpl |
SubjectLocalityBuilder |
SubjectLocalityImpl |
SubjectLocalityMarshaller |
SubjectLocalityUnmarshaller |
SubjectMarshaller |
A thread safe Marshaller for Subject objects.
SubjectQueryImpl |
Concrete (but abstract) implementation of SubjectQuery abstract type
SubjectQueryMarshaller |
SubjectQueryUnmarshaller |
SubjectStatementImpl |
Abstract type to implement SubjectStatementType
SubjectStatementMarshaller |
SubjectStatementUnmarshaller |
SubjectUnmarshaller |
A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Subject objects.