core management API
to make it easier to perform common management tasks against a JBoss Application Server Managed Domain.See: Description
Interface | Description |
AddDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable following an add directive. |
DeployDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable following a deploy
or replace directive. |
DeploymentAction | |
DeploymentActionResult |
Describes the results of executing a
DeploymentAction across
a domain. |
DeploymentActionsCompleteBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that signal indicate the completion of the phase of establishing
the set of DeploymentAction s that comprise a DeploymentSetPlan
and the beginning of the phase of specifying how those actions should be
applied to server groups. |
DeploymentPlan |
Encapsulates an overall set of actions a
DomainDeploymentManager should
take to update the set of deployment content available for deployment in the
domain and/or change the content deployed in the domain's servers. |
DeploymentPlanBuilder |
Builder capable of creating a
DeploymentPlan . |
DeploymentPlanResult |
Encapsulates the results of executing a
DeploymentPlan . |
DeploymentSetPlan |
Encapsulates a related set of actions a
DomainDeploymentManager should
take to change the content deployed in the servers associated with one or
more server groups. |
DeploymentSetPlanResult |
Encapsulates the results of executing a
DeploymentSetPlan . |
DomainClient |
Client interface used to interact with the domain management infrastructure.
DomainDeploymentManager |
Primary deployment interface for a JBoss AS Domain Controller.
InitialDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that is meant
to be used at the initial stages of the building process, when directives that
pertain to the entire plan can be applied. |
InitialDeploymentSetBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that is meant
to be used at the initial stages of the building process, when directives that
pertain to the entire plan can be applied. |
RemoveDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable following a deploy
or replace directive. |
ReplaceDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable following a replace directive. |
RollbackDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable when controlling how to limit
rollbacks when a
DeploymentSetPlan is applied to a server groups. |
ServerDeploymentPlanResult |
Encapsulates the results of executing a
DeploymentSetPlan on
a particular server. |
ServerGroupDeploymentActionResult |
Encapsulates the results of particular
DeploymentAction across
the servers in a particular server group. |
ServerGroupDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable when controlling how a DeploymentSetPlan
should be applied to one or more server groups. |
ServerGroupDeploymentPlanResult |
Encapsulates the results of executing a
DeploymentSetPlan against
a particular server group. |
ServerUpdateResult |
Encapsulates the results of performing a configuration modification on an individual
UndeployDeploymentPlanBuilder |
Variant of a
DeploymentPlanBuilder that exposes
directives that are only applicable following an undeploy directive. |
Class | Description |
DomainClient.Factory |
Factory used to create an
DomainClient instance for a remote address
and port. |
ServerGroupDeploymentPlan |
Indicates how the actions in a
DeploymentSetPlan are to be
applied to a particular server group. |
ServerIdentity |
Identifying information for a server in a domain.
Enum | Description |
DeploymentAction.Type |
Enumeration of valid types of deployment actions.
ServerStatus |
Status of server.
Exception | Description |
DuplicateDeploymentNameException |
Exception indicating an attempt to add deployment content to a domain or
server that has the same name as existing content.
IncompleteDeploymentReplaceException |
InvalidDeploymentPlanException thrown when a deployment plan
specifies that a new version of content replace existing content of the same
unique name, but does not apply the replacement to all server groups that
have the existing content deployed. |
InvalidDeploymentPlanException |
Exception indicating a given
DeploymentPlan is invalid since it
could leave the domain in an invalid state. |
RollbackCancelledException |
Exception indicating that the rollback of a domain model update failed
because of cancellation.
UpdateFailedException |
An exception thrown when a model update fails for some reason.
core management API
to make it easier to perform common management tasks against a JBoss Application Server Managed Domain.DomainClient
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