Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.4.19.GA

Package org.hornetq.jms.server.recovery

This package is used to locate resources and connectors along the cluster set I - JCA Connection Factories or InBound MDBs will call HornetQRegistryBase::register(XARecoveryConfig) II - For each XARecoveryConfig the RegistryBase will instantiate a ResourceDiscoveryUnit which will connect using that configuration and inform the Registry of any topology members III - For each topology member found on the DiscoveryUnits, the RegistryBase will registry a HornetQResourceRecovery that will exist per server

See: Description

Package org.hornetq.jms.server.recovery Description

This package is used to locate resources and connectors along the cluster set I - JCA Connection Factories or InBound MDBs will call HornetQRegistryBase::register(XARecoveryConfig) II - For each XARecoveryConfig the RegistryBase will instantiate a ResourceDiscoveryUnit which will connect using that configuration and inform the Registry of any topology members III - For each topology member found on the DiscoveryUnits, the RegistryBase will registry a HornetQResourceRecovery that will exist per server
Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.4.19.GA

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