Class | Description |
AIOFileLockNodeManager |
This is using the HornetQ Libaio Native to perform calls to flock on a Linux system.
AnyLiveNodeLocator |
This implementation looks for any available live node, once tried with no success it is marked as
tried and the next available is used.
ConnectorsService |
ConnectorsService will pool some resource for updates, e.g.
DivertImpl |
A DivertImpl simply diverts a message to a different forwardAddress
FileLockNodeManager | |
FileMoveManager |
Used to move files away.
HornetQServerImpl |
The HornetQ server implementation
LastValueQueue |
A queue that will discard messages if a newer message with the same
MessageImpl#HDR_LAST_VALUE_NAME property value. |
MessageReferenceImpl |
Implementation of a MessageReference
NamedLiveNodeLocator |
NamedLiveNodeLocator looks for a live server in the cluster with a specific nodeGroupName
QueueFactoryImpl |
A QueueFactoryImpl
QueueImpl |
Implementation of a Queue
Completely non blocking between adding to queue and delivering to consumers.
QuorumManager |
Manages a quorum of servers used to determine whether a given server is running or not.
RoutingContextImpl |
A RoutingContextImpl
ScheduledDeliveryHandlerImpl |
Handles scheduling deliveries to a queue at the correct time.
ServerConsumerImpl |
Concrete implementation of a ClientConsumer.
ServerInfo |
A ServerInfo
ServerMessageImpl |
A ServerMessageImpl
ServerSessionImpl |
Server side Session implementation
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