@MessageLogger(projectCode="HQ") public interface HornetQClientLogger extends BasicLogger
INF0 1 WARN 2 DEBUG 3 ERROR 4 TRACE 5 FATAL 6so an INFO message would be 101000 to 101999. Once released, methods should not be deleted as they may be referenced by knowledge base articles. Unused methods should be marked as deprecated.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static HornetQClientLogger |
The default logger.
debug, debug, debug, debug, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugf, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, debugv, error, error, error, error, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorf, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, errorv, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatal, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalf, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, fatalv, info, info, info, info, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infof, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, infov, isDebugEnabled, isEnabled, isInfoEnabled, isTraceEnabled, log, log, log, log, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logf, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, logv, trace, trace, trace, trace, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracef, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, tracev, warn, warn, warn, warn, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnf, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv, warnv
static final HornetQClientLogger LOGGER
@LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(id=211000, value="**** Dumping session creation stacks ****", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void dumpingSessionStacks()
@LogMessage(level=INFO) @Message(id=211001, value="session created", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void dumpingSessionStack(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212000, value="{0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void warn(String message)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212001, value="Error on clearing messages", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorClearingMessages(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212002, value="Timed out waiting for handler to complete processing", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timeOutWaitingForProcessing()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212003, value="Unable to close session", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void unableToCloseSession(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212004, value="Failed to connect to server.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToConnectToServer()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212005, value="Tried {0} times to connect. Now giving up on reconnecting it.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToConnectToServer(Integer reconnectAttempts)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212006, value="Waiting {0} milliseconds before next retry. RetryInterval={1} and multiplier={2}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void waitingForRetry(Long interval, Long retryInterval, Double multiplier)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212007, value="connector.create or connectorFactory.createConnector should never throw an exception, implementation is badly behaved, but we will deal with it anyway.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void createConnectorException(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212008, value="I am closing a core ClientSessionFactory you left open. Please make sure you close all ClientSessionFactories explicitly before letting them go out of scope! {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void factoryLeftOpen(@Cause Exception e, int i)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212009, value="resetting session after failure", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void resettingSessionAfterFailure()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212010, value="Server is starting, retry to create the session {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void retryCreateSessionSeverStarting(String name)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212011, value="committing transaction after failover occurred, any non persistent messages may be lost", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void commitAfterFailover()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212012, value="failover occured during commit throwing XAException.XA_RETRY", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failoverDuringCommit()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212013, value="failover occurred during prepare re-trying", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failoverDuringPrepare()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212014, value="failover occurred during prepare rolling back", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failoverDuringPrepareRollingBack()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212015, value="failover occurred during prepare rolling back", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorDuringPrepare(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212016, value="I am closing a core ClientSession you left open. Please make sure you close all ClientSessions explicitly before letting them go out of scope! {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void clientSessionNotClosed(@Cause Exception e, int identity)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212017, value="error adding packet", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorAddingPacket(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212018, value="error calling cancel", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCallingCancel(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212019, value="error reading index", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorReadingIndex(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212020, value="error setting index", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorSettingIndex(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212021, value="error resetting index", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorReSettingIndex(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212022, value="error reading LargeMessage file cache", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorReadingCache(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212023, value="error closing LargeMessage file cache", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorClosingCache(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212024, value="Exception during finalization for LargeMessage file cache", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorFinalisingCache(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212025, value="did not connect the cluster connection to other nodes", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorConnectingToNodes(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212026, value="Timed out waiting for pool to terminate", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timedOutWaitingForTermination()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212027, value="Timed out waiting for scheduled pool to terminate", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timedOutWaitingForScheduledPoolTermination()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212028, value="error starting server locator", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorStartingLocator(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212029, value="Closing a Server Locator left open. Please make sure you close all Server Locators explicitly before letting them go out of scope! {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void serverLocatorNotClosed(@Cause Exception e, int identity)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212030, value="error sending topology", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorSendingTopology(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212031, value="error sending topology", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorSendingTopologyNodedown(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212032, value="Timed out waiting to stop discovery thread", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timedOutStoppingDiscovery()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212033, value="unable to send notification when discovery group is stopped", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorSendingNotifOnDiscoveryStop(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212034, value="There are more than one servers on the network broadcasting the same node id. You will see this message exactly once (per node) if a node is restarted, in which case it can be safely ignored. But if it is logged continuously it means you really do have more than one node on the same network active concurrently with the same node id. This could occur if you have a backup node active at the same time as its live node. nodeID={0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void multipleServersBroadcastingSameNode(String nodeId)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212035, value="error receiving packet in discovery", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorReceivingPAcketInDiscovery(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212036, value="Can not find packet to clear: {0} last received command id first stored command id {1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void cannotFindPacketToClear(Integer lastReceivedCommandID, Integer firstStoredCommandID)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212037, value="Connection failure has been detected: {0} [code={1}]", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void connectionFailureDetected(String message, HornetQExceptionType type)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212038, value="Failure in calling interceptor: {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCallingInterceptor(@Cause Throwable e, Interceptor interceptor)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212040, value="Timed out waiting for netty ssl close future to complete", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timeoutClosingSSL()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212041, value="Timed out waiting for netty channel to close", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timeoutClosingNettyChannel()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212042, value="Timed out waiting for packet to be flushed", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void timeoutFlushingPacket()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212043, value="Property {0} must be an Integer, it is {1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void propertyNotInteger(String propName, String name)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212044, value="Property {0} must be an Long, it is {1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void propertyNotLong(String propName, String name)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212045, value="Property {0} must be an Boolean, it is {1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void propertyNotBoolean(String propName, String name)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212046, value="Cannot find hornetq-version.properties on classpath: {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void noVersionOnClasspath(String classpath)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212047, value="Warning: JVM allocated more data what would make results invalid {0}:{1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void jvmAllocatedMoreMemory(Long totalMemory1, Long totalMemory2)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212048, value="local-bind-address specified for broadcast group but no local-bind-port specified so socket will NOT be bound to a local address/port", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void broadcastGroupBindError()
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212049, value="Could not bind to {0} ({1} address); make sure your discovery group-address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6).\nIgnoring discovery group-address, but this may lead to cross talking.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void ioDiscoveryError(String hostAddress, String s)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212050, value="Compressed large message tried to read {0} bytes from stream {1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void compressedLargeMessageError(int length, int nReadBytes)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=212051, value="Waited {0} milliseconds for packet to complete. Now forcibly terminating thread.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void packetTimeout(long timeout)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214000, value="Failed to call onMessage", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void onMessageError(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214001, value="failed to cleanup session", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToCleanupSession(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214002, value="Failed to execute failure listener", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToExecuteListener(@Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214003, value="Failed to handle failover", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToHandleFailover(@Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214004, value="XA end operation failed ", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCallingEnd(@Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214005, value="XA start operation failed {0} code:{1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCallingStart(String message, Integer code)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214006, value="Session is not XA", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void sessionNotXA()
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214007, value="Received exception asynchronously from server", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void receivedExceptionAsynchronously(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214008, value="Failed to handle packet", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToHandlePacket(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214009, value="Failed to stop discovery group", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToStopDiscovery(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214010, value="Failed to receive datagram from Broadcaster UDP", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToReceiveDatagramInDiscovery(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214011, value="Failed to call discovery listener", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failedToCallListenerInDiscovery(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214012, value="Unexpected error handling packet {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorHandlingPacket(@Cause Throwable t, Packet packet)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214013, value="Failed to decode packet", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorDecodingPacket(@Cause Exception e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214014, value="Failed to execute failure listener", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCallingFailureListener(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214015, value="Failed to execute connection life cycle listener", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCallingLifeCycleListener(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214016, value="Failed to create netty connection", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorCreatingNettyConnection(@Cause Throwable e)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214017, value="Caught unexpected Throwable", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void caughtunexpectedThrowable(@Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214018, value="Failed to invoke getTextContent() on node {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorOnXMLTransform(@Cause Throwable t, Node n)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214019, value="Invalid configuration", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorOnXMLTransformInvalidConf(@Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=ERROR) @Message(id=214020, value="Exception happened while stopping Discovery BroadcastEndpoint {0}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void errorStoppingDiscoveryBroadcastEndpoint(Object endpoint, @Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=214021, value="Invalid concurrent session usage. Sessions are not supposed to be used by more than one thread concurrently.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void invalidConcurrentSessionUsage(@Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=214022, value="Packet {0} was answered out of sequence due to a previous server timeout and it\'s being ignored", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void packetOutOfOrder(Object obj, @Cause Throwable t)
@LogMessage(level=WARN) @Message(id=214024, value="Destination address={0} is blocked. If the system is configured to block make sure you consume messages on this configuration.", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void outOfCreditOnFlowControl(String address)
@LogMessage(level=TRACE) @Message(id=214025, value="Failure captured on connectionID={0}, performing failover or reconnection now", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void failoverOrReconnect(Object connectionID, @Cause HornetQException me)
@LogMessage(level=DEBUG) @Message(id=214026, value="Replaying commands for channelID={0} with lastCommandID from the server={1}", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void replayingCommands(long id, int lastConfirmedCommandID)
@LogMessage(level=DEBUG) @Message(id=214027, value="Couldn\'t reattach session {0}, performing as a failover operation now and recreating objects", format=MESSAGE_FORMAT) void creatingNewSession(long id)
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