All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AbstractMarshallerCodeGenerator AnnotatedDescriptor Base class for all descriptors.AnnotatedDescriptorImpl AnnotationAttributeConfiguration AnnotationAttributeConfiguration.Builder AnnotationConfiguration AnnotationConfiguration.Builder AnnotationElement AnnotationElement.Annotation AnnotationElement.AnnotationTarget On what kind of descriptor can we place that annotation?AnnotationElement.Array AnnotationElement.Attribute AnnotationElement.AttributeType What type is the attribute?AnnotationElement.Identifier An identifier is a bit like a string literal but it does not have the quotation marks and it cannot contain white space.AnnotationElement.Literal AnnotationElement.Value AnnotationElement.Visitor AnnotationMetadataCreator<MetadataOutType,AnnotatedDescriptorType extends AnnotatedDescriptor> Creates an application specific alternative metadata representation of anAnnotationElement.Annotation
value.AnnotationParser Parses all annotations it encounters and fails on first syntactic error.AnnotationParserException Exception indicating a syntax or semantic error encountered during parsing or validation of annotations.AutoProtoSchemaBuilder Generates compile-time auto-implementations ofSerializationContextInitializer
.BaseMarshaller<T> This is the base interface of the marshaller hierarchy, exposing common methods for identifying the Java and Protobuf types handled by this marshaller instance.BaseMarshallerDelegate<T> The marshallers (descendants ofBaseMarshaller
) do not have a uniform interface, so an extra layer of indirection is used to provide uniformity.BaseProtoSchemaGenerator Generates a protobuf schema (proto file) based on annotations and also generates marshallers for the types.ByteArrayOutputStreamEx ExtendsByteArrayOutputStream
and provides direct access to the internal buffer without making a copy.Configuration Configuration interface for the ProtoStream library.Configuration.AnnotationsConfig Configuration.AnnotationsConfig.Builder Configuration.Builder Configuration.WrappingConfig Configuration.WrappingConfig.Builder ConfigurationImpl ConfigurationImpl.BuilderImpl Descriptor Represents a message type declaration in a proto file.Descriptor.Builder DescriptorParser Deprecated. since 4.4.DescriptorParserException Exception for parse error.DocumentationExtractor ElementContainer Base interface for element containers.ElementContainerAdapter<C> Base interface for element container adapters.EnumDescriptor Represents an enum in a proto file.EnumDescriptor.Builder EnumMarshaller<E extends Enum<E>> Contract to be implemented by marshallers ofEnum
types.EnumMarshallerDelegate<T extends Enum<T>> EnumValueDescriptor Represents each constant value of a enumeration in a .proto file.EnumValueDescriptor.Builder ExtendDescriptor Represents a extend in a proto file.ExtendDescriptor.Builder FieldDescriptor Represents a field in a proto file.FieldDescriptor.Builder FileDescriptor Representation of a .proto file, including its dependencies.FileDescriptor.Builder FileDescriptor.Syntax FileDescriptorSource Aggregator for source proto files to be passed toSerializationContext.registerProtoFiles(FileDescriptorSource)
.FileDescriptorSource.ProgressCallback A callback interface that receives status notifications during the processing of files defined by aFileDescriptorSource
.FileNamespace The types defined in a file or in the files it imports (publicly or privately).GeneratedMarshallerBase Base class for generated message marshallers.GeneratedSchema An annotation-based generated proto schema file.GenericDescriptor Base interface for type (message and enum) descriptors.HasProtoSchema Dumps proto schema to writer.ImmutableSerializationContext A repository of Protobuf type definitions and their marshallers.ImportedProtoTypeMetadata AProtoTypeMetadata
for a message or enum type that is defined in an external protobuf schema and its definition was not created based on annotations during the current execution of aProtoSchemaBuilder
.IndentWriter A Writer capable of appending Strings in a similar manner to StringWriter but with indentation capabilities to support more readable code generation.IndexedElementContainer<E> A container that allows random access by position.IndexedElementContainerAdapter<C,E> A container adapter that allows random access by position.IterableElementContainer<E> A container that allows sequential access.IterableElementContainerAdapter<C,E> A container that allows sequential access.JavaType Java mappings of the Protobuf field types.JsonUtils Utility class for conversion to and from canonical JSON.Label Rules associated with a fieldLocalNamespace Log Log_$logger Warning this class consists of generated code.Log.LogFactory MalformedProtobufException Message Deprecated. this mechanism was replaced byUnknownFieldSetHandler
interface.MessageContext<E extends MessageContext<E>> A nested message processing context.MessageMarshaller<T> Deprecated. since 4.3.1.Final.MessageMarshaller.ProtoStreamReader A high-level interface for the wire encoding of a Protobuf stream that allows reading named (and typed) message fields.MessageMarshaller.ProtoStreamWriter A high-level interface for the wire encoding of a Protobuf stream that allows writing named (and typed) message fields.Namespace OneOfDescriptor OneOfDescriptor.Builder Option Represents any option in a proto file.OriginatingClasses Deprecated. this was replaced by org.infinispan.protostream.annotations.impl.processor.OriginatingClasses and it was not removed yet to prevent binary compat issues but will be removed in 4.4ProtoAdapter A marshalling adapter for a target class or enum that cannot be annotated for various reasons.ProtobufParser ProtobufTagMarshaller<T> A marshaller for message types that has direct access to the low level Protobuf streams (TagReader/TagWriter) to freely read and write tags.ProtobufTagMarshaller.OperationContext Base interface for marshalling operation contexts.ProtobufTagMarshaller.ReadContext Operation context of unmarshalling operations.ProtobufTagMarshaller.WriteContext Operation context of marshalling operations.ProtobufUtil This is the entry point to the ProtoStream library.ProtoDoc Deprecated. For ProtoStream documentation comment annotations, annotate directly theProtoField
s with the annotations to add.ProtoDocs Deprecated. For ProtoStream documentation comment annotations, annotate directly theProtoField
s with the annotations to add.ProtoEnum Deprecated. replaced byProtoName
.ProtoEnumTypeMetadata AProtoTypeMetadata
for an enum type created based on annotations during the current execution ofProtoSchemaBuilder
.ProtoEnumValue Defines a Protobuf enum value.ProtoEnumValueMetadata ProtoFactory An optional annotation that designates the constructor or static method that is used for creating instances of a message class.ProtoField Defines a Protocol Buffers message field.ProtoFieldMetadata ProtofileMapper Mapper for high level ProtoFile to FileDescriptor.ProtoMessage Deprecated. replaced byProtoName
.ProtoMessageTypeMetadata AProtoTypeMetadata
for a message type created based on annotations during the current execution ofProtoSchemaBuilder
.ProtoName An optional annotation for specifying the Protobuf message or enum type name.ProtoReserved Injects 'reserved' statements in the generated schema of a message or enum type.ProtoReserved.Range A range of field numbers or enum constants.ProtoReservedStatements Aggregates multipleProtoReserved
annotations.ProtoSchemaBuilder Deprecated. since 4.3.4.ProtoSchemaBuilderException A runtime exception that can be thrown during the generation of the Protocol Buffers schema and marshallers either due to improper API usage or due to internal errors.ProtoStreamException ProtoTypeId An optional annotation for specifying the a numeric type identifier for a Protobuf message or enum type.ProtoTypeMetadata ProtoUnknownFieldSet Indicates the field or java-bean property of typeUnknownFieldSet
to be used for storing the unknown field set.RawProtobufMarshaller<T> Deprecated. replaced byProtobufTagMarshaller
.RawProtoStreamReader Deprecated. replaced byTagReader
.RawProtoStreamWriter Deprecated. replaced byTagWriter
.ReflectionTypeFactory Implementation relying on reflection.ResolutionContext ResourceUtils RuntimeProtoSchemaGenerator This class is not to be directly invoked by users.SerializationContext A repository for Protobuf type definitions and their marshallers.SerializationContext.InstanceMarshallerProvider<T> Interface to be implemented for dynamic lookup of marshallers where the type is part of the entity being marshalled.SerializationContext.MarshallerProvider Deprecated. Since 4.4.SerializationContextImpl SerializationContextInitializer An interface to be used in conjunction with theAutoProtoSchemaBuilder
annotation.SquareProtoParser Parser for .proto files based on the Protoparser.TagHandler An event based interface for consuming a (read only) Protobuf stream containing exactly one top level message.TagReader TagReaderImpl TagWriter TagWriterImpl Type Type of a field in Protobuf, can be any value defined in or a group, message and enum.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFieldSet
keeps track of fields seen during parsing of a protocol message but whose field numbers are not recognized by the user provided marshallers (are never requested by them).UnknownFieldSetHandler<T> Deprecated. since 4.3.1.UnknownFieldSetImpl UnknownFieldSet
implementation.Version Provides version information about this ProtoStream release.WireFormat Deprecated. replaced byWireType
.WireType Protobuf wire encoding type.WrappedMessage A wrapper for messages, enums or primitive types that encodes the type of the inner object/value and also helps keep track of where the message ends.WrappedMessageTypeIdMapper Deprecated. since 4.3.1 because it does not suit the intended purpose.XClass XConstructor XElement A Java Program element.XEnumConstant XExecutable XField XMember XMethod XTypeFactory Factory for XClass implementations based on a given java.lang.Class or a javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror.