Interface TransactionalCacheWriter<K,​V>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AdvancedCacheWriter<K,​V>, CacheWriter<K,​V>, Lifecycle
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface TransactionalCacheWriter<K,​V>
    extends AdvancedCacheWriter<K,​V>
    Defines the functionality of a transactional store. This interface allows the implementing store to participate in the 2PC protocol of a cache's transaction. This enables the cache transaction to be rolledback if an exception occurs whilst writing key changes to the underlying store, or for the writes to the underlying store to be rolledback if the exception occurs in-memory. As this writer is part of the 2PC, all writes to the underlying store should only be executed by the originator of a transaction in normal operation. In the event that the originator crashes between the prepare and commit/rollback phase it is expected that the underlying store's transaction will eventually timeout and rollback. In the event that the originator crashes and transaction recovery is enabled, then forcing commit will result in the replaying of said Tx's (prepare/commit) to the underlying store.
    Ryan Emerson
    • Method Detail

      • prepareWithModifications

        void prepareWithModifications​(Transaction transaction,
                               throws PersistenceException
        Write modifications to the store in the prepare phase, as this is the only way we know the FINAL values of the entries. This is required to handle scenarios where an objects value is changed after the put command has been executed, but before the commit is called on the Tx.
        transaction - the current transactional context.
        batchModification - an object containing the write/remove operations required for this transaction.
        PersistenceException - if an error occurs when communicating/performing writes on the underlying store.
      • commit

        void commit​(Transaction transaction)
        Commit the provided transaction's changes to the underlying store.
        transaction - the current transactional context.
      • rollback

        void rollback​(Transaction transaction)
        Rollback the provided transaction's changes to the underlying store.
        transaction - the current transactional context.