Interface RemoteCacheContainer

    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration()
        Retrieves the configuration currently in use. The configuration object is immutable. If you wish to change configuration, you should use the following pattern:
         ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();;
         // modify builder
         remoteCacheManager = new RemoteCacheManager(;
        The configuration of this RemoteCacheManager
      • getCache

        <K,​V> RemoteCache<K,​V> getCache​(String cacheName,
                                                    boolean forceReturnValue,
                                                    TransactionMode transactionMode,
                                                    TransactionManager transactionManager)
        cacheName - The cache's name.
        forceReturnValue - true to force a return value when it is not needed.
        transactionMode - The TransactionMode to override. If null, it uses the configured value.
        transactionManager - The TransactionManager to override. If null, it uses the configured value.
        the RemoteCache implementation.
      • isStarted

        boolean isStarted()
      • switchToCluster

        boolean switchToCluster​(String clusterName)
        Switch remote cache manager to a different cluster, previously declared via configuration. If the switch was completed successfully, this method returns true, otherwise it returns false.
        clusterName - name of the cluster to which to switch to
        true if the cluster was switched, false otherwise
      • switchToDefaultCluster

        boolean switchToDefaultCluster()
        Switch remote cache manager to a the default cluster, previously declared via configuration. If the switch was completed successfully, this method returns true, otherwise it returns false.
        true if the cluster was switched, false otherwise
      • isTransactional

        boolean isTransactional​(String cacheName)
        true if the cache with name cacheName can participate in transactions.