TaskContext |
TaskContext.addParameter(String name,
Object value) |
Adds a named parameter to the task context
TaskContext |
TaskContext.cache(org.infinispan.Cache<?,?> cache) |
The cache against which this task will be executed.
TaskContext |
TaskContext.cacheManager(org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager cacheManager) |
The cache manager with which this task should be executed
TaskContext |
TaskContext.logEvent(boolean logEvent) |
Whether execution will generate an event in the event log
TaskContext |
TaskContext.marshaller(Marshaller marshaller) |
The marshaller with which this task should be executed
TaskContext |
TaskContext.parameters(Map<String,?> parameters) |
A map of named parameters that will be passed to the task.
TaskContext |
TaskContext.subject(Subject subject) |
The subject to impersonate when running this task.