CacheEntriesEvicted |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when cache entries are evicted.
CacheEntryActivated |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is activated.
CacheEntryCreated |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is created.
CacheEntryExpired |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is expired
CacheEntryInvalidated |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is invalidated.
CacheEntryLoaded |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is loaded from a CacheLoader .
CacheEntryModified |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry has been modified.
CacheEntryPassivated |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when cache entries are passivated.
CacheEntryRemoved |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is removed from the cache.
CacheEntryVisited |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a cache entry is visited.
DataRehashed |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when a rehash starts or ends.
PartitionStatusChanged |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the
AvailabilityMode in use by the
PartitionHandlingManager changes due to a change in cluster topology.
PersistenceAvailabilityChanged |
Use this annotation on methods that require notification when the availability of the PersistenceManager changes.
TopologyChanged |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the ConsistentHash implementation
in use by the DistributionManager changes due to a change in cluster topology.
TransactionCompleted |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is called to participate in a
transaction and the transaction completes, either with a commit or a rollback.
TransactionRegistered |
This annotation should be used on methods that need to be notified when the cache is called to participate in a
transaction and registers a Synchronization with a registered TransactionManager .