Class GridFilesystem

  • public class GridFilesystem
    extends Object
    Entry point for GridFile and GridInputStream / GridOutputStream
    Bela Ban, Marko Luksa
    • Constructor Detail

      • GridFilesystem

        public GridFilesystem​(Cache<String,​byte[]> data,
                              Cache<String,​GridFile.Metadata> metadata,
                              int defaultChunkSize)
        Creates an instance. The data and metadata caches should already have been setup and started
        data - the cache where the actual file contents are stored
        metadata - the cache where file meta-data is stored
        defaultChunkSize - the default size of the file chunks
    • Method Detail

      • getFile

        public File getFile​(String pathname)
        Returns the file denoted by pathname.
        pathname - the full path of the requested file
        the File stored at pathname
      • getFile

        public File getFile​(String pathname,
                            int chunkSize)
        Returns the file denoted by pathname. If the file does not yet exist, it is initialized with the given chunkSize. However, if the file at pathname already exists, the chunkSize parameter is ignored and the file's actual chunkSize is used.
        pathname - the full path of the requested file
        chunkSize - the size of the file's chunks. This parameter is only used for non-existing files.
        the File stored at pathname
      • getFile

        public File getFile​(String parent,
                            String child,
                            int chunkSize)
      • getFile

        public File getFile​(File parent,
                            String child,
                            int chunkSize)
      • getOutput

        public OutputStream getOutput​(String pathname)
                               throws IOException
        Opens an OutputStream for writing to the file denoted by pathname. If a file at pathname already exists, writing to the returned OutputStream will overwrite the contents of the file.
        pathname - the path to write to
        an OutputStream for writing to the file at pathname
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • getOutput

        public OutputStream getOutput​(String pathname,
                                      boolean append)
                               throws IOException
        Opens an OutputStream for writing to the file denoted by pathname. The OutputStream can either overwrite the existing file or append to it.
        pathname - the path to write to
        append - if true, the bytes written to the OutputStream will be appended to the end of the file. If false, the bytes will overwrite the original contents.
        an OutputStream for writing to the file at pathname
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • getOutput

        public OutputStream getOutput​(String pathname,
                                      boolean append,
                                      int chunkSize)
                               throws IOException
        Opens an OutputStream for writing to the file denoted by pathname.
        pathname - the file to write to
        append - if true, the bytes written to the OutputStream will be appended to the end of the file
        chunkSize - the size of the file's chunks. This parameter is honored only when the file at pathname does not yet exist. If the file already exists, the file's own chunkSize has precedence.
        the OutputStream for writing to the file
        IOException - if the file is a directory, cannot be created or some other error occurs
      • getOutput

        public OutputStream getOutput​(GridFile file)
                               throws IOException
        Opens an OutputStream for writing to the given file.
        file - the file to write to
        an OutputStream for writing to the file
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • getInput

        public InputStream getInput​(String pathname)
                             throws FileNotFoundException
        Opens an InputStream for reading from the file denoted by pathname.
        pathname - the full path of the file to read from
        an InputStream for reading from the file
        FileNotFoundException - if the file does not exist or is a directory
      • getInput

        public InputStream getInput​(File file)
                             throws FileNotFoundException
        Opens an InputStream for reading from the given file.
        file - the file to open for reading
        an InputStream for reading from the file
        FileNotFoundException - if the file does not exist or is a directory
      • getReadableChannel

        public ReadableGridFileChannel getReadableChannel​(String pathname)
                                                   throws FileNotFoundException
        Opens a ReadableGridFileChannel for reading from the file denoted by the given file path. One of the benefits of using a channel over an InputStream is the possibility to randomly seek to any position in the file (see #ReadableGridChannel.position()).
        pathname - path of the file to open for reading
        a ReadableGridFileChannel for reading from the file
        FileNotFoundException - if the file does not exist or is a directory
      • getWritableChannel

        public WritableGridFileChannel getWritableChannel​(String pathname)
                                                   throws IOException
        Opens a WritableGridFileChannel for writing to the file denoted by pathname. If a file at pathname already exists, writing to the returned channel will overwrite the contents of the file.
        pathname - the path to write to
        a WritableGridFileChannel for writing to the file at pathname
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • getWritableChannel

        public WritableGridFileChannel getWritableChannel​(String pathname,
                                                          boolean append)
                                                   throws IOException
        Opens a WritableGridFileChannel for writing to the file denoted by pathname. The channel can either overwrite the existing file or append to it.
        pathname - the path to write to
        append - if true, the bytes written to the WritableGridFileChannel will be appended to the end of the file. If false, the bytes will overwrite the original contents.
        a WritableGridFileChannel for writing to the file at pathname
        IOException - if an error occurs
      • getWritableChannel

        public WritableGridFileChannel getWritableChannel​(String pathname,
                                                          boolean append,
                                                          int chunkSize)
                                                   throws IOException
        Opens a WritableGridFileChannel for writing to the file denoted by pathname.
        pathname - the file to write to
        append - if true, the bytes written to the channel will be appended to the end of the file
        chunkSize - the size of the file's chunks. This parameter is honored only when the file at pathname does not yet exist. If the file already exists, the file's own chunkSize has precedence.
        a WritableGridFileChannel for writing to the file
        IOException - if the file is a directory, cannot be created or some other error occurs