Uses of Package
Packages that use org.infinispan.eviction Package Description org.infinispan This is the core of Infinispan, a distributed, transactional, highly scalable data grid Cache
configurationorg.infinispan.container.offheap org.infinispan.eviction Classes related to eviction. -
Classes in org.infinispan.eviction used by org.infinispan Class Description EvictionManager Central component that deals with eviction of cache entries. -
Classes in org.infinispan.eviction used by org.infinispan.configuration.cache Class Description EvictionStrategy Supported eviction strategiesEvictionThreadPolicy Supported eviction thread policyEvictionType Supported eviction type -
Classes in org.infinispan.eviction used by org.infinispan.container.offheap Class Description EvictionManager Central component that deals with eviction of cache entries.EvictionType Supported eviction typePassivationManager A passivation manager -
Classes in org.infinispan.eviction used by org.infinispan.eviction Class Description EvictionStrategy Supported eviction strategiesEvictionThreadPolicy Supported eviction thread policyEvictionType Supported eviction type