Package | Description |
org.jboss.ejb.server | |
org.jboss.remoting3 |
The base Remoting 3 API package.
org.jboss.remoting3.spi |
Service provider classes and interfaces.
org.wildfly.httpclient.common | | |
Extended callbacks and supporting utilities which allow efficient callback handler implementation.
| |
Server side of authentication provided by Elytron.
| | | |
Package containing the HTTP based authentication APIs, SPIs and related classes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
Get the security identity that is associated with this invocation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
Get the local identity of this inbound connection.
SecurityIdentity |
Connection.getLocalIdentity(int id)
Get the local identity associated with the given ID that was previously shared to the peer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
Get the local identity corresponding to the peer authentication which was performed on this connection, if it
is an incoming connection.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static AttachmentKey<SecurityIdentity> |
The current security identity
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
Returns a cached
SecurityIdentity , if present in the cache. |
SecurityIdentity |
Get the realm identity.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CachedIdentityAuthorizeCallback.setAuthorized(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Authorizes and caches the given
securityIdentity . |
void |
SecurityIdentityCallback.setSecurityIdentity(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Set the realm identity.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.authenticate(Evidence evidence)
Perform an authentication based on
Evidence alone. |
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.authenticate(Principal principal,
Evidence evidence)
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.authenticate(String name,
Evidence evidence)
Perform an authentication based on
Evidence for the specified identity name. |
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.createAdHocIdentity(Principal principal)
Create an empty ad-hoc identity.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityDomain.createAdHocIdentity(String name)
Create an empty ad-hoc identity.
SecurityIdentity |
Attempt to create a new identity that can be used to run as an anonymous user.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.createRunAsAnonymous(boolean authorize)
Attempt to create a new identity that can be used to run as an anonymous user
Calling with enabled security manager requires
setRunAsPrincipal ElytronPermission . |
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.createRunAsIdentity(Principal principal,
boolean authorize)
Attempt to create a new identity that can be used to run as a user with the given principal.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.createRunAsIdentity(String name)
Attempt to create a new identity that can be used to run as a user with the given name.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.createRunAsIdentity(String name,
boolean authorize)
Attempt to create a new identity that can be used to run as a user with the given name.
SecurityIdentity |
Get the current associated identity.
SecurityIdentity |
Get this identity.
SecurityIdentity |
Get the anonymous security identity for this realm.
SecurityIdentity |
Get the authorized identity result of this authentication.
SecurityIdentity |
Get the current security identity for this domain.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.intersectWith(PermissionVerifier verifier)
Create a new security identity which is the same as this one, but which limits authorization privileges to the
intersection of the current privileges and the given verifier.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withDefaultRoleMapper(RoleMapper roleMapper)
Attempt to create a new identity which wraps the default roles with a default role mapper.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withPrivateCredential(Credential credential)
Create a new security identity which is the same as this one, but which includes the given credential as a
private credential.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withPrivateCredentials(IdentityCredentials credentials)
Create a new security identity which is the same as this one, but which includes the given credentials as
private credentials.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withPublicCredential(Credential credential)
Create a new security identity which is the same as this one, but which includes the given credential as a
public credential.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withPublicCredentials(IdentityCredentials credentials)
Create a new security identity which is the same as this one, but which includes the given credentials as
public credentials.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withRoleMapper(String category,
RoleMapper roleMapper)
Attempt to create a new identity which replaces a role mapper category on the current identity.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withSecurityIdentity(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Attempt to create a new identity that is the same as this identity but with an additional identity from a different
security domain that will be associated with all 'run' calls.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withSecurityIdentitySupplier(Supplier<SecurityIdentity[]> securityIdentities)
Attempt to create a new identity that is the same as this identity but with a
Supplier to supply identities that will be associated with all 'run' calls. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SecurityDomain |
SecurityDomain.forIdentity(SecurityIdentity identity)
Get the security domain associated with the given identity.
boolean |
ServerAuthenticationContext.importIdentity(SecurityIdentity identity)
Attempt to import the given security identity as a trusted identity.
static <T> T |
SecurityIdentity.runAsAll(PrivilegedExceptionAction<T> action,
SecurityIdentity... identities)
Run an action under a series of identities.
void |
FlexibleIdentityAssociation.setIdentity(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Set the current associated identity.
SecurityIdentity |
SecurityIdentity.withSecurityIdentity(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Attempt to create a new identity that is the same as this identity but with an additional identity from a different
security domain that will be associated with all 'run' calls.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityDomain.Builder |
SecurityDomain.Builder.setSecurityIdentityTransformer(UnaryOperator<SecurityIdentity> securityIdentityTransformer)
Set the security identity transformer to use.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
Get the
SecurityIdentity that was active at the time this event was triggered. |
Constructor and Description |
Rfc3164SyslogEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Constructor for a new instance.
Rfc5424SyslogEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Constructor for a new instance.
SecurityAuthenticationFailedEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity,
Principal principal)
Constructor for a new instance.
SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity)
Constructor for a new instance.
SecurityPermissionCheckEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity,
Permission permission,
boolean successful)
Construct a new instance.
SecurityPermissionCheckFailedEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity,
Permission permission)
Construct a new instance.
SecurityPermissionCheckSuccessfulEvent(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity,
Permission permission)
Construct a new instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SecurityIdentity |
HttpAuthenticator.login(String username,
String password)
Perform a login for the supplied username and password using the pre-configured mechanism name.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
HttpExchangeSpi.authenticationComplete(SecurityIdentity securityIdentity,
String mechanismName)
Notification that authentication has been completed for a specific identity using a specific authentication mechanism.
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