Package | Description |
org.hibernate.boot.spi | |
org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.interceptor |
interceptor implementations
org.hibernate.cfg |
This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes
for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.
org.hibernate.cfg.annotations | |
org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.metadata.reader | |
org.hibernate.jpa.event.internal |
Internal details of implementing support for JPA callbacks
org.hibernate.jpa.event.spi |
The SPI contracts for supporting JPA lifecycle callbacks.
org.hibernate.mapping |
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.
org.hibernate.metamodel.internal | |
org.hibernate.tuple |
This package defines a runtime metamodel for entities at
the object level and abstracts the differences between
the various entity modes.
org.hibernate.tuple.component | |
org.hibernate.tuple.entity |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NaturalIdUniqueKeyBinder.addAttributeBinding(Property attributeBinding)
Adds a attribute binding.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LazyAttributeDescriptor |
LazyAttributeDescriptor.from(Property property,
int attributeIndex,
int lazyIndex) |
static boolean |
EnhancementHelper.includeInBaseFetchGroup(Property bootMapping,
boolean isEnhanced,
boolean allowEnhancementAsProxy)
Should the given property be included in the owner's base fetch group?
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Property |
BinderHelper.findPropertyByName(Component component,
String propertyName)
Retrieve the property by path in a recursive way
static Property |
BinderHelper.findPropertyByName(PersistentClass associatedClass,
String propertyName)
Retrieve the property by path in a recursive way, including IndetifierProperty in the loop
If propertyName is null or empty, the IdentifierProperty is returned
static Property |
BinderHelper.shallowCopy(Property property)
create a property copy reusing the same value
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ClassPropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
Ejb3Column[] columns,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
CollectionPropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
Ejb3Column[] columns,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
ComponentPropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
Ejb3Column[] columns,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
PropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
Ejb3Column[] columns,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
ClassPropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
CollectionPropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
ComponentPropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
XClass declaringClass) |
void |
PropertyHolder.addProperty(Property prop,
XClass declaringClass) |
static Property |
BinderHelper.shallowCopy(Property property)
create a property copy reusing the same value
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Property |
PropertyBinder.makeProperty() |
Property |
PropertyBinder.makePropertyAndBind() |
Property |
PropertyBinder.makePropertyValueAndBind() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Property |
AuditedPropertiesReader.ComponentPropertiesSource.getProperty(String propertyName) |
Property |
PersistentPropertiesSource.getProperty(String propertyName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Property> |
AuditedPropertiesReader.ComponentPropertiesSource.getPropertyIterator() |
Iterator<Property> |
PersistentPropertiesSource.getPropertyIterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CallbackBuilderLegacyImpl.buildCallbacksForEmbeddable(Property embeddableProperty,
String entityClassName,
CallbackBuilder.CallbackRegistrar callbackRegistrar) |
Callback[] |
CallbackBuilderLegacyImpl.resolveEmbeddableCallbacks(Class entityClass,
Property embeddableProperty,
CallbackType callbackType,
ReflectionManager reflectionManager) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CallbackBuilder.buildCallbacksForEmbeddable(Property embeddableProperty,
String entityClassName,
CallbackBuilder.CallbackRegistrar callbackRegistrar) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Backref |
class |
IndexBackref |
class |
Models a property which does not actually exist in the model.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MappedSuperclass.addDeclaredProperty(Property p) |
void |
PersistentClass.addMappedsuperclassProperty(Property p) |
void |
Subclass.addMappedsuperclassProperty(Property p) |
void |
Join.addMappedsuperclassProperty(Property prop) |
void |
PersistentClass.addProperty(Property p) |
void |
Subclass.addProperty(Property p) |
void |
AttributeContainer.addProperty(Property attribute) |
void |
Component.addProperty(Property p) |
void |
Join.addProperty(Property prop) |
protected void |
PersistentClass.addSubclassProperty(Property prop) |
protected void |
Subclass.addSubclassProperty(Property p) |
boolean |
Join.containsProperty(Property prop) |
int |
PersistentClass.getJoinNumber(Property prop) |
void |
MappedSuperclass.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty(Property prop) |
void |
RootClass.setDeclaredIdentifierProperty(Property declaredIdentifierProperty) |
void |
MappedSuperclass.setDeclaredVersion(Property prop) |
void |
RootClass.setDeclaredVersion(Property declaredVersion) |
void |
RootClass.setIdentifierProperty(Property identifierProperty) |
void |
RootClass.setVersion(Property version) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<X,Y> AttributeImplementor<X,Y> |
AttributeFactory.buildAttribute(AbstractManagedType<X> ownerType,
Property property)
Build a normal attribute.
<X,Y> SingularAttributeImpl<X,Y> |
AttributeFactory.buildIdAttribute(AbstractIdentifiableType<X> ownerType,
Property property)
Build the identifier attribute descriptor
<X,Y> SingularAttributeImpl<X,Y> |
AttributeFactory.buildVersionAttribute(AbstractIdentifiableType<X> ownerType,
Property property)
Build the version attribute descriptor
PluralAttributeImpl.Builder<X,C,E,K> | property) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NonIdentifierAttribute |
PropertyFactory.buildEntityBasedAttribute(EntityPersister persister,
SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
int attributeNumber,
Property property,
boolean lazyAvailable)
Generate a non-identifier (and non-version) attribute based on the given mapped property from the given entity
static StandardProperty |
PropertyFactory.buildStandardProperty(Property property,
boolean lazyAvailable)
static VersionProperty |
PropertyFactory.buildVersionProperty(EntityPersister persister,
SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
int attributeNumber,
Property property,
boolean lazyAvailable)
Generates a VersionProperty representation for an entity mapping given its
version mapping Property.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract Getter |
AbstractComponentTuplizer.buildGetter(Component component,
Property prop) |
protected Getter |
DynamicMapComponentTuplizer.buildGetter(Component component,
Property prop) |
protected Getter |
PojoComponentTuplizer.buildGetter(Component component,
Property prop) |
protected abstract Setter |
AbstractComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component,
Property prop) |
protected Setter |
DynamicMapComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component,
Property prop) |
protected Setter |
PojoComponentTuplizer.buildSetter(Component component,
Property prop) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract Getter |
AbstractEntityTuplizer.buildPropertyGetter(Property mappedProperty,
PersistentClass mappedEntity)
Build an appropriate Getter for the given property.
protected Getter |
DynamicMapEntityTuplizer.buildPropertyGetter(Property mappedProperty,
PersistentClass mappedEntity) |
protected Getter |
PojoEntityTuplizer.buildPropertyGetter(Property mappedProperty,
PersistentClass mappedEntity) |
protected abstract Setter |
AbstractEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty,
PersistentClass mappedEntity)
Build an appropriate Setter for the given property.
protected Setter |
DynamicMapEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty,
PersistentClass mappedEntity) |
protected Setter |
PojoEntityTuplizer.buildPropertySetter(Property mappedProperty,
PersistentClass mappedEntity) |
static org.hibernate.tuple.entity.EntityMetamodel.InDatabaseValueGenerationStrategyImpl |
EntityMetamodel.create(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactoryImplementor,
Property mappingProperty,
ValueGeneration valueGeneration) |
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