public class Ejb3Column extends Object
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static int |
protected Map<String,Join> |
joins |
protected PropertyHolder |
propertyHolder |
String |
sqlType |
Constructor and Description |
Ejb3Column() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
addColumnBinding(SimpleValue value) |
void |
addIndex(Index index,
boolean inSecondPass) |
void |
bind() |
static Ejb3Column[] |
buildColumnFromAnnotation(Column[] anns,
Formula formulaAnn,
Nullability nullability,
PropertyHolder propertyHolder,
PropertyData inferredData,
Map<String,Join> secondaryTables,
MetadataBuildingContext context) |
static Ejb3Column[] |
buildColumnFromAnnotation(Column[] anns,
Formula formulaAnn,
Nullability nullability,
PropertyHolder propertyHolder,
PropertyData inferredData,
String suffixForDefaultColumnName,
Map<String,Join> secondaryTables,
MetadataBuildingContext context) |
static void |
checkPropertyConsistency(Ejb3Column[] columns,
String propertyName) |
void |
forceNotNull() |
protected MetadataBuildingContext |
getBuildingContext() |
String |
getDefaultValue() |
String |
getExplicitTableName() |
String |
getFormulaString() |
Join |
getJoin() |
int |
getLength() |
String |
getLogicalColumnName() |
Column |
getMappingColumn() |
String |
getName() |
int |
getPrecision() |
PropertyHolder |
getPropertyHolder() |
String |
getPropertyName() |
int |
getScale() |
String |
getSqlType() |
Table |
Find appropriate table of the column.
protected void |
initMappingColumn(String columnName,
String propertyName,
int length,
int precision,
int scale,
boolean nullable,
String sqlType,
boolean unique,
boolean applyNamingStrategy) |
boolean |
isFormula() |
boolean |
isImplicit() |
boolean |
isInsertable() |
boolean |
isNameDeferred() |
boolean |
isNullable() |
boolean |
isSecondary() |
boolean |
isUnique() |
boolean |
isUpdatable() |
void |
linkWithValue(SimpleValue value) |
void |
redefineColumnName(String columnName,
String propertyName,
boolean applyNamingStrategy) |
void |
setBuildingContext(MetadataBuildingContext context) |
void |
setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) |
void |
setExplicitTableName(String explicitTableName) |
void |
setFormula(String formula) |
void |
setImplicit(boolean implicit) |
void |
setInsertable(boolean insertable) |
void |
setJoins(Map<String,Join> joins) |
void |
setLength(int length) |
void |
setLogicalColumnName(String logicalColumnName) |
protected void |
setMappingColumn(Column mappingColumn) |
void |
setNullable(boolean nullable) |
void |
setPrecision(int precision) |
void |
setPropertyHolder(PropertyHolder propertyHolder) |
void |
setPropertyName(String propertyName) |
void |
setScale(int scale) |
void |
setSqlType(String sqlType) |
void |
setTable(Table table) |
void |
setUnique(boolean unique) |
void |
setUpdatable(boolean updatable) |
String |
toString() |
protected PropertyHolder propertyHolder
public static final int DEFAULT_COLUMN_LENGTH
public String sqlType
public void setTable(Table table)
public String getLogicalColumnName()
public String getSqlType()
public int getLength()
public int getPrecision()
public int getScale()
public boolean isUnique()
public boolean isFormula()
public String getFormulaString()
public String getExplicitTableName()
public void setExplicitTableName(String explicitTableName)
public void setFormula(String formula)
public boolean isImplicit()
public void setInsertable(boolean insertable)
public void setUpdatable(boolean updatable)
protected MetadataBuildingContext getBuildingContext()
public void setBuildingContext(MetadataBuildingContext context)
public void setImplicit(boolean implicit)
public void setSqlType(String sqlType)
public void setLength(int length)
public void setPrecision(int precision)
public void setScale(int scale)
public void setLogicalColumnName(String logicalColumnName)
public void setPropertyName(String propertyName)
public String getPropertyName()
public void setUnique(boolean unique)
public boolean isNullable()
public String getDefaultValue()
public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue)
public void bind()
protected void initMappingColumn(String columnName, String propertyName, int length, int precision, int scale, boolean nullable, String sqlType, boolean unique, boolean applyNamingStrategy)
public boolean isNameDeferred()
public void redefineColumnName(String columnName, String propertyName, boolean applyNamingStrategy)
public String getName()
public Column getMappingColumn()
public boolean isInsertable()
public boolean isUpdatable()
public void setNullable(boolean nullable)
public PropertyHolder getPropertyHolder()
public void setPropertyHolder(PropertyHolder propertyHolder)
protected void setMappingColumn(Column mappingColumn)
public void linkWithValue(SimpleValue value)
protected void addColumnBinding(SimpleValue value)
public Table getTable()
- missing secondary tablepublic boolean isSecondary()
public Join getJoin()
public void forceNotNull()
public static Ejb3Column[] buildColumnFromAnnotation(Column[] anns, Formula formulaAnn, Nullability nullability, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, PropertyData inferredData, Map<String,Join> secondaryTables, MetadataBuildingContext context)
public static Ejb3Column[] buildColumnFromAnnotation(Column[] anns, Formula formulaAnn, Nullability nullability, PropertyHolder propertyHolder, PropertyData inferredData, String suffixForDefaultColumnName, Map<String,Join> secondaryTables, MetadataBuildingContext context)
public static void checkPropertyConsistency(Ejb3Column[] columns, String propertyName)
public void addIndex(Index index, boolean inSecondPass)
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