Interface | Description |
AttributeMapping | |
ConfigParameterContainer | |
EntityInfo |
Common interface for all entity mappings (root entity and sub-entity mappings).
NativeQueryNonScalarRootReturn |
Commonality for non-scalar root returns for a native query result mapping
PluralAttributeInfo |
Commonality between the various forms of plural attribute (collection) mappings:
<bag/> , <set/> , etc. |
ResultSetMappingBindingDefinition | |
SecondaryTableContainer |
Common interface for mappings that may contain secondary table (join) mappings.
SimpleValueTypeInfo | |
SingularAttributeInfo | |
SubEntityInfo |
Common interface for all sub-entity mappings.
TableInformationContainer |
Common interface for all mappings that contain relational table information
ToolingHintContainer |
Contract for JAXB bindings which are containers of tooling hints.
TypeContainer |
Class | Description |
Adapter1 | |
Adapter2 | |
Adapter3 | |
Adapter4 | |
Adapter5 | |
Adapter6 | |
Adapter7 | |
Adapter8 | |
Adapter9 | |
JaxbHbmAnyAssociationType |
A discriminated association where the discriminator is part of the
association, not the associated entity (compared to discriminator subclass)
JaxbHbmAnyValueMappingType |
Defines the mapping of a discriminator value to a concrete entity in an any or
any-to-many mapping.
JaxbHbmArrayType |
Java class for ArrayType complex type.
JaxbHbmAuxiliaryDatabaseObjectType |
Java class for AuxiliaryDatabaseObjectType complex type.
JaxbHbmAuxiliaryDatabaseObjectType.JaxbHbmDefinition |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
JaxbHbmBagCollectionType |
Java class for BagCollectionType complex type.
JaxbHbmBaseVersionAttributeType |
Type definition that acts as a base for concrete definitions of mapped
attributes that can function as the basis of optimistic locking.
JaxbHbmBasicAttributeType |
Java class for BasicAttributeType complex type.
JaxbHbmBasicCollectionElementType |
Declares the element type of a collection where the element is of basic type
JaxbHbmCacheType |
Java class for CacheType complex type.
JaxbHbmClassRenameType |
Java class for ClassRenameType complex type.
JaxbHbmCollectionIdType |
Java class for CollectionIdType complex type.
JaxbHbmColumnType |
The column element is an alternative to column attributes and required for
mapping associations to classes with composite ids.
JaxbHbmCompositeAttributeType |
A component is a user-defined class, persisted along with its containing entity
to the table of the entity class.
JaxbHbmCompositeCollectionElementType |
A composite element allows a collection to hold instances of an arbitrary
class, without the requirement of joining to an entity table.
JaxbHbmCompositeIdType |
A composite key may be modelled by a java class with a property for each
key column.
JaxbHbmCompositeIndexType |
Describes the key of a java.util.Map which is a composite.
JaxbHbmCompositeKeyBasicAttributeType |
A property embedded in a composite identifier or map index (always not-null).
JaxbHbmCompositeKeyManyToOneType |
A many-to-one association embedded in a composite identifier or map index
(always not-null, never cascade).
JaxbHbmConfigParameterContainer |
Java class for ConfigParameterContainer complex type.
JaxbHbmConfigParameterType |
Java class for ConfigParameterType complex type.
JaxbHbmCustomSqlDmlType |
Java class for CustomSqlDmlType complex type.
JaxbHbmDialectScopeType |
Java class for DialectScopeType complex type.
JaxbHbmDiscriminatorSubclassEntityType |
Subclass declarations are nested beneath the root class declaration to achieve
polymorphic persistence with the table-per-hierarchy mapping strategy.
JaxbHbmDynamicComponentType |
A dynamic-component maps columns of the database entity to a java.util.Map
at the Java level
JaxbHbmEntityBaseDefinition |
Java class for EntityBaseDefinition complex type.
JaxbHbmEntityDiscriminatorType |
Polymorphic data requires a column holding a class discriminator value.
JaxbHbmFetchProfileType |
Java class for FetchProfileType complex type.
JaxbHbmFetchProfileType.JaxbHbmFetch |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
JaxbHbmFilterAliasMappingType |
Java class for filter-alias-mapping-type complex type.
JaxbHbmFilterDefinitionType |
Java class for FilterDefinitionType complex type.
JaxbHbmFilterParameterType |
Java class for FilterParameterType complex type.
JaxbHbmFilterType |
FILTER element; used to apply a filter.
JaxbHbmGeneratorSpecificationType |
Generators generate unique identifiers.
JaxbHbmHibernateMapping |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
JaxbHbmIdBagCollectionType |
Java class for IdBagCollectionType complex type.
JaxbHbmIdentifierGeneratorDefinitionType |
Java class for IdentifierGeneratorDefinitionType complex type.
JaxbHbmIndexManyToAnyType |
Java class for index-many-to-any-type complex type.
JaxbHbmIndexManyToManyType |
Describes the key of a java.util.Map which is an FK-association.
JaxbHbmIndexType |
Describes the index of an indexed collection.
JaxbHbmJoinedSubclassEntityType |
Joined subclasses are used for the normalized table-per-subclass mapping strategy
See the note on the class element regarding
JaxbHbmKeyType |
Declares the column name of a foreign key.
JaxbHbmListIndexType |
Java class for ListIndexType complex type.
JaxbHbmListType |
Java class for ListType complex type.
JaxbHbmLoaderType |
The loader element allows specification of a named query to be used for fetching
an entity or collection
JaxbHbmManyToAnyCollectionElementType |
A "many to any" defines a polymorphic association to any table
with the given identifier type.
JaxbHbmManyToManyCollectionElementType |
Java class for ManyToManyCollectionElementType complex type.
JaxbHbmManyToOneType |
Java class for ManyToOneType complex type.
JaxbHbmMapKeyBasicType |
Describes the key of a java.util.Map where the key is a basic (JPA term) type
JaxbHbmMapKeyCompositeType |
Describes the key of a java.util.Map where the key is a composite type
JaxbHbmMapKeyManyToManyType |
Describes the key of a java.util.Map where the key is an association (FK)
JaxbHbmMapType |
Java class for MapType complex type.
JaxbHbmMultiTenancyType |
Java class for multi-tenancy-type complex type.
JaxbHbmNamedNativeQueryType |
The sql-query element declares a named SQL query string
JaxbHbmNamedQueryType |
Java class for NamedQueryType complex type.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryCollectionLoadReturnType |
Java class for NativeQueryCollectionLoadReturnType complex type.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryJoinReturnType |
Java class for NativeQueryJoinReturnType complex type.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryPropertyReturnType |
Java class for NativeQueryPropertyReturnType complex type.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryPropertyReturnType.JaxbHbmReturnColumn |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryReturnType |
Defines a return component for a sql-query.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryReturnType.JaxbHbmReturnDiscriminator |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
JaxbHbmNativeQueryScalarReturnType |
Java class for NativeQueryScalarReturnType complex type.
JaxbHbmNaturalIdCacheType |
Java class for NaturalIdCacheType complex type.
JaxbHbmNaturalIdType |
A natural-id element allows declaration of the unique business key
JaxbHbmNestedCompositeElementType |
Java class for nested-composite-element-type complex type.
JaxbHbmOneToManyCollectionElementType |
Java class for OneToManyCollectionElementType complex type.
JaxbHbmOneToOneType |
Java class for OneToOneType complex type.
JaxbHbmParentType |
The parent element maps a property of the component class as a pointer back to
the owning entity.
JaxbHbmPrimitiveArrayType |
Java class for PrimitiveArrayType complex type.
JaxbHbmPropertiesType |
properties declares that the contained properties form an alternate key.
JaxbHbmQueryParamType |
The query-param element is used only by tools that generate
finder methods for named queries
JaxbHbmResultSetMappingType |
The resultset element declares a named resultset mapping definition for SQL queries
JaxbHbmRootEntityType |
Root entity mapping.
JaxbHbmSecondaryTableType |
A join allows some properties of a class to be persisted to a second table
JaxbHbmSetType |
Java class for SetType complex type.
JaxbHbmSimpleIdType |
Declares the id type, column and generation algorithm for an entity class.
JaxbHbmSubclassEntityBaseDefinition |
Java class for SubclassEntityBaseDefinition complex type.
JaxbHbmSynchronizeType |
Java class for synchronize-type complex type.
JaxbHbmTimestampAttributeType |
Optimistic locking attribute based on a (last-updated) timestamp.
JaxbHbmToolingHintContainer |
Describes an XSD base type for any complex type that can contain "tooling hints".
JaxbHbmToolingHintType |
JaxbHbmTuplizerType |
TUPLIZER element; defines tuplizer to use for a component/entity for a given entity-mode
JaxbHbmTypeDefinitionType |
Java class for TypeDefinitionType complex type.
JaxbHbmTypeSpecificationType |
Declares the type of the containing property (overrides an eventually existing type
attribute of the property).
JaxbHbmUnionSubclassEntityType |
Union subclasses are used for the table-per-concrete-class mapping strategy
See the note on the class element regarding
JaxbHbmVersionAttributeType |
Optimistic locking attribute based on an incrementing value.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.spi package.
PluralAttributeInfoIdBagAdapter |
Adaptive implementation of the
PluralAttributeInfo for <idbag/> mappings which
do not support all the configuration available on other collection mappings. |
PluralAttributeInfoPrimitiveArrayAdapter |
Enum | Description |
JaxbHbmCacheInclusionEnum |
Java class for CacheInclusionEnum.
JaxbHbmFetchStyleEnum |
Java class for FetchStyleEnum.
JaxbHbmFetchStyleWithSubselectEnum |
Java class for FetchStyleWithSubselectEnum.
JaxbHbmLazyEnum |
Java class for LazyEnum.
JaxbHbmLazyWithExtraEnum |
Java class for LazyWithExtraEnum.
JaxbHbmLazyWithNoProxyEnum |
Java class for LazyWithNoProxyEnum.
JaxbHbmNotFoundEnum |
Java class for NotFoundEnum.
JaxbHbmOnDeleteEnum |
Java class for OnDeleteEnum.
JaxbHbmOuterJoinEnum |
Java class for OuterJoinEnum.
JaxbHbmPolymorphismEnum |
Java class for PolymorphismEnum.
JaxbHbmTimestampSourceEnum |
Java class for TimestampSourceEnum.
JaxbHbmUnsavedValueCompositeIdEnum |
Java class for UnsavedValueCompositeIdEnum.
JaxbHbmUnsavedValueTimestampEnum |
Java class for UnsavedValueTimestampEnum.
JaxbHbmUnsavedValueVersionEnum |
Java class for UnsavedValueVersionEnum.
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