Package | Description |
org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection | | | |
org.hibernate.annotations.common.util | |
org.hibernate.boot.internal | |
org.hibernate.boot.model.convert.internal | |
org.hibernate.boot.model.convert.spi | |
org.hibernate.boot.spi | |
org.hibernate.cfg |
This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes
for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel.
org.hibernate.cfg.annotations | |
org.hibernate.cfg.annotations.reflection |
Defines the capability to merge mapping information from both annotations and orm.xml sources into a unified set of
metadata in the Hibernate commons-annotations model.
org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal | |
org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.metadata.reader | | | |
org.hibernate.jpa.event.internal |
Internal details of implementing support for JPA callbacks
| |
Class and Description |
AnnotationReader |
Delegate for interacting with
ClassLoader methods. |
ClassLoadingException |
Filter properties
Provides metadata
XAnnotatedElement |
XClass |
XMember |
Represent an invokable method
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
XPackage |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
AnnotationReader |
Delegate for interacting with
ClassLoader methods. |
ClassLoadingException |
Provides metadata
Offers access to and the ability to change the metadata provider
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
XAnnotatedElement |
XClass |
XMember |
Represent an invokable method
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
XPackage |
Class and Description |
Delegate for interacting with
ClassLoader methods. |
ClassLoadingException |
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
XClass |
Class and Description |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
XClass |
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
XAnnotatedElement |
XClass |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
XAnnotatedElement |
XClass |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
AnnotationReader |
Filter properties
Provides metadata
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
XAnnotatedElement |
XClass |
XMember |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
XClass |
A member which actually is a property (as per the JavaBean spec)
Note that the same underlying artefact can be represented as both
XProperty and XMethod
The underlying layer does not guaranty that xProperty == xMethod
if the underlying artefact is the same
However xProperty.equals(xMethod) is supposed to return true
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
XClass |
Class and Description |
The entry point to the reflection layer (a.k.a.
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