public final class DOMUtils extends Object
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
DOMUtils.NullResolver |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
addNamespacePrefix(Element element,
String namespaceUri,
String prefix)
Add a namespace prefix definition to an element.
static Set<QName> |
convertStringsToQNames(List<String> expandedQNames) |
static QName |
convertStringToQName(String expandedQName) |
static QName |
convertStringToQName(String expandedQName,
String prefix) |
static Document |
createDocument() |
static String |
createNamespace(Element el,
String ns) |
static QName |
createQName(String qualifiedName,
Node node)
Creates a QName object based on the qualified name
and using the Node as a base to lookup the namespace
for the prefix
static List<Element> |
findAllElementsByTagName(Element elem,
String tagName) |
static List<Element> |
findAllElementsByTagNameNS(Element elem,
String nameSpaceURI,
String localName) |
static Element |
findChildWithAtt(Node parent,
String elemName,
String attName,
String attVal)
Find the first direct child with a given attribute.
static String |
getAllContent(Node n)
Get the text content of a node and all it's children or null if there is no text
static String |
getAttribute(Element element,
QName attName) |
static String |
getAttribute(Node element,
String attName) |
static String |
getAttributeValueEmptyNull(Element e,
String attributeName)
This function is much like getAttribute, but returns null, not "", for a nonexistent attribute.
static Node |
getChild(Node parent,
int type)
Get the first child of the specified type.
static Node |
getChild(Node parent,
String name)
Get the first element child.
static String |
getChildContent(Node parent,
String name)
Get the first child's content ( ie it's included TEXT node ).
static List<Element> |
getChildrenWithName(Element parent,
String ns,
String localName)
Return child elements with specified name.
static List<Element> |
getChildrenWithNamespace(Element parent,
String ns)
Returns all child elements with specified namespace.
static String |
getContent(Node n)
Get the trimmed text content of a node or null if there is no text
static DocumentFragment |
getDomDocumentFragment(DocumentFragment fragment)
Try to get the DOM DocumentFragment from the SAAJ DocumentFragment with JAVA9 afterwards
static Node |
getDomElement(Node node)
Try to get the DOM Node from the SAAJ Node with JAVA9 afterwards
static QName |
getElementQName(Element el) |
static Document |
Returns a static Document that should always be "empty".
static Element |
getFirstChildWithName(Element parent,
QName q)
Return the first element child with the specified qualified name.
static Element |
getFirstChildWithName(Element parent,
String ns,
String lp)
Return the first element child with the specified qualified name.
static Element |
getFirstElement(Node parent)
Get the first direct child with a given type
static String |
getNamespace(Node node,
String searchPrefix)
Starting from a node, find the namespace declaration for a prefix.
static Node |
getNext(Node current)
Get the next sibling with the same name and type
static Node |
getNext(Node current,
String name,
int type)
Return the next sibling with a given name and type
static Element |
getNextElement(Element el) |
static String |
getPrefix(Element el,
String ns) |
static void |
getPrefixes(Element element,
String namespaceUri,
List<String> prefixes)
Get all prefixes defined on this element for the specified namespace.
static void |
getPrefixesRecursive(Element element,
String namespaceUri,
List<String> prefixes)
Get all prefixes defined, up to the root, for a namespace URI.
static String |
getPrefixRecursive(Element el,
String ns) |
static String |
getRawContent(Node n)
Get the raw text content of a node or null if there is no text
static boolean |
hasAttribute(Element element,
String value) |
static boolean |
hasElementInNS(Element el,
String namespace) |
static boolean |
hasElementWithName(Element el,
String nameSpaceURI,
String localName) |
static boolean |
isJava9SAAJ() |
static Document |
Creates a new Document object
static void |
removeAttribute(Node node,
String attName) |
static void |
setAttribute(Node node,
String attName,
String val) |
static String |
setNamespace(Element element,
String namespace,
String prefix)
Set a namespace/prefix on an element if it is not set already.
static void |
setText(Node node,
String val)
Set or replace the text value
public static Document newDocument()
public static Document createDocument()
public static Document getEmptyDocument()
public static String getAttributeValueEmptyNull(Element e, String attributeName)
- attributeName
- public static String getAllContent(Node n)
public static String getContent(Node n)
public static String getRawContent(Node n)
public static Node getChild(Node parent, String name)
- lookup direct childsname
- name of the element. If null return the first element.public static Element findChildWithAtt(Node parent, String elemName, String attName, String attVal)
- elemName
- name of the element, or null for anyattName
- attribute we're looking forattVal
- attribute value or null if we just want anypublic static String getChildContent(Node parent, String name)
public static QName createQName(String qualifiedName, Node node)
- node
- public static Element getFirstElement(Node parent)
public static Element getFirstChildWithName(Element parent, QName q)
- q
- public static Element getFirstChildWithName(Element parent, String ns, String lp)
- ns
- lp
- public static List<Element> getChildrenWithName(Element parent, String ns, String localName)
- ns
- localName
- public static List<Element> getChildrenWithNamespace(Element parent, String ns)
- the element to search underns
- the namespace to find elements inpublic static Node getChild(Node parent, int type)
- type
- public static Node getNext(Node current, String name, int type)
public static void getPrefixesRecursive(Element element, String namespaceUri, List<String> prefixes)
- namespaceUri
- prefixes
- public static void getPrefixes(Element element, String namespaceUri, List<String> prefixes)
- namespaceUri
- prefixes
- public static String getNamespace(Node node, String searchPrefix)
- search up from here to search for namespace definitionssearchPrefix
- the prefix we are searching forpublic static List<Element> findAllElementsByTagNameNS(Element elem, String nameSpaceURI, String localName)
public static Node getDomElement(Node node)
- The original node we need checkpublic static DocumentFragment getDomDocumentFragment(DocumentFragment fragment)
- The original documentFragment we need to checkpublic static List<Element> findAllElementsByTagName(Element elem, String tagName)
public static boolean hasElementWithName(Element el, String nameSpaceURI, String localName)
public static String setNamespace(Element element, String namespace, String prefix)
- namespace
- prefix
- public static void addNamespacePrefix(Element element, String namespaceUri, String prefix)
- namespaceUri
- prefix
- public static boolean isJava9SAAJ()
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