Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
FilterUtils.isTopicIdentification(Filter filter)
static SimpleString |
Filter.toFilterString(Filter filter) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class implements an ActiveMQ Artemis filter
ActiveMQ Artemis filters have the same syntax as JMS 1.1 selectors, but the identifiers are different.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Filter |
FilterImpl.createFilter(SimpleString filterStr) |
static Filter |
FilterImpl.createFilter(String filterStr) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageSubscription |
PageCursorProvider.createSubscription(long queueId,
Filter filter,
boolean durable) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PageSubscription |
PageCursorProviderImpl.createSubscription(long cursorID,
Filter filter,
boolean persistent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Filter |
Binding.getFilter() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
QueueBinding |
PostOffice.updateQueue(SimpleString name,
RoutingType routingType,
Filter filter,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
Boolean exclusive,
Boolean groupRebalance,
Integer groupBuckets,
SimpleString groupFirstKey,
Boolean nonDestructive,
Integer consumersBeforeDispatch,
Long delayBeforeDispatch,
SimpleString user,
Boolean configurationManaged) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Filter |
DivertBinding.getFilter() |
Filter |
LocalQueueBinding.getFilter() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
QueueBinding |
PostOfficeImpl.updateQueue(SimpleString name,
RoutingType routingType,
Filter filter,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
Boolean exclusive,
Boolean groupRebalance,
Integer groupBuckets,
SimpleString groupFirstKey,
Boolean nonDestructive,
Integer consumersBeforeDispatch,
Long delayBeforeDispatch,
SimpleString user,
Boolean configurationManaged) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Filter |
QueueConfig.filter() |
Filter |
Consumer.getFilter() |
Filter |
Divert.getFilter() |
Filter |
Queue.getFilter() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MessageReference> |
ScheduledDeliveryHandler.cancel(Filter filter) |
int |
Queue.changeReferencesPriority(Filter filter,
byte newPriority) |
Queue |
QueueFactory.createQueue(long persistenceID,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated)
int |
Queue.deleteMatchingReferences(Filter filter) |
default int |
Queue.deleteMatchingReferences(int flushLImit,
Filter filter) |
int |
Queue.deleteMatchingReferences(int flushLImit,
Filter filter,
AckReason ackReason) |
int |
Queue.expireReferences(Filter filter)
Expire all the references in the queue which matches the filter
QueueConfig.Builder |
QueueConfig.Builder.filter(Filter filter) |
int |
Queue.moveReferences(Filter filter,
SimpleString toAddress,
Binding binding) |
int |
Queue.moveReferences(int flushLimit,
Filter filter,
SimpleString toAddress,
boolean rejectDuplicates,
Binding binding) |
int |
Queue.retryMessages(Filter filter) |
int |
Queue.sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress(Filter filter) |
void |
Queue.setFilter(Filter filter) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Filter |
Redistributor.getFilter() |
Filter |
RemoteQueueBindingImpl.getFilter() |
Filter |
BridgeImpl.getFilter() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Filter> |
RemoteQueueBindingImpl.getFilters() |
Constructor and Description |
BridgeImpl(ServerLocatorInternal serverLocator,
int initialConnectAttempts,
int reconnectAttempts,
int reconnectAttemptsSameNode,
long retryInterval,
double retryMultiplier,
long maxRetryInterval,
SimpleString name,
Queue queue,
Executor executor,
Filter filter,
SimpleString forwardingAddress,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
Transformer transformer,
boolean useDuplicateDetection,
String user,
String password,
ActiveMQServer server,
ComponentConfigurationRoutingType routingType) |
ClusterConnectionBridge(ClusterConnection clusterConnection,
ClusterManager clusterManager,
ServerLocatorInternal targetLocator,
ServerLocatorInternal discoveryLocator,
int initialConnectAttempts,
int reconnectAttempts,
long retryInterval,
double retryMultiplier,
long maxRetryInterval,
long targetNodeEventUID,
String targetNodeID,
SimpleString name,
Queue queue,
Executor executor,
Filter filterString,
SimpleString forwardingAddress,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
Transformer transformer,
boolean useDuplicateDetection,
String user,
String password,
ActiveMQServer server,
SimpleString managementAddress,
SimpleString managementNotificationAddress,
MessageFlowRecord flowRecord,
TransportConfiguration connector,
String storeAndForwardPrefix) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Filter |
DivertImpl.getFilter() |
Filter |
ServerConsumerImpl.getFilter() |
Filter |
QueueImpl.getFilter() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<MessageReference> |
ScheduledDeliveryHandlerImpl.cancel(Filter filter) |
int |
QueueImpl.changeReferencesPriority(Filter filter,
byte newPriority) |
Queue |
QueueFactoryImpl.createQueue(long persistenceID,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated)
int |
QueueImpl.deleteMatchingReferences(Filter filter) |
int |
QueueImpl.deleteMatchingReferences(int flushLimit,
Filter filter1,
AckReason ackReason) |
int |
QueueImpl.expireReferences(Filter filter) |
int |
QueueImpl.moveReferences(Filter filter,
SimpleString toAddress,
Binding binding) |
int |
QueueImpl.moveReferences(int flushLimit,
Filter filter,
SimpleString toAddress,
boolean rejectDuplicates,
Binding binding) |
int |
QueueImpl.retryMessages(Filter filter) |
int |
QueueImpl.sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress(Filter filter) |
void |
QueueImpl.setFilter(Filter filter) |
Constructor and Description |
DivertImpl(SimpleString forwardAddress,
SimpleString uniqueName,
SimpleString routingName,
boolean exclusive,
Filter filter,
Transformer transformer,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
ComponentConfigurationRoutingType routingType) |
LastValueQueue(long persistenceID,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
RoutingType routingType,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean exclusive,
Boolean groupRebalance,
Integer groupBuckets,
SimpleString groupFirstKey,
Integer consumersBeforeDispatch,
Long delayBeforeDispatch,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
SimpleString lastValueKey,
Boolean nonDestructive,
Boolean autoDelete,
Long autoDeleteDelay,
Long autoDeleteMessageCount,
boolean configurationManaged,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
QueueImpl(long id,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
RoutingType routingType,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean exclusive,
Boolean groupRebalance,
Integer groupBuckets,
Boolean nonDestructive,
Integer consumersBeforeDispatch,
Long delayBeforeDispatch,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
Boolean autoDelete,
Long autoDeleteDelay,
Long autoDeleteMessageCount,
boolean configurationManaged,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
QueueImpl(long id,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
RoutingType routingType,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean exclusive,
Boolean groupRebalance,
Integer groupBuckets,
SimpleString groupFirstKey,
Boolean nonDestructive,
Integer consumersBeforeDispatch,
Long delayBeforeDispatch,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
Boolean autoDelete,
Long autoDeleteDelay,
Long autoDeleteMessageCount,
boolean configurationManaged,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
QueueImpl(long id,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
RoutingType routingType,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean exclusive,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
QueueImpl(long id,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
RoutingType routingType,
Integer maxConsumers,
Boolean purgeOnNoConsumers,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
QueueImpl(long id,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
PageSubscription pageSubscription,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
QueueImpl(long id,
SimpleString address,
SimpleString name,
Filter filter,
SimpleString user,
boolean durable,
boolean temporary,
boolean autoCreated,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor,
PostOffice postOffice,
StorageManager storageManager,
HierarchicalRepository<AddressSettings> addressSettingsRepository,
ArtemisExecutor executor,
ActiveMQServer server,
QueueFactory factory) |
ServerConsumerImpl(long id,
ServerSession session,
QueueBinding binding,
Filter filter,
boolean started,
boolean browseOnly,
StorageManager storageManager,
SessionCallback callback,
boolean preAcknowledge,
boolean strictUpdateDeliveryCount,
ManagementService managementService,
ActiveMQServer server) |
ServerConsumerImpl(long id,
ServerSession session,
QueueBinding binding,
Filter filter,
boolean started,
boolean browseOnly,
StorageManager storageManager,
SessionCallback callback,
boolean preAcknowledge,
boolean strictUpdateDeliveryCount,
ManagementService managementService,
boolean supportLargeMessage,
Integer credits,
ActiveMQServer server) |
ServerConsumerImpl(long id,
ServerSession session,
QueueBinding binding,
Filter filter,
int priority,
boolean started,
boolean browseOnly,
StorageManager storageManager,
SessionCallback callback,
boolean preAcknowledge,
boolean strictUpdateDeliveryCount,
ManagementService managementService,
boolean supportLargeMessage,
Integer credits,
ActiveMQServer server) |
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