@Target(value={TYPE,METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(value=RUNTIME) @Documented @NormalScope @Inherited public @interface ApplicationScoped
Specifies that a bean is application scoped.
While ApplicationScoped must be associated with the built-in application context required by the specification, third-party extensions are allowed to also associate it with their own context. Behavior described below is only related to the built-in application context.
The application scope is active:
The application context is shared between all servlet requests, web service invocations, Jakarta Enterprise Bean remote method invocations, Jakarta Enterprise Bean asynchronous method invocations, Jakarta Enterprise BeanJakarta Enterprise Bean timeouts and message deliveries to message-driven beans that execute within the same application.
The application context is destroyed when the application is shut down.
An event with qualifier @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) is fired when the application context is initialized and an event with qualifier @Destroyed(ApplicationScoped.class) when the application context is destroyed. The event payload is:
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