Package | Description |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core |
Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON
processor: most importantly
used for constructing
JSON parser (JsonParser )
and generator
(JsonGenerator )
instances. |
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter | |
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind |
Basic data binding (mapping) functionality that
allows for reading JSON content into Java Objects (POJOs)
and JSON Trees (
JsonNode ), as well as
writing Java Objects and trees as JSON. |
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node |
Contains concrete
JsonNode implementations
Jackson uses for the Tree model. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected JsonPointer |
Reference from currently matching segment (if any) to node
before leaf.
protected JsonPointer |
Reference to rest of the pointer beyond currently matching
segment (if any); null if this pointer refers to the matching
protected static JsonPointer |
Marker instance used to represent segment that matches current
node or position (that is, returns true for
matches() ). |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected JsonPointer |
JsonPointer._constructHead() |
protected JsonPointer |
JsonPointer._constructHead(int suffixLength,
JsonPointer last) |
protected static JsonPointer |
JsonPointer._parseQuotedTail(String input,
int i)
Method called to parse tail of pointer path, when a potentially
escaped character has been seen.
protected static JsonPointer |
JsonPointer._parseTail(String input) |
JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.append(JsonPointer tail)
Mutant factory method that will return
`tail` if `this` instance is "empty" pointer, OR
`this` instance if `tail` is "empty" pointer, OR
Newly constructed
JsonPointer instance that starts with all segments
of `this`, followed by all segments of `tail`. |
static JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.compile(String input)
Factory method that parses given input and construct matching pointer
instance, if it represents a valid JSON Pointer: if not, a
IllegalArgumentException is thrown. |
static JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.forPath(JsonStreamContext context,
boolean includeRoot)
Factory method that will construct a pointer instance that describes
path to location given
JsonStreamContext points to. |
JsonPointer |
Accessor for getting a pointer instance that is identical to this
instance except that the last segment has been dropped.
JsonPointer |
Returns the leaf of current JSON Pointer expression.
JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.matchElement(int index) |
JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.matchProperty(String name) |
JsonPointer |
Factory method for constructing a
JsonPointer that points to the current
location within the stream that this context is for, excluding information about
"root context" (only relevant for multi-root-value cases) |
JsonPointer |
JsonStreamContext.pathAsPointer(boolean includeRoot)
Factory method for constructing a
JsonPointer that points to the current
location within the stream that this context is for, optionally including
"root value index" |
JsonPointer |
Accessor for getting a "sub-pointer", instance where current segment
has been removed and pointer includes rest of segments.
static JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.valueOf(String input)
Alias for
compile(java.lang.String) ; added to make instances automatically
deserializable by Jackson databind. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected JsonPointer |
JsonPointer._constructHead(int suffixLength,
JsonPointer last) |
JsonPointer |
JsonPointer.append(JsonPointer tail)
Mutant factory method that will return
`tail` if `this` instance is "empty" pointer, OR
`this` instance if `tail` is "empty" pointer, OR
Newly constructed
JsonPointer instance that starts with all segments
of `this`, followed by all segments of `tail`. |
TreeNode | ptr)
Method for locating node specified by given JSON pointer instances.
Constructor and Description |
JsonPointer(String fullString,
String segment,
int matchIndex,
JsonPointer next) |
JsonPointer(String fullString,
String segment,
JsonPointer next)
Constructor used for creating non-empty Segments
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected JsonPointer |
JsonPointerBasedFilter._pathToMatch |
Constructor and Description |
JsonPointerBasedFilter(JsonPointer match) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract JsonNode |
JsonNode._at(JsonPointer ptr) |
ObjectReader | pointer)
Convenience method to bind from
JsonPointerBasedFilter is registered and will be used for parsing later. |
JsonNode | ptr)
Method for locating node specified by given JSON pointer instances.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected JsonNode |
ArrayNode._at(JsonPointer ptr) |
protected JsonNode |
ObjectNode._at(JsonPointer ptr) |
protected JsonNode |
ValueNode._at(JsonPointer ptr) |
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