
Go to the documentation of this file.
00006 #include "infinispan/hotrod/RemoteCacheBase.h"
00007 #include "infinispan/hotrod/Marshaller.h"
00008 #include "infinispan/hotrod/Flag.h"
00009 #include "infinispan/hotrod/MetadataValue.h"
00010 #include "infinispan/hotrod/TimeUnit.h"
00011 #include "infinispan/hotrod/VersionedValue.h"
00012 #include "infinispan/hotrod/Version.h"
00014 #include <cmath>
00015 #include <set>
00016 #include <map>
00017 #include <sstream>
00018 #include <stdexcept>
00019 #include <vector>
00021 namespace infinispan {
00022 namespace hotrod {
00054 template <class K, class V> class RemoteCache : private RemoteCacheBase
00055 {
00056   public:
00062     std::string getName() {
00063         return base_getName();
00064     }
00071     std::string getVersion() {
00072         return Version::getVersion();
00073     }
00080     std::string getProtocolVersion() {
00081         return Version::getProtocolVersion();
00082     }
00091     V* get(const K& key) {
00092         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00093         base_get(&key, &vbuf);
00094         return vbuf.getBytes() ? valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf) : NULL;
00095     }
00116     V* put(
00117         const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan = 0, uint64_t maxIdle = 0)
00118     {
00119         return put(key, val, lifespan, SECONDS, maxIdle, SECONDS);
00120     }
00140     V* put(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit)
00141     {
00142         return put(key, val, lifespan, lifespanUnit, 0, SECONDS);
00143     }
00166     V* put(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit, uint64_t maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
00167     {
00168         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00169         base_put(&key, &val, toSeconds(lifespan, lifespanUnit), toSeconds(maxIdle, maxIdleUnit), &vbuf);
00170         return vbuf.getBytes() ? valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf) : NULL;
00171     }
00183     V* putIfAbsent(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan = 0, uint64_t maxIdle = 0)
00184     {
00185         return putIfAbsent(key, val, lifespan, SECONDS, maxIdle, SECONDS);
00186     }
00197     V* putIfAbsent(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit)
00198     {
00199         return putIfAbsent(key, val, lifespan, lifespanUnit, 0, SECONDS);
00200     }
00214     V* putIfAbsent(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit, uint64_t maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
00215     {
00216         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00217         base_putIfAbsent(&key, &val, toSeconds(lifespan, lifespanUnit), toSeconds(maxIdle, maxIdleUnit), &vbuf);
00218         return vbuf.getBytes() ? valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf) : NULL;
00219     }
00230     void putAll(const std::map<K, V>& map, uint64_t lifespan = 0, uint64_t maxIdle = 0)
00231     {
00232         putAll(map, lifespan, SECONDS, maxIdle, SECONDS);
00233     }
00244     void putAll(const std::map<K, V>& map, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit)
00245     {
00246         putAll(map, lifespan, lifespanUnit, 0, SECONDS);
00247     }
00261     void putAll(const std::map<K, V>& map, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit, uint64_t maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
00262     {
00263         uint64_t lifespanMillis = toSeconds(lifespan, lifespanUnit);
00264         uint64_t maxIdleMillis = toSeconds(maxIdle, maxIdleUnit);
00266         for (typename std::map<K, V>::const_iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) {
00267             put(it->first, it->second, lifespanMillis, maxIdleMillis);
00268         }
00269     }
00281     V* replace(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan = 0, uint64_t maxIdle = 0)
00282     {
00283         return replace(key, val, lifespan, SECONDS, maxIdle, SECONDS);
00284     }
00296     V* replace(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit)
00297     {
00298         return replace(key, val, lifespan, lifespanUnit, 0, SECONDS);
00299     }
00313     V* replace(const K& key, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit, uint64_t maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
00314     {
00315         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00316         base_replace(&key, &val, toSeconds(lifespan, lifespanUnit), toSeconds(maxIdle, maxIdleUnit), &vbuf);
00317         return vbuf.getBytes() ? valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf) : NULL;
00318     }
00331     V* replace(const K& key, const V& oldVal, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan = 0, uint64_t maxIdle = 0)
00332     {
00333         return replace(key, oldVal, val, lifespan, SECONDS, maxIdle, SECONDS);
00334     }
00346     V* replace(const K& key, const V& oldVal, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit)
00347     {
00348         return replace(key, oldVal, val, lifespan, lifespanUnit, 0, SECONDS);
00349     }
00363     V* replace(const K& key, const V& oldVal, const V& val, uint64_t lifespan, TimeUnit lifespanUnit, uint64_t maxIdle, TimeUnit maxIdleUnit)
00364     {
00365         throw UnsupportedOperationException();
00366     }
00374     V* remove(const K& key) {
00375         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00376         base_remove(&key, &vbuf);
00377         return vbuf.getBytes() ? valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf) : NULL;
00378     }
00384     bool containsKey(const K& key) {
00385         bool res;
00386         base_containsKey(&key, &res);
00387         return res;
00388     }
00393     bool containsValue(const V& val) {
00394         throw UnsupportedOperationException();
00395     }
00410     bool replaceWithVersion(
00411         const K& key, const V& val,
00412         uint64_t version, uint64_t lifespan = 0, uint64_t maxIdle = 0)
00413     {
00414         bool res;
00415         base_replaceWithVersion(&key, &val, version, lifespan, maxIdle, &res);
00416         return res;
00417     }
00436     bool removeWithVersion(const K& key, uint64_t version) {
00437         bool res;
00438         base_removeWithVersion(&key, version, &res);
00439         return res;
00440     }
00451     std::pair<HR_SHARED_PTR<V>, VersionedValue> getWithVersion(const K& key) {
00452         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00453         VersionedValue version;
00454         base_getWithVersion(&key, &vbuf, &version);
00455         return vbuf.getBytes() ?
00456                     std::make_pair(HR_SHARED_PTR<V>(valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf)), version) :
00457                     std::make_pair(HR_SHARED_PTR<V>(), version);
00458     }
00469     std::pair<HR_SHARED_PTR<V>, MetadataValue> getWithMetadata(const K& key) {
00470         ScopedBuffer vbuf;
00471         MetadataValue metadata;
00472         base_getWithMetadata(&key, &vbuf, &metadata);
00473         return vbuf.getBytes() ?
00474             std::make_pair(HR_SHARED_PTR<V>(valueMarshaller->unmarshall(vbuf)), metadata) :
00475             std::make_pair(HR_SHARED_PTR<V>(), metadata);
00476     }
00481     std::map<HR_SHARED_PTR<K>, HR_SHARED_PTR<V> > getBulk() {
00482         return getBulk(0);
00483     }
00488     std::map<HR_SHARED_PTR<K>, HR_SHARED_PTR<V> > getBulk(int nrOfEntries) {
00489       std::map<void*, void*> mbuf;
00490       base_getBulk(nrOfEntries, &mbuf);
00492       std::map<HR_SHARED_PTR<K>, HR_SHARED_PTR<V> > result;
00493         for(std::map<void*, void*>::const_iterator i = mbuf.begin(); i != mbuf.end(); i++) {
00494             result.insert(std::make_pair(
00495                 HR_SHARED_PTR<K>((K*)i->first), HR_SHARED_PTR<V>((V*)i->second)));
00496         }
00497         return result;
00498     }
00503     std::set<std::pair<K, V> > entrySet() {
00504         throw UnsupportedOperationException();
00505     }
00513     std::set<HR_SHARED_PTR<K> > keySet() {
00514       std::set<void*> p;
00515       base_keySet(0,&p);
00517         std::set<HR_SHARED_PTR<K> > result;
00518         for(std::set<void*>::const_iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); i++) {
00519         result.insert(HR_SHARED_PTR<K>((K*)*i));
00520       }
00521       return result;
00522     }
00528     uint64_t size() {
00529         std::map<std::string,std::string> statistics;
00530         base_stats(&statistics);
00531         std::istringstream sizeAsStream;
00532         sizeAsStream.str(statistics["currentNumberOfEntries"]);
00533         int result;
00534         sizeAsStream >> result;
00535         // TODO: check errors
00536         return result;
00537     }
00543     bool isEmpty() {
00544         return 0 == size();
00545     }
00550     std::vector<V> values() {
00551         throw UnsupportedOperationException();
00552     }
00559     std::map<std::string, std::string> stats() {
00560         std::map<std::string,std::string> statistics;
00561         base_stats(&statistics);
00562         return statistics;
00563     }
00569     void clear() {
00570         base_clear();
00571     }
00577     void ping() {
00578         base_ping();
00579     }
00586     RemoteCache<K,V>& withFlags(Flag flags) {
00587         base_withFlags(flags);
00588         return *this;
00589     }
00591     RemoteCache(const RemoteCache &other) :
00592       RemoteCacheBase(other), keyMarshaller(other.keyMarshaller), valueMarshaller(other.valueMarshaller)
00593     {
00594         setMarshallers(this, &keyMarshall, &valueMarshall, &keyUnmarshall, &valueUnmarshall);
00595     }
00597     RemoteCache<K,V>& operator=(const RemoteCache& other) {
00598         RemoteCacheBase::operator=(other);
00599         keyMarshaller = other.keyMarshaller;
00600         valueMarshaller = other.valueMarshaller;
00601         setMarshallers(this, &keyMarshall, &valueMarshall, &keyUnmarshall, &valueUnmarshall);
00602         return *this;
00603     }
00605   private:
00606     RemoteCache() : RemoteCacheBase() {
00607         setMarshallers(this, &keyMarshall, &valueMarshall, &keyUnmarshall, &valueUnmarshall);
00608     }
00610     uint64_t toSeconds(uint64_t time, TimeUnit unit) {
00611         uint64_t result;
00612         switch (unit) {
00613         case NANOSECONDS:
00614             result = (uint64_t) ceil(time / 1000000000.0);
00615             break;
00616         case MICROSECONDS:
00617             result = (uint64_t) ceil(time / 1000000.0);
00618             break;
00619         case MILLISECONDS:
00620             result = (uint64_t) ceil(time / 1000.0);
00621             break;
00622         case SECONDS:
00623             result = time;
00624             break;
00625         case MINUTES:
00626             result = time * 60;
00627             break;
00628         case HOURS:
00629             result = time * 3600;
00630             break;
00631         case DAYS:
00632             result = time * 86400;
00633             break;
00634         default:
00635             std::stringstream ss;
00636             ss << "Unhandled TimeUnit specified: " << unit << ".";
00637             throw std::invalid_argument(ss.str());
00638         }
00639         return result;
00640     }
00642     // type-hiding and resurrecting support
00643     static void keyMarshall(void *thisp, const void* key, void* buf) {
00644         ((RemoteCache<K, V> *) thisp)->keyMarshaller->marshall(*(const K *) key, *(ScopedBuffer *) buf);
00645     }
00646     static void valueMarshall(void* thisp, const void* val, void* buf) {
00647         ((RemoteCache<K, V> *)thisp)->valueMarshaller->marshall(*(const V *) val, *(ScopedBuffer *) buf);
00648     }
00649     static void* keyUnmarshall(void *thisp, const void* buf) {
00650         return ((RemoteCache<K, V> *) thisp)->keyMarshaller->unmarshall(*(const ScopedBuffer *) buf);
00651     }
00652     static void* valueUnmarshall(void* thisp, const void* buf) {
00653         return ((RemoteCache<K, V> *)thisp)->valueMarshaller->unmarshall(*(const ScopedBuffer *) buf);
00654     }
00656     HR_SHARED_PTR<Marshaller<K> > keyMarshaller;
00657     HR_SHARED_PTR<Marshaller<V> > valueMarshaller;
00659   friend class RemoteCacheManager;
00660 };
00662 }} // namespace
00664 #endif  /* ISPN_HOTROD_REMOTECACHE_H */

Generated on 26 Mar 2014 for InfinispanHotRodC++Client by  doxygen 1.4.7