Red Hat Cluster Suite 4.6 Release Notes

Known Issues

  • A known device mapper issue causes unexpected cmirror deadlocking. This issue prevents reliable use of cluster mirrors configured with three or more legs. As such, it is advised that you avoid configuring cluster mirrors with three legs or more until this issue is resolved.

  • The kernel modules for GFS, DLM, and GNBD used to support virtualization guests are not yet present in this release. They will released via Red Hat Network after GFS becomes fully supported on virtualized Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6 guests.

  • POWER-based packages are not yet present in this release. They will be released via Red Hat Network as part of an asynchronous errata after the release of GFS and Red Hat Cluster Suite 4.6.

  • Running the multipath command with the -ll option can cause the command to hang if one of the paths is on a blocking device. Note that the driver does not fail a request after some time if the device does not respond.

    This is caused by the cleanup code, which waits until the path checker request either completes or fails. To display the current multipath state without hanging the command, use multipath -l instead.