Can the supporting database schema be shared between instances of JBoss EAP

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP)
    • 5
  • Red Hat JBoss Data Services (EDS)
    • 5
  • Red Hat JBoss SOA Platform (SOA-P)
    • 5


  • Current architecture utilizes the JBOSS SOA-P/EDS platform (which contains EAP 5.1.1). Planning to point JBOSS EAP 5.1.2 at the same database instance and schema that is used for JBOSS SOA-P/EDS. Red Hat has confirmed that the supporting schema is the same between the two versions of EAP, but will this configuration work and is it supportable?
  • Is sharing a schema between nodes of the same cluster a safe practice?
  • Is it possible to use a single schema for all of the nodes in a given cluster?


A single database schema for the standard JBoss EAP services can be shared by all instances within the same cluster. For instance, clustered JBoss Messaging requires a shared schema.

Instances that are not in the same cluster should not share the same schema.

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