Exchanges completed per time unit in JBoss Fuse management plug-in for JBoss ON

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat JBoss Operations Network (ON) 3.1.2
  • Red Hat JBoss A-MQ 6.0.0 management plug-in for JBoss ON 3.1.2
  • Camel Route or Camel Processor service resource's Exchanges metric


  • Exchanges completed per period
  • Need metric for routes fired once an hour or once a day
  • Use different period for Exchanged Completed per Minute
  • Possible to get Exchanged Completed per hour or per day or per 5 minutes
  • Capture total number of message exchange completed every time interval


The Camel Route and Processor exchange metrics can be captured and reported as per minute values. The per minute time period cannot be changed.

To determine a count for a different time period, the per minute average value can be used for the desired time period and then that value multiplied by the number of minutes in the desired time period. For example, to see a 1 hour period, take the per minute average for the target hour and multiply it by 60. The same can be done for a day by retrieving the average per minute exchange for the target day and multiplying it by 1440.

Root Cause

The Camel Route and Processor exchange metrics are classified as a trends up measurement type. This means that each metric will provide a respective per minute value. This per minute value represents the delta between two data collection points divided by the number of minutes elapsed between the two collections.

For more details about dynamic or trending metrics, see Counting Metrics: Dynamic Values and Trend Values.

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