Percpu memory accounts for a large percentage of memory

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Why Percpu accounts for a large percentage of memory?

    $ cat /proc/meminfo
    MemTotal:        7902996 kB
    MemFree:          285480 kB
    MemAvailable:    1510648 kB
    Percpu:          2939520 kB
  • Why Percpu memory gradually increases while using podman?

  • We're not using podman, but Percpu memory increases. Is this a bug?


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS shipped with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.8 (older than 4.8.49)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS shipped with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.9 (older than 4.9.48)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS shipped with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 (older than 4.10.31)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS shipped with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 (older than 4.11.5)
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS shipped with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.13 (older than 4.13.13)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.1 (RHEL 8.2 kernel)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 16.2
  • Issue encountered with cgroups v1 as well as with cgroups v2

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