ETL service sampling has encountered an error reported in the RHV-M GUI/webadmin events tab.

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • Red Hat Virtualization (RHV-M) version: 4.4.6 (ovirt-engine-
  • Red Hat Virtualization (RHV-M) Data Warehouse version (ovirt-engine-dwh-


  • ETL service sampling has encountered an error reported in the RHV-M GUI/webadmin events tab.

  • The /var/log/ovirt-engine-dwh/ovirt-engine-dwh.log file contains the following error:

2021-06-05 15:17:59|E2VBuS|8AswF0|BTCsBe|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|SampleTimeKeepingJob|Default|6|Java Exception|tRunJob_1|java.lang.RuntimeException:Child job running failed|1
Exception in component tJDBCInput_18
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Bad value for type int : 2705788958
        at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet.toInt(
        at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgResultSet.getInt(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.statisticssync_4_4.StatisticsSync.tJDBCInput_18Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.statisticssync_4_4.StatisticsSync$
2021-06-05 15:18:01|h9VuCs|8AswF0|z4SX9P|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|StatisticsSync|Default|6|Java Exception|tJDBCInput_18|org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:Bad value for type int : 2705788958|1
Exception in component tRunJob_5
java.lang.RuntimeException: Child job running failed
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs.tRunJob_5Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs.tRunJob_6Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs.tRunJob_1Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs.tRunJob_4Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs.tJDBCConnection_2Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs.tJDBCConnection_1Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.samplerunjobs_4_4.SampleRunJobs$
2021-06-05 15:18:01|z4SX9P|8AswF0|85YaR7|OVIRT_ENGINE_DWH|SampleRunJobs|Default|6|Java Exception|tRunJob_5|java.lang.RuntimeException:Child job running failed|1
Exception in component tRunJob_1
java.lang.RuntimeException: Child job running failed
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tRunJob_1Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_2Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCConnection_1Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCConnection_2Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tRowGenerator_2Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_3Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_5Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCInput_4Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob.tJDBCConnection_3Process(
        at ovirt_engine_dwh.sampletimekeepingjob_4_4.SampleTimeKeepingJob$


  • BZ 1929211 was added to correct the defect and fixed in ovirt-engine-dwh-

  • Please upgrade the to the following errata fix version to avoid the problem.

RHBA-2021:2528 - Bug Fix Advisory ->

Root Cause

  • The IOPS stats from VDSM are gathered via libvirt and libvirt returns a long long (64bit long)
  • In the engine database the table disk_image_dynamic column read_ops and write_ops are type bigint to accommodate the value.

  • The problem actually is on the ovirt-engine-dwh database side.
    The following tables have the read_ops_per_second and write_ops_per_second type as int4 (-2147483648 to +2147483647)

  • The ETL Bad Value is generated when trying to update the IOPS stats on the ovirt-engine-dwh database in the tables mentioned above.

Diagnostic Steps

  • When checking the engine database, in the table disk_image_dynamic the following images read_ops and write_ops with higher values.
               image_id               |  read_ops  | write_ops 
 354b7807-a273-4f97-8072-a3bc664f7721 | 2705807314 |  35957110
  • In the ovirt_engine_history database the read_ops_per_second and write_ops_per_second are type integer (-2147483648 to +2147483647) for the following tables.
                                           Table "public.vm_disk_samples_history"
            Column             |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  
 history_id                    | bigint                   |           | not null | nextval('vm_disk_history_seq1'::regclass)
 history_datetime              | timestamp with time zone |           | not null | 
 image_id                      | uuid                     |           |          | 
 vm_disk_status                | smallint                 |           |          | 
 vm_disk_actual_size_mb        | integer                  |           | not null | 
 read_rate_bytes_per_second    | integer                  |           |          | 
 read_latency_seconds          | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 write_rate_bytes_per_second   | integer                  |           |          | 
 write_latency_seconds         | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 flush_latency_seconds         | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 vm_disk_configuration_version | integer                  |           |          | 
 vm_disk_id                    | uuid                     |           | not null | 
 seconds_in_status             | integer                  |           | not null | 20
 read_ops_per_second           | integer                  |           |          | 
 write_ops_per_second          | integer                  |           |          | 
    "vm_disk_samples_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (history_id)
    "idx_vm_disk_configuration_version_samples" btree (vm_disk_configuration_version)
    "idx_vm_disk_history_datetime_samples" btree (history_datetime)
    "vm_disk_samples_history_vm_disk_id_idx" btree (vm_disk_id)

                                        Table "public.vm_disk_daily_history"
             Column              |     Type      | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  
 history_id                      | bigint        |           | not null | nextval('vm_disk_history_seq3'::regclass)
 history_datetime                | date          |           | not null | 
 image_id                        | uuid          |           |          | 
 vm_disk_status                  | smallint      |           |          | 
 minutes_in_status               | numeric(7,2)  |           | not null | 1
 vm_disk_actual_size_mb          | integer       |           | not null | 
 read_rate_bytes_per_second      | integer       |           |          | 
 max_read_rate_bytes_per_second  | integer       |           |          | 
 read_latency_seconds            | numeric(18,9) |           |          | 
 max_read_latency_seconds        | numeric(18,9) |           |          | 
 write_rate_bytes_per_second     | integer       |           |          | 
 max_write_rate_bytes_per_second | integer       |           |          | 
 write_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9) |           |          | 
 max_write_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9) |           |          | 
 flush_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9) |           |          | 
 max_flush_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9) |           |          | 
 vm_disk_configuration_version   | integer       |           |          | 
 vm_disk_id                      | uuid          |           | not null | 
 read_ops_per_second             | integer       |           |          | 
 write_ops_per_second            | integer       |           |          | 
 max_read_ops_per_second         | integer       |           |          | 
 max_write_ops_per_second        | integer       |           |          | 
    "vm_disk_daily_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (history_id)
    "idx_vm_disk_configuration_version_daily" btree (vm_disk_configuration_version)
    "idx_vm_disk_history_datetime_daily" btree (history_datetime)
    "vm_disk_daily_history_vm_disk_id_idx" btree (vm_disk_id)

                                             Table "public.vm_disk_hourly_history"
             Column              |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                  Default                  
 history_id                      | bigint                   |           | not null | nextval('vm_disk_history_seq2'::regclass)
 history_datetime                | timestamp with time zone |           | not null | 
 image_id                        | uuid                     |           |          | 
 vm_disk_status                  | smallint                 |           |          | 
 minutes_in_status               | numeric(7,2)             |           | not null | 1
 vm_disk_actual_size_mb          | integer                  |           | not null | 
 read_rate_bytes_per_second      | integer                  |           |          | 
 max_read_rate_bytes_per_second  | integer                  |           |          | 
 read_latency_seconds            | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 max_read_latency_seconds        | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 write_rate_bytes_per_second     | integer                  |           |          | 
 max_write_rate_bytes_per_second | integer                  |           |          | 
 write_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 max_write_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 flush_latency_seconds           | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 max_flush_latency_seconds       | numeric(18,9)            |           |          | 
 vm_disk_configuration_version   | integer                  |           |          | 
 vm_disk_id                      | uuid                     |           | not null | 
 read_ops_per_second             | integer                  |           |          | 
 write_ops_per_second            | integer                  |           |          | 
 max_read_ops_per_second         | integer                  |           |          | 
 max_write_ops_per_second        | integer                  |           |          | 
    "vm_disk_hourly_history_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (history_id)
    "idx_vm_disk_configuration_version_hourly" btree (vm_disk_configuration_version)
    "idx_vm_disk_history_datetime_hourly" btree (history_datetime)
    "vm_disk_hourly_history_vm_disk_id_idx" btree (vm_disk_id)

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