The option specific output of date command has changed from RHEL7 to RHEL8

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8
  • coreutils-8.30, coreutils-8.22


  • The output of date -uIseconds command in RHEL 7 :
  • The output of the same command in RHEL 8 :
  • Is this documented in the Release notes etc ?


  • This change has been documented in the man pages of date , use following command to view the complete manual.
$ info coreutils 'date invocation'

Root Cause

This is one of behaviour changes introduced in coreutils-8.30 shipped with RHEL 8 vs. coreutils-8.22 as of RHEL 7. See corresponding announcement in coreutils Changelog:

    Noteworthy changes in release 8.26 (2016-11-30)

        Changes in behavior
        date --iso-8601 now uses +00:00 timezone format rather than +0000.
        The standard states to use this "extended" format throughout a timestamp.

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