Unable to pull image from internal registry

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)
    • 3.11


  • When I instantiate a pod on a node with a local registry image it goes in PullBackOff even if the image should be available.


If the secret for the docker.cfg of the Service Account has been accidentally deleted recreating the Service Account solves the problem

Diagnostic Steps

It is possible to check if there is an image in the local registry with this command:

# skopeo inspect docker://registry.example.local/cloudselector-elk/zookeeper:latest { "Name": "registry.example.local/cloudselector-elk/zookeeper", "Digest": "sha256:4e793f8fb9aeebb67bb9ebd21701b5a6fb22528f1da3b41c81378e891f6b4ae3", "RepoTags": [ "latest" }

It is also recommended to check if there is the image stream with this command:

# oc get is zookeeper -n cloudselector-elk
NAME        DOCKER REPO                                                    TAGS      UPDATED
zookeeper   docker-registry.default.svc:5000/cloudselector-elk/zookeeper   latest    12 months ago

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