Test Openshift Container Platform (OCP) flow matrix

Solution Unverified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Openshift Container Platform 3.11
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux >= 7


Strange behaviour on OCP 3.11 or broken communication between nodes.


couldn't get resource list for servicecatalog.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request
couldn't get resource list for metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server is currently unable to handle the request


The underlying network and firewalls can be tested by using this Ansible playbook : https://github.com/simbelmas/ocp-flow-tester

Different levels of checks can be achieved:

  • disabling firewall, underlying network is tested
  • keeping firewall, cluster configuration and underlying network is tested

Root Cause

The underlying network does not meet prerequisites expectations or cluster configuration is wrong.

  • Component
  • SDN

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