Mapping API Provider environments to 3scale

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • 2.X On-Premise


  • How do I set up environments dev, prod, staging on 3scale instance ?
  • Is it possible to setup dev, test, prod environments on a single OpenShift cluster ?


There is more than one way to set up an API Provider's backend environments such as dev, prod, staging for a 3scale On Premise installation. The different approaches and their trade offs are described in Mapping API environments in 3scale . The documentation is for 3scale 2.6 version. Nonetheless, the guidelines apply to later releases of 3scale. THREESCALE-5205 has been created to improve the documentation.

Root Cause

Documentation regarding setting up environments is only there in 3scale 2.6 and not in subsequent versions. The location of this section is not obvious.

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