Failed to provision volume: invalid AccessModes [ReadWriteMany]

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat AMQ (AMQ)
    • 6.3
  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OpenShift)
    • 3.11


  • Failed to provision volume: invalid AccessModes [ReadWriteMany]
  • How to provision JBoss AMQ 6.3 persistent template on OpenShift


Full procedure to deploy AMQ 6 persistent templates with ReadWriteOnce access mode:


oc login -u developer -p x
oc new-project $PROJECT_NAME

oc replace --force -f $IMAGE_STREAM
echo '{"kind": "ServiceAccount", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {"name": "amq63"}}' | oc create -f -

curl -o my-broker.json $TEMPLATE_NAME
sed -i -e "s/ReadWriteMany/ReadWriteOnce/g" my-broker.json

oc process -f my-broker.json \
    -p MQ_USERNAME=admin \
    -p MQ_PASSWORD=admin \
    | oc create -f -

Root Cause

In AMQ 6, the access mode is not one of the expected input parameters, so it must be manually changed before applying the template.

Diagnostic Steps

A similar error can be observed while provisioning:

Failed to provision volume with StorageClass "xxxx": invalid AccessModes [ReadWriteMany]: only AccessModes [ReadWriteOnce] are supported

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